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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Midget40 star

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I overdosed on all the prewedding shows and the leadup so now its all over I'm a bit weddinged out

Reply #18181. May 20 18, 6:23 AM
JudithCrafard star

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On This Day in History

On this day in 1873, San Francisco businessman Levi Strauss and Reno, Nevada, tailor Jacob Davis are given a patent to create work pants reinforced with metal rivets, marking the birth of one of the world’s most famous garments: blue jeans.

In San Francisco, Strauss established a wholesale dry goods business under his own name and worked as the West Coast representative of his family’s firm. His new business imported clothing, fabric and other dry goods to sell in the small stores opening all over California and other Western states to supply the rapidly expanding communities of gold miners and other settlers. By 1866, Strauss had moved his company to expanded headquarters and was a well-known businessman and supporter of the Jewish community in San Francisco.

Jacob Davis, a tailor in Reno, Nevada, was one of Levi Strauss’ regular customers. In 1872, he wrote a letter to Strauss about his method of making work pants with metal rivets on the stress points–at the corners of the pockets and the base of the button fly–to make them stronger. As Davis didn’t have the money for the necessary paperwork, he suggested that Strauss provide the funds and that the two men get the patent together. Strauss agreed enthusiastically, and the patent for “Improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings”–the innovation that would produce blue jeans as we know them–was granted to both men on May 20, 1873.

Reply #18182. May 20 18, 7:40 AM
lonely-lady star

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I did not watch either the Royal Wedding or the Cup Final. There again, I have neither the interest nor a TV license.

Reply #18183. May 20 18, 8:28 AM
cowboybluedog star

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Reply to lonely-lady:
Ditto, to both or all or each or ...
Well, I mean, I agree with you.

Reply #18184. May 20 18, 8:52 AM
Was at the Scottish Cup Final yesterday. Sadly, we lost but gave the favourites a decent game.

Reply #18185. May 20 18, 10:23 AM
I hope any readers of this post are not easily offended.

I have decided to relate a short and dirty story.

A white horse fell into a mud puddle.

My story not to your tastes? I'll clean it up for you.

The horse jumped into a river.

Have a great day!

Reply #18186. May 20 18, 11:22 AM
HairyBear star

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Lahteash, are you using or something else? I use Omniglot a lot to send my team unusual and different greetings a couple times a week.

Reply #18187. May 20 18, 3:56 PM
Great news, the tv series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., is being renewed for a 6th season. Viewers who love AoS, rejoice.

Reply #18188. May 20 18, 9:11 PM
Joepetz star

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I was less interested in this royal wedding than I was with the last one.

Reply #18189. May 20 18, 9:28 PM
Barbarini star

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Another beautiful little Arts & Crafts bungalow on my street has a date with the wrecking ball next week. The new owners, who are building a monster side-by-side duplex, have given me permission to take the plants out of the garden. Small mercies.

Reply #18190. May 21 18, 7:38 AM

player avatar
Summer sessions are starting.

Reply #18191. May 21 18, 7:41 AM
teanana star

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I watched the royal wedding and loved every minute of it.

Reply #18192. May 21 18, 8:14 AM
rustic_les star

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I have cycled 3300 miles/5310km this year to date. Yay me!

Reply #18193. May 21 18, 12:35 PM

player avatar
Reading some of the kerfluffle about the new Duchess's family, I thought she'll fit right in with the Windsor family!

Reply #18194. May 21 18, 1:44 PM
I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but I've just sort of started thinking about putting a list together about avoiding procrastination. The top ten ways to avoid procrastinating are


Reply #18195. May 21 18, 4:14 PM
Sometimes in the dead of night
You can see horses in the pale moonlight
Riders waiting

Reply #18196. May 21 18, 6:00 PM
andymuenz star

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Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of sitting in the periodontist's chair for an hour and a half while undergoing gum surgery. The worst part was when the Novocain wore off but I was still waiting for the pharmacy to fill my painkiller prescription.

Reply #18197. May 22 18, 10:39 AM
GoodwinPD star

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I really enjoyed the Royal Wedding coverage on British TV - had friends and family round, we ate, drank and were merry.

Reply #18198. May 22 18, 12:42 PM

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The NHL Las Vegas Golden Knights made it to the Stanley Cup finals in their inaugural season. What an accomplishment!!!

Reply #18199. May 22 18, 1:41 PM
HairyBear star

player avatar
Yorkshire, that's cute. Reminds me of this one: There are two rules to success in life. 1) Don't tell everything you know.

Reply #18200. May 22 18, 4:05 PM

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