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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Nhoj_too star

player avatar
Much drier today. Absolutely tipped it down yesterday. At least my wife escaped the wet being on holiday in . Otherwise my holiday lasts to weekend!

Reply #18281. May 30 18, 5:13 PM
I posted here previously, stating that I had applied for a job that would be ideal for me. I *really* wanted this job, and I need one (or another part-time one) very much. I was told today that I did not get the job; they decided to hire someone with more direct experience than I had. That was difficult enough, but then the manager went on to say that I also wasn't their fastest worker (which may have some truth to it, but there is no one who is more thorough than I) and also that I "lack initiative," which is not at all true. Then the manager acted as if she had done me a favor because she was "honest." This has been a very hard day for me, and I am frustrated, angry, and scared. Thank you all for letting me vent, even though I know it doesn't change anything. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18282. May 30 18, 10:03 PM
BeaRich star

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I’ve been asked to tell a story. So here’s a few that’ve been going the rounds in editorial circles:
Helvetica and New Times Roman walk into a bar. But they are turned away. The bartender threw up his hands and said, “We don’t serve your type here!”
I love Scrabble but my dog ate all the letters from my set. He’s been leaving messages all over the house.

Reply #18283. May 31 18, 4:14 AM
Mixamatosis star

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The Queenly. Sorry to hear that and I hope you find something as good in the future. If you do get a similar job interview in the future, it may help in giving you an idea of things to demonstrate about yourself in the interview. I once worked with someone who had a bit more experience and confidence than me but the main difference was that they spoke up confidently about themselves and their qualities when senior management came to visit. I, on the other hand, kept quiet and got on with my work. When our manager recommended us both for promotion, the senior manage disagreed with him about me because he didn't feel I had the qualities, but he accepted the recommendation about my colleague. My manager said that it was because I didn't speak up more, and so the senior manager didn't know me that well. I learned the lesson and made a point of speaking up in future and the next year the manager's recommendation for my promotion was accepted by the senior manager, and I succeeded at the promotion board interview with an independent panel.

Reply #18284. May 31 18, 8:03 AM
Mixamatosis star

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BeaRich. Funny!

Reply #18285. May 31 18, 8:03 AM
Mixamatosis star

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BeaRich. Enough to make a cat laugh.

Reply #18286. May 31 18, 8:08 AM
Readesmom star

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I hate to be a downer, but we lost our Boxer, Duke, last week just three days before his tenth birthday. The amount of cards and flowers we received made us realize how many good friends we have.

Reply #18287. May 31 18, 9:33 AM
rupert774 star

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Readesmom- So sorry to hear about your dog, Duke. I can relate, I had to euthanize my cat Pooky, about a month ago. She started having seizures late on a Friday night, all through the weekend. Progressively worse, brain tumors, they thought. She was at least 15, I'd had 5 1/2 good years with her. Sigh- they are family members, and it never gets any easier when they go.

Reply #18288. May 31 18, 10:17 AM
superhooppete star

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Been back a week from Barbados and desperate to be back!

Reply #18289. May 31 18, 12:12 PM
Dear Mixamatosis, Thank you for your interest and good advice. I think you are right, and I will be sure to display more confidence and be more forthright about my contributions in future. Thank you again. Take care! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18290. May 31 18, 8:26 PM
TheQueenly1 it's very disappointing for you,for sure you feel all those emotions,you will see something better is waiting,you probably don't want to hear that cliche"when one door closes another opens" and sometimes it takes a few opens to get there,don't give up.

Reply #18291. May 31 18, 10:33 PM
AcrylicInk star

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Going to see Hamlet at the Globe in London today :)

Reply #18292. Jun 01 18, 12:46 AM
wwe84 star

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So, I've got nothing

Reply #18293. Jun 01 18, 1:16 AM

player avatar
Recovering from last week's surgery has been slower than anticipated - ten days, and today was the first one when I had the strength to stay up for a solid session of editing. Four hours, then I needed a nap. I am really keen to get back to work, as it is a hectic time and my absence is placing a lot of strain on the others in my team who have to cover the essentials each day. But the big picture jobs are just stacking up. Now it's time to feed the dogs and curl up for an evening snooze.

Reply #18294. Jun 01 18, 1:18 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Dear Queenly, I don't want you to think I was commenting on your confidence or any other attribute. It would be impertinent and I wouldn't do that. I was only making a more general point, saying that feedback about why someone didn't get a job can be helpful for them future (even if they think it's not always fair or accurate) and I was illustrating that with how feedback helped me in one particular instance. It's useful sometimes to know what other people's perceptions of us are. Even if we don't think they are wholly accurate, we can address them to be sure they have a more accurate picture at the next opportunity.

Reply #18295. Jun 01 18, 2:57 AM
Creedy star

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Bit nippy here tonight

Reply #18296. Jun 01 18, 5:53 AM
griller star

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Just became a gold member again after being away for a while. Its good to be back.

Reply #18297. Jun 01 18, 10:06 AM
Rumpo star

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The furnace is going on here in the desert. No more golf until late Sept. for me. From 1 June to 15 Sept. the temps will be 100-120 F (38-48.5 C)

Reply #18298. Jun 01 18, 12:26 PM

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One of my neighbours has just retired. He worked about twenty miles from here so commuted every day in a beaten up Mini that had seen better days but which somehow managed to get him to work and back every day. His first action when he retired was to buy himself a present - a brand new, bright yellow Porsche. I'd tell you which sort but that yellow is so bright it burns the eyeballs of anyone trying to read the details.

Reply #18299. Jun 01 18, 5:20 PM
sportsfanmas star
Is it just me, or is the Share a Story challenge probably the easiest Daily Challenge there is? I've had it a handful of times in the past month, but I'm not complaining

Reply #18300. Jun 01 18, 5:32 PM

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