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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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xxFruitcakexx star

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I have my daughters two dogs staying with me at the moment while they are on holiday. I shall be glad to get my bed back to myself!!!

Reply #18241. May 27 18, 2:27 AM
marianjoy star

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My son says he may have a new job opportunity, I don't know whether to be happy or scared!

Reply #18242. May 27 18, 3:25 AM
lonely-lady star

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Back when I was a teenager, I worked in a Lightbulb Factory. As I was new there, I was a lot slower than other staff, so they used me as the guinea pig on a new line that was to be opened making spotlights.

At first the job was great. It was a semi-automated line and I would take up one of the three manual positions. In two of them all you had to do was to insert a component and in the early days this was done only every fourth or fifth rotation. The third position was removing the completed spotlights and racking them. The job was done seated but was awkward. You had to be very close to the machine and there was only space to the right for your legs, but the racks were on the left. The spotlights had to be turned between the machine and the rack, so a lot of twisting was involved.

I was asked about each position and told them that the first position was hot and boring, the second position was great and I would happily do it all day long, but the final position was painful due to the sitting twisted and constant movement. The supervisor took on the job to test it out and fully agreed with me. When the line was up and running I was transferred to it and all three positions were changed every thirty minutes and the posted rules stated that nobody should stay in one position for longer. The trouble was that production dropped right down when I was not in the third position and they were getting behind in the production schedule.

Their solution was to keep me on the final position. We had frequent breaks but I was put back there after every one. The other two positions were swapped between two other women. No matter how I complained or told them of the constant pain, they put me back on there. At the end of the day I was hurting so much that I was crying as I tried to put my jacket on. The next day I cried when they sent me to the same position. By late morning I had had enough and insisted on a change. The supervisor told me to get back where she sent me or get out. I put my jacket on and left

The biggest problem was that I had not quite finished growing so the damage to my back was permanent. Over the years it has gradually eased, but it still flares up occasionally and I over forty years later I have to do special stretching exercises to ease it.

Reply #18243. May 27 18, 4:43 AM
jon541 star

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Torrential rainfall, now beautiful sunshine. Ah, the joys of an English Summer!

Reply #18244. May 27 18, 8:05 AM
Upstart3 star

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The lightning was fun and so is the sunshine

Reply #18245. May 27 18, 9:02 AM
Dear Lonely-lady, That was a rotten thing to do to any employee, especially a teenage girl. I am sorry you are still feeling the ill effects of that job even after all this time. You have my sympathy. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18246. May 27 18, 1:53 PM
Dear Parrotman2006, I am glad you came through your surgery all right, and that you are feeling better. It must have been a shock to you when it happened, and I'm sure the bills are no pleasure, but at least as you said, everything seems to have turned out all right. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18247. May 27 18, 1:57 PM
Dear shuehorn, It always is a shock when a loved one withdraws her or his support, even temporarily. Perhaps your sister is going through a difficult time herself. If not, maybe the two of you should talk it over. Regardless, with luck this shall pass and things will improve for you soon. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18248. May 27 18, 2:00 PM
I'm so glad I don't have to go anywhere today, as it is terribly hot. Where I am, winter lingered on for so long that we had maybe 48 hours of spring, and then went straight into summer weather at its hottest.

Reply #18249. May 27 18, 2:06 PM
Unfortunately, my Memorial Day weekend has not been the BBQ'ing, fun-filled time that I was planning. I had to go in Thursday for a little hernia surgery. I am basically just chilling on the couch, trying to heal up before going back to work Tuesday.
Instead, I have been reflecting on my time in the service, and using this weekend for the real purpose it is celebrated. For the men and women who have given their lives for the freedoms that we all enjoy. I think that people sometimes forget the meaning behind the day.
And, I've also been able to spend a lot of quality time with the wife and my 7-year old. Given the circumstances, I have enjoyed this weekend much more than I thought I would going in.

Reply #18250. May 27 18, 5:41 PM
2arcane4words star

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Now that the floodwaters from the worst floods in the history of the province of New Brunswick are subsiding, the unbeliviable clean-up opérations are beginning. The waters are heavily contaminated and the effects on the rich farmlands downriver are heart-breaking. We are being told not to eat any produce harvested from fields which were covered in the outrageously dirty water.

And that means: no fiddleheads. These are edible ferns which grow wild along the rivers in the province and are a spring tasty treat enjoyed by many. Gathering them and cleaning them is an onerous task but well worth the effort and families jealously guard the locations of their wild fiddlehead beds. But this year we are being told not to eat them.

Spring just won’t be spring without what my Dad called “a mess of fiddlers.” Sigh.

Reply #18251. May 27 18, 8:23 PM
MargW star

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A gorgeous weekend just over. The lilacs are in full bloom in Prince Edward County, and as you drive or ride the back roads, the scent is heavenly.

Reply #18252. May 28 18, 6:21 AM
heidi66 star

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What did the marvellous Ann Miller sing at the start of "Kiss me, Kate"?

„Too Darn Hot“


4 o'clock pm.

Reply #18253. May 28 18, 8:15 AM
rubytops star

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Busy all morning in my garden. My cat always comes out and helps me and we play ball. Sometimes she thinks she is a dog. I doubt I would get her to walk on a lead though.

Reply #18254. May 28 18, 9:39 AM
donna399 star

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Happy Birrthday to me.

Reply #18255. May 28 18, 10:31 AM
wendy71 star

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I have the day off. (Memorial Day) My family went to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves of my dad and grandparents. Dad was a veteran in the Korean War.

Reply #18256. May 28 18, 11:29 AM
xchasbox star

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It's a great day to celebrate the heroism of our great military heroes who have kept our freedom. chas

Reply #18257. May 28 18, 1:37 PM
seel420 star

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Went to cookout..but it started raining so we all had to go inside..was fun though..and alot of good food!

Reply #18258. May 28 18, 2:19 PM
Honoring those who paid for our freedom....THANK YOU!

Reply #18259. May 28 18, 2:42 PM
1995Tarpon star

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Remember the fallen heroes on this day!

Reply #18260. May 28 18, 3:55 PM

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