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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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daver852 star

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If Harry had married Lucy Pinder, I would have watched the wedding.

Reply #18161. May 19 18, 7:56 AM

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Saddened by the news yesterday of the death of a friend in Michigan.

Reply #18162. May 19 18, 9:26 AM
ArlingtonVA star

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Does anybody use both Amazon and Grubhub for meal deliveries? Seems to me Amazon is losing that battle. Agree? Disagree?

Reply #18163. May 19 18, 9:36 AM
Hello there, Daily Challengers sent me, something completely boring about myself is that I am learning 100 foreign greetings by memory. I have cracked just over 30 but hopefully will reach my goal by the end of the year.

Reply #18164. May 19 18, 10:53 AM
It's another big day for equestrian fans! Got your Preakness on?

Reply #18165. May 19 18, 2:50 PM
sadwings star

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Here's a little food for thought story.

We've all heard the tired, worn out saying about the cup being either half full or half empty. Those who see it as half full are optimists while those who feel it is half empty are pessimists and blah blah. This is just exactly the kind of thing that the word "Pa-leeeze" was invented for.

In the meantime, does anyone ever stop to think what could possibly be in the cup in the first place? Of course not, they are too busy assuming and thinking that they know something, when many times, the truth is, they don't know jack. What if the cup contained some kind of radioactive element that could easily kill hundreds of thousands of people or more, or what if it was a piece of the Blob and it was coming hard and heavy after YOU? :-( Half empty now becomes the positive while half full clearly becomes the negative.

The moral of the story: The next time you think you know just all there is to know about any given event or scenario or occasion, just make sure you are aware of and fully understand every last element involved before you get too smug with yourself. Otherwise, some unknown element out there will likely sneak right up behind you and take a bite square out of your butt. Move 'em out............yo!

Reply #18166. May 19 18, 3:38 PM
I really liked your perspective on the "glass half full/empty" idea, sadwings. An intriguing notion that can give us all food for thought. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18167. May 19 18, 4:59 PM
Thank you, catnlib! I appreciate the kind thoughts. I'm keeping my fingers crossed--which makes it hard to type, ha! ;)

Reply #18168. May 19 18, 5:02 PM
Hola, lateash, I don't believe your goal to learn 100 greetings in 100 different languages is boring at all. Such things keep the mind active, and if you encounter a non-English speaker, at least you will be able to greet him or her. Good luck! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18169. May 19 18, 5:05 PM
I had to be at work today, so I recorded the royal wedding. I hope Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have a good marriage and a long, happy life together. As she is the first American ever to marry into the British royal family and be welcomed, I hope she does us all proud, and wish her and Prince Harry the best! (I know Wallis Simpson was the first American to marry a British royal, but she wasn't exactly welcomed. Still, Edward VIII's abdication to marry her probably worked out for the best, considering his political opinions. His younger brother, father of the present Queen Elizabeth II, made a much better king, IMO.) Best wishes to everyone today! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18170. May 19 18, 5:11 PM
cowboybluedog star

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From the "This occurred to me today" file:
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: Either the car is new or the wife is.

Reply #18171. May 19 18, 7:21 PM
1995Tarpon star

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Just enjoying a mixed drink and Funtrivia on a warm Saturday night!

Reply #18172. May 19 18, 8:42 PM
Alison4 star

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I'm quite tired today. I went to a Royal Wedding party last night to watch the wedding with some of my friend. The time difference between England and Australia meant that the wedding didn't start until 9pm, so it was quite late once it finished. Afterwards I drove home, had a quick nap and then got up again to watch the FA Cup! I follow Manchester United so it wasn't the result I was hoping for, but can anyone tell me if Prince William presented the cup to the winning team? I believe he does this every year but obviously it was in Windsor for the wedding.

Reply #18173. May 19 18, 10:06 PM
missmess star

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I'm dreading going back to work tonight. Wish I could just quit.

Reply #18174. May 20 18, 12:19 AM
linkan star

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I’m from Vegas and hoping my Vegas Knights win tomorrow so we can play for the Stanley Cup. So excited !!

Reply #18175. May 20 18, 1:02 AM
I am not going to mention the weather this time,though we are still waiting for winter to start {26c again today and only 11 days to the first day{.We have just moved into our new home by the lake in Lake Macquarie.Great view and nice neighbours.Loving retirement/////

Reply #18176. May 20 18, 1:16 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I didn't watch the F.A Cup Final as we were invited to a party at the same time. It doesn't sound as though I missed much. Winning by just one penalty is never satisfactory and it does not sound like an exciting match. One point of interest though is that Mourinho, manager of Man Utd, used to be the manager of Chelsea. I guess he was doubly unhappy at the end. He said a funny thing a few days ago, that Man Utd should not be judged by the outcome of this game. It sounded almost like he was expecting Man Utd to lose.

Reply #18177. May 20 18, 1:16 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I did watch the Royal Wedding out of curiosity, but not the hours of interviews in the run up or the aftermath, just the ceremony itself and the drive round the town afterwards. It struck me as a more normal wedding than Royal Weddings usually are, and that was a good thing - a bit more relaxed,like a family affair with some pomp and ceremony added. The music was an interesting mix with some nice choices. Meghan Markle never seemed stiff with fright like most Royal brides. She was smiling the whole time. I guess she's used to performance and the spotlight, but it was still impressive. Nothing went wrong and there were very sweet and natural elements to it. It seems like a genuine love match. I do get sick of too much emphasis on the Royals quite often, and I wouldn't describe myself as a romantic, but I can take them in small doses.

Reply #18178. May 20 18, 1:24 AM
Creedy star

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I loved the wedding ceremony so much that I watched it again on telly this morning.

Reply #18179. May 20 18, 1:33 AM
What impressed me most about the royal wedding was the fact that Megan had ten bridesmaids and pages under the age of seven and nothing seemed to go disastrously wrong!

Reply #18180. May 20 18, 2:47 AM

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