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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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mandy2 star

player avatar
Planting the garden today. Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers & eggplant. Then the wait begins!

Reply #18221. May 25 18, 6:19 AM
Barbarini star

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Waiting for the final episode of Deep State.

Reply #18222. May 25 18, 6:49 AM
parrotman2006 star

player avatar
This happened about two months ago. Had several gastric pains so I went to the hospital. Was about a 12 on the pain chart. Once they stabilized me (morphine is nice), I had an MRI in the morning. About an hour later, the doctor tells me "We're going to remove your gall bladder." Not asking. Once he described it as 'a massive pus bomb" I was not about to argue.
Came through the surgery well, feeling better and lost around 30 pounds. So aside from a ton of bills, worked out all right.

Reply #18223. May 25 18, 2:16 PM
garrybl star

player avatar
I'm writing this as my wife is trying to sort out her quicken and Chase accounts. Once you get accustomed to paying all bills this way, when things go wrong you realize how difficult it is to go back.
We seem to have password problems; I'm crossing my fingers!

Reply #18224. May 25 18, 5:24 PM
caz231231 star

player avatar
Good morning, lovely people!

Reply #18225. May 26 18, 1:13 AM
LadyNym star

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I have to work today. Long week! Thank heavens for the day off (Memorial Day) on Monday. Hope you all enjoy the weekend!

Reply #18226. May 26 18, 4:44 AM
vyvviking star

player avatar
Two days in a row I have bought a daily challenge and received an epic quest. And both times I haven't had time to complete them! @ in a row! :(

Reply #18227. May 26 18, 5:02 AM
andymuenz star

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This week my wife, who was adopted many years ago, made contact with her birth sister and brother. They were very happy to hear from her as they had found out about her but didn't know how to track her down. When she called her sister, her sister said something like "Oh my God, it's you" even before my wife was able to introduce herself. She's very happy and I'm happy for her.

Reply #18228. May 26 18, 5:37 AM
mega44 star

player avatar
Big day - come on Liverpool

Reply #18229. May 26 18, 5:47 AM

player avatar
Stiff and sore from working on the brick garden border yesterday. A little left to do so I'll finish it today.

Reply #18230. May 26 18, 8:55 AM
SisterSeagull star

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I took a huge decision this week... After almost 45 years in public service, I have finally decided to retire and spend the rest of my days doing exactly what I want to do (with only my partner to explain myself to!). The NHS isn't the animal that it used to be and the time is right to go...

Reply #18231. May 26 18, 11:25 AM
I am going to get a visit in with my sister soon and am anxious to see her. We don't get to see one another very often.

Reply #18232. May 26 18, 12:03 PM
james1947 star

player avatar
Relatives in Bama. Possible Hurricane on the way.
No Worries-They say. Hope so.
HOT here in Iowa. Yikes.

Reply #18233. May 26 18, 6:16 PM
Hope everyone is safe in Florida and Mississippi ,hopefully the storm will pass quickly and no damage,stay safe my friends

Reply #18234. May 26 18, 8:45 PM
kysus star

player avatar
A new update for Windows 10. Supposed to help make things easier. Hah! Did a Hourly Fill Me In, made a correct answer of two? What happen. The first letter of 8 of the answers were missing. Oh Joy. Now I have to remember to hit the first letter twice. Fill Me In is the only one it has happened to, so far.

These computer programmers that have figured out a more helpful way to do something, are crazy. Or don't consider the poor person who is barely computer literate.

Reply #18235. May 26 18, 10:36 PM
PDAZ star

player avatar
Kysus, a couple of players on the Joli Llamas have complained recently about their selections in Mind Melt not sticking -- they'll select an answer, but when they submit, the answers are gone. I wonder if that's related to Windows 10 also.

Reply #18236. May 26 18, 10:44 PM
Olderbison star

player avatar
Playing on my phone is quirky. Often I must hit “submit” twice while losing precious seconds. My laptop play is less so.

Reply #18237. May 26 18, 11:36 PM
Thinkin' bout making Bacon and Eggs. And toast. Thank ye.

Reply #18238. May 27 18, 12:16 AM
Today 9H starts the Brussels 20 km 35000 runners
without me ,I prefer to walk and last sunday I have walked
16 km.

Reply #18239. May 27 18, 1:13 AM
Blindlady-27 star

player avatar
I haven't had this challenge in a while. Nothing much going on in my life at the moment which is really a good thing when you think about it.

Reply #18240. May 27 18, 1:19 AM

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