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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Who won the Stanley Cup this year? I don't give a damn!!!!

Reply #18481. Jun 22 18, 6:48 PM
Oh, and I care even LESS about the stupid World Cup!!!!!

Reply #18482. Jun 22 18, 6:49 PM
Dear Mixamatosis, Thank you very much for your encouraging words. The research you cited has been my experience, too, but most employers don't seem to value any of that. But I keep trying every day. Thank you again, and take care! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18483. Jun 22 18, 8:53 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
The Queenly1. I don't know what line of work you are looking for, but there's a company in the UK called B&Q (DIY store) that's well known for hiring older workers because they value those qualities I mentioned. I don't know if they exist in the US but surely there must be some firms there that do value older workers. It might be worth googling to find out, if you've not tried that already.

I also know that it the UK the NHS was at one time particularly looking for older experienced ex-nurses to come back into the workforce. Maybe there are similar opportunities in the US. A bit of research might find out.

I do hope you find something.

Reply #18484. Jun 23 18, 1:36 AM
xchasbox star

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Nothing like a day off that begins at 3:00 AM and then the daily challenges are dumber than usual. Did I say it's going to rain all day. At least I get to see Incredibles II today :-)


Reply #18485. Jun 23 18, 2:22 AM
vyvviking star

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And it's raining in France for the 3rd F1 practice session! The drivers are all sunny-weather folks though obviously as they are sitting in the pits waiting for it to stop!

Reply #18486. Jun 23 18, 5:35 AM
missmess star

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Posting for credit

Reply #18487. Jun 23 18, 9:51 AM
rayven80 star

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Yesterday, Mom called and told me that one of the freezers in the garage had died. Other than some Girl Scout cookies, dipping chocolate and the top tier from my wedding cake, we lost everything in that freezer. Fortunately, my aunt has a spare chest freezer she'll give us. I'm on vacation next week and offered to do inventory, but she said to wait until the fall, like normal.

Reply #18488. Jun 23 18, 9:57 PM
Cath8rine star

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I met a friend for brunch this morning and I made the mistake of ordering tea instead of coffee. If you like tea, never order it in a café or restaurant!
They brought me a cup of hottish water with a tea bag in the saucer. I was meant to dunk the tea bag in the cup and then … do what with it? Put it back in the saucer so the cup can get wet and slosh tea on my frock when I lift it to drink? Or leave it in and drink out of a cup with a piece of string and a cardboard tag hanging over the edge?
Here's how to make tea:
You need a tea pot, a cup and saucer, and some tea leaves. You can use tea bags if you really have to, but if you want the full flavour of the tea, loose tea is the thing.
The most important thing to remember is this: tea should be made with boil-ING water, not boil-ED water. So: boil a kettle of water, pour a little into the tea pot and slosh it round to heat the pot. Put two teaspoons of tea leaves (oh, all right, or two tea bags) into the warm pot. Bring the kettle back to the boil and pour the boiling water on to the tea leaves.
If you like milk in your tea, put some milk in your cup. It is better to put the milk in first because the milk gets scalded if you pour it into hot tea. It spoils the favour of the tea.
After the tea has steeped in the pot for two or three minutes, pour it into the cup. Breathe in the aroma. Take a sip. Feel the day's stress disappear.

Reply #18489. Jun 23 18, 10:55 PM
The weather still acts like its April.

Reply #18490. Jun 24 18, 8:09 AM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Weather is glorious here and England have just qualified to go beyond the Group stage in the world cup by beating Panama 6-1 today. Panama who seemed to think the sport was wrestling, scored their goal when they stopped wresting and played football. The England team played brilliantly.

Reply #18491. Jun 24 18, 8:41 AM
veronicavee star

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Yes, was a good score. They didn't show the game here but managed to follow it on a blog.

Reply #18492. Jun 24 18, 9:48 AM
Dear Mixamatosis, Thank you for your advice, I'll consider it. I appreciate your concern and taking the time to post. Take care. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18493. Jun 24 18, 9:19 PM
Dear Cath8rine, Thank you for your post offering the proper way to brew tea. I've never been a tea drinker, but after reading your post, I believe I may have been drinking tea that was prepared the wrong way. I think I'll give your way a try! Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18494. Jun 24 18, 9:22 PM

player avatar
Day off today after a very busy two weeks at work.

As an encouragement to 'mature' job seekers, who may have been out of work for some time: I am 62 and had been out of work for nearly 3 years before I got this job in February. I would have preferred part-time, but this is what I was offered - full time admin at the local University campus.

After the initial inevitable shock to the system, I love the job and I'm coping much better than even I hoped with the long hours and change in routine.

Oh, and I'd lost count of how many job interviews I'd had, before I was successful.

Reply #18495. Jun 25 18, 1:17 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Congratulations Cal.

Reply #18496. Jun 25 18, 3:34 AM

player avatar
There's been far too much rain this month. The front yard is squishy.

Reply #18497. Jun 25 18, 7:11 AM
caz231231 star

player avatar
Never seen Spain play so poorly. Morocco played their socks off and deserved a win.

June is going very slowly for me. Summer months always do, I'm not one for hot, humid weather.

Reply #18498. Jun 25 18, 4:20 PM
Alison4 star

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Well done Cal. Good to see that your perseverance paid off.

Reply #18499. Jun 25 18, 11:44 PM
joecali star

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I'm watching the world cup

Reply #18500. Jun 26 18, 12:50 AM

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