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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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I've applied for a job I both need and want very much. The interview was yesterday; I believe I did well, but I won't know the outcome until after the first of June. Please wish me luck, or say a prayer for me--I have been looking for work for months, and this job would be ideal. Thank you all. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18141. May 17 18, 8:53 PM
FatherSteve star

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As Kilauea continues to erupt and throws massive amounts of material explosively into the air, the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is closed to the public. NPR spoke with a park ranger today who reported on the condition of the buildings in the park. When asked if the ranger wasn't afraid of being caught in some downpour of burning lava, the ranger rather cleverly pointed to the park service's trademark Smokey Bear headgear and said "That's why we wear this special hat."

Reply #18142. May 17 18, 9:35 PM
TheQueenly1 Sending positive vibes your way :)

Reply #18143. May 17 18, 10:48 PM
stevetastic star

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Not much to say today except ... Missmess makes the best cake! Enjoying a slice of it now! Yummy!

Reply #18144. May 18 18, 12:12 AM
jasa9092 star

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Please don't make a quiz question that says something like, "Everyone knows...". I just had one of those in the Duels and I have never even heard of the book it was talking about, let alone the thing that I "already know". *shaking my head*

Reply #18145. May 18 18, 12:54 AM
wellenbrecher star
Summer is back after three days of heavy rain. What a relief.

Reply #18146. May 18 18, 1:15 AM
LauraMcC star

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I really want to visit all of the inhabited British islands over the next few years, so tomorrow I am planning a short trip to Great Cumbrae, in the Firth of Clyde.

Looking forward to it!

Reply #18147. May 18 18, 1:53 AM

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RE Yanny/Laurel thing: the clip you hear actually has both of those being said at the same time, but with voices that have different pitches. I heard Laurel in a low-pitched male voice, so I assume that those who hear Yanny are hearing a higher-pitched sound. Which one you hear depends on at least two factors. First, as you age your hearing tends to be less responsive to high frequencies, so you are more likely to pick up the lower-pitched sounds. Second, it also depends on the physical device that is reproducing the sound for you. Different speakers will have different balances of the mixture of frequencies. I have a friend who heard Yanny while driving in her car and hearing it on the radio, but Laurel when she got home and it came over her digital home radio.

It's a little like the color-blindness charts, which are a bunch of dots in different colors. If you have normal trichromatic vision, a certain combination of them will appear to be the same color, and you see that number/letter/image. But if your eyes are not able to distinguish that particular color from others, you see a different number/letter/image, which is produced by the strength of the color (how bright the dot is), not be its actual color. In fact, since there are a number of different types of color-blindness, there may be a number of different observations! All of those are there all the time, it's just a matter of what your senses pick up.

Reply #18148. May 18 18, 4:27 AM
JudithCrafard star

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By Terray Sylvester

PAHOA, Hawaii (Reuters) - Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano spewed ash nearly six miles (9 km) into the sky on Thursday and scientists warned this could be the first in a string of more violent explosive eruptions with the next possibly occurring within hours.

Reply #18149. May 18 18, 8:35 AM
Thankful for the blessings each day.

Reply #18150. May 18 18, 9:05 AM
tiye star

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With a balmy 27 C this weekend, the only place to be is the beach!

Reply #18151. May 18 18, 9:16 AM
sportsfanmas star
Between coaching and umpiring, I have come to the conclusion that I will be on a baseball field almost every single day or night between tonight and mid-August. hoo boy!

Reply #18152. May 18 18, 9:55 AM
mlpitter star
I’m tired of the rain

Reply #18153. May 18 18, 10:32 AM
MtnGuy1954 star

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Another day, another 50 cents. Inflation you know. Economy improves and prices rise. But no one ever said life is fair.

Reply #18154. May 18 18, 3:57 PM
DaMoopies star

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I don't have something nice to say.

Reply #18155. May 18 18, 4:07 PM
varnish star

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More rain

Reply #18156. May 18 18, 9:48 PM
Psychic Polar Bear got 2 CB words today and I had Chinese food. ! . Thank Ye.

Reply #18157. May 19 18, 12:28 AM
Geoff565 star

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two things on television today, the royal wedding of Harry and Meghan and the FA Cup Final

Reply #18158. May 19 18, 2:16 AM
I'm busy today

Reply #18159. May 19 18, 5:19 AM
C30 star

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Geoff.............the first I find of absolutely NO interest, and the second is supposed to be EFL FA Cup very lucky to find even ONE British (let alone English) player in both teams combined. Manchester (money is no object) United v Chelsea (money is no object)..........boring, boring, BORING. :(

Reply #18160. May 19 18, 7:49 AM

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