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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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donna399 star

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The rains finally stopped. June is a lovely month. Not too hot yet.

Reply #18321. Jun 04 18, 4:25 PM
debreena,your garden must be incredibly beautiful and filled with endless love for sure,Please accept my condolences for your loss.

Reply #18322. Jun 04 18, 5:44 PM
VERY windy day today.

Reply #18323. Jun 04 18, 7:57 PM
nannywoo star

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Reading over the last two pages I find much in common. I too am beginning a book that I wasn't planning to read, Les Miserables, in English not French. My son's wife just saw the play, and her mother had read the book and also seen the play, and the timing just feels right. I also lost a dear one last fall, my husband of 55 years. And I have just been visiting a friend who lives near Duke University, where there is a beautiful botanical garden and walking trails filled with birds.

Reply #18324. Jun 04 18, 9:22 PM
Cath8rine star

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For my annual holiday, I like to go to places I have not been before. So this year, tolgether with my friend Joycelyn, I spent two weeks in Israel, followed by two weeks in Sicily. Both amazing destinations: beautiful places to see and interesting things to do. The people are friendly and the food is superb.
As an extra bonus, Joycelyn and I unexpectedly enjoyed a day and a night in Malta! We flew from Tel Aviv to Palermo via Malta and then our onward flight was cancelled. The airline paid for a nice hotel. Malta seems very nice! Beautiful architecture and water vistas. We saw a marvellous Caravaggio in a local church. Might come back another time and stay longer!

Reply #18325. Jun 05 18, 12:22 AM
this evening RTBF la trois the Borgias serie 3 episode 7 and 8
You can see during a week the replay on internert RTBF
the borgias seie we can see means of torture:jaws of anguish;pear of anguish….
Episode 7 intituled year 1501 and episode 8 year 1502 are
the two last years of the pope Rodrigo Borgia.

Reply #18326. Jun 05 18, 12:55 AM
rockstar51 star

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Today I turned my alarms (yes, i have two!) OFF instead of snoozing them and needless to say, I overslept!

Reply #18327. Jun 05 18, 2:35 AM
Luckycharm60 star

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On this day in history in1956 Elvis introduced his new single Hound Dog on the Milton Berlin show shocking the audience with his hip gyrations

Reply #18328. Jun 05 18, 5:42 AM

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My mother's surgery was successful.

Reply #18329. Jun 05 18, 7:19 AM
Looking forward to our Relay of Life here, a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society. It's the only 24-hour relay in Canada, and it can be fun going over at 3 a.m. to see what's happening. Always amazes me how many people are still on the track at that time.

Reply #18330. Jun 05 18, 4:52 PM
nannywoo, so sorry for your loss,55 years of marriage is amazing
i imagine a lot of beautiful things would be a great connection with your loved one,nature for one is comforting in a way.

Reply #18331. Jun 05 18, 9:11 PM
amarie94903 star

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My god daughter is having surgery for brest cancer on Thursday. She is 42,I am 71. Wish I could take her place.

Reply #18332. Jun 05 18, 9:32 PM
Dear debreena, Please accept my condolences on the loss of your daughter. A garden is a beautiful memorial. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18333. Jun 05 18, 9:36 PM
Dear gentleguy245, Yours was a very poetic post! Please accept my condolences for your loss, and I do understand. I had a similar reaction three years ago when my sister passed away. Take good care of yourself. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18334. Jun 05 18, 9:40 PM
Dear nannywoo, 55 years of marriage is quite an achievement, and also quite a loss. Please accept my condolences. I am glad that you have discovered Les Miserables. Literature has its fascinations. Take care, Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18335. Jun 05 18, 9:42 PM
Dear caseena, That is great news! Thank you for sharing it with us, and best wishes for your mother's recovery! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18336. Jun 05 18, 9:43 PM
Dear lonely-lady, Thank you! I appreciate your kind words. I cannot reply to every post, of course, but I try to reply to some of the more moving ones. I have of course accepted that I was not chosen for that job I wanted so much, but I admit I am getting scared. I am still under-employed, and I am having no luck so far finding another job. I have no choice but to keep trying. Thank you again for your concern. And don't worry that you read but seldom reply. Those who read these posts are making a contribution, too--it means these posts do not exist in a void. Take good care of yourself. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18337. Jun 05 18, 9:49 PM
jaycee1012 star
This morning watched a Soyuz mission launch for the 1st time. It looked so "simple" Thought they would need someone to light a fuse like a firecracker for it to go. Have been watching these since I was a little girl in the 60's. Thought Cape Kennedy/Canaveral was certainly more impressive. Was always in awe of the launch pad complex and mission control there and in Houston.

Reply #18338. Jun 06 18, 6:40 AM

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It looks like the NBA Golden State Warriors are on their way to another championship if the Cleveland Cavaliers do not get their act together.

Reply #18339. Jun 06 18, 12:52 PM
rayven80 star

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Forget not wanting to adult, I don't want to human. I don't even want to cat. I want to bear. I want to spend half the year ambling about and eating what I want while possibly scaring the bejezzus out of people. Then I spend the other half of the year asleep.

Reply #18340. Jun 06 18, 1:36 PM

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