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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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Bfora week. Keep getting rained out.een trying to mow

Reply #21061. Apr 27 19, 3:24 PM
zorba_scank star
Always happy to pick up these easy points.

Reply #21062. Apr 28 19, 4:38 AM
philphiphp star

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For sale: baby shoes, never worn. (shortest story ever written?) by Ernest Hemingway.

Reply #21063. Apr 28 19, 6:07 AM
lout62001 star

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Is it spring yet?

Reply #21064. Apr 28 19, 6:10 AM
C30 star

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Must be is colder than Christmas Day, most of the garden is waterlogged, blowing a Force Umpteen Gale and generally "dark, damp and dismal"...............yep Springtime!

Reply #21065. Apr 28 19, 6:57 AM

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Maggie woke up shivering.
It was a normal start to her day. So many people who have never lived in the South assume that Southerners never have to deal with the cold. Anyone who actually leaves in the South knows that is farther from the truth. Well, except Florida. But then again, Florida does not really count as the South.
Late fall had fallen over the Western North Carolina landscape and with it came chilly mornings and quite cold evenings. The sky grew dark at an earlier time every single day and the general atmosphere of falling leaves made Maggie hopeful. She woke up shivering, but she did not mind.
It was a normal occurrence on these fall days. Her family comprised of her, her father, and the woman he married after Mom left. While there were only three of them, money was tight. The house they lived in was old; built by Maggie’s grandfather in the early 1920s. The hallway which led to her room was built as an addition later on in the 50s. There was an old tank out back that held the fuel for the heating of the house, but it was completely empty. It was too early in the cold season for her Daddy to have bought oil for the house yet. It was expensive and lord knows they did not have the money to spare. In the evenings, when Maggie’s father came home, he built a fire in the old wood stove that sat in the living room. It warmed the living room very well, but never quite reached Maggie’s wing of the house, so she was used to the cold.
Maggie crawled out of bed and surveyed her room. Dirty clothes of the day before lay strewn on the floor near her bed. Her walls were covered with posters of bands from the late 1990s pop punk era. Her saxophone stood in its case in the corner, untouched since her days of high school marching band. An air of a child not quite turned to adult. Maggie regarded her room with sadness. There wasn’t much these days that made her happy. The items in her room, while loved by her, seemed to drive her depression even deeper. They were remnants of a life she had. One that could have led to other things, other places, other rooms… but, they led nowhere. They were a constant.
It was the third day of November, and Maggie was more than halfway through her second semester of college. To most people who went to college, there was promise of a better and more exciting life. They had late night parties, weekend excursions with newfound friends, and a whole bunch of new experiences. To Maggie however, college meant waking up in her same childhood bedroom, getting in her car and driving to the campus, and suffering through a day of hazy, anxious feelings. When first discussing college with her stepmother the following year, Maggie’s anxiety held her back. The thought of having to go a college campus far away from her hometown and learn new people, make new friends, and be on her own scared the crap out of her. So, instead, she told her stepmom she wanted to go to a college that she could commute to. Maggie thought that she wasn’t ready for that next step. And so, that is what happened. Maggie stayed at home. She stayed in a comfort zone.
It was cold, and Maggie needed to get dress. She was never one to put on anything “fancy”. Maggie constituted jeans and a t-shirt as a go to clothing ensemble and suitable for all situations. Well, maybe not a funeral, but there were exceptions to every rule. Maggie walked down the hallway leading from her bedroom, completed her morning duties in the bathroom, and continued on into the kitchen. Opening the fridge door was futile. There was never any food other than ingredients for the meals her stepmother put together in the evenings. She would skip breakfast as usual. She thought of her birth Mom’s full stocked kitchen and winced with sadness.
Maggie’s old ’96 Buick was parked outside the kitchen door. Like everything in the house, including the house itself, the Buick was old. However, two decades later, having been owned by her grandmother and her sister, it was Maggie’s blue baby. And it still ran! Yeah, it was a big land boat sedan of a car and was sometimes really difficult to park, but ole Buick Bessy was Maggie’s and she loved her. Maggie braced herself for the outside cold and pushed open the door of the old house. The door creaked and as Maggie walked through it into the outside world, she was greeted with air only slightly colder than that of the house. Heading down the concrete steps of the home and to her car, Maggie noticed something odd once her feet hit the gravel of the driveway. There were no car noises. Only the sound of her feet on the gravel.
Maggie grew up in a very small town. Everyone in the county went to the same high school. There was only one grocery store in their little Southern town, and everybody in it considered themselves to be certified hillbillies. People rarely left and stayed gone. It was one of those small Appalachian towns where everyone knew everybody and everybody’s secrets might as well have been listed in the Sunday paper. That being said, there were highways leading out of the town, and Maggie happened to live near the on ramp of one. People often turned down her street thinking that it was the highway. Being the second house on the left, and close enough to see the main road through town leading off of her’s, there was usually a lot of traffic; especially at 9 in the morning on a Monday. However, Maggie heard nothing.
She paused and contemplated this oddity for a moment and then continued walked down the gravel path to her car. Once inside the ancient automotive, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and laid it on the passenger seat. Of course, the Buick didn’t support Bluetooth devices, so Maggie had to make do with the volume the speaker of the phone provided her. She put the car in drive and started down the hill (also gravel) perpendicular to the pathway that led to the road and to the boring college where she felt like an outcast. At the bottom of the driveway, she was greeted with a new even to contemplate.

Reply #21066. Apr 28 19, 7:57 AM
One of m daily challenges was to take two player generated today. I hit the link and there are ONLY two quizzes available. One of them is on Italian soccer teams. In the words of the immortal Vince Lombardi, "What the hell is going on in here!"

Reply #21067. Apr 28 19, 8:32 AM
DeepHistory star

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In my country, today is Easter Day, meaning a huge family gathering is on its way.


Reply #21068. Apr 28 19, 10:38 AM

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Huge family gatherings are always fun. Hope you enjoy yours.

Reply #21069. Apr 28 19, 11:22 AM
chears58 star

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curdman, I feel your pain. Being on a different time scale makes this challenge tough. When I've had it I've waited until 10pm European time, and no quizzes added!

Reply #21070. Apr 28 19, 12:01 PM
reeshy star

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I have recently come back to this site and submitted my first quiz in forever!

Reply #21071. Apr 28 19, 1:41 PM
SatchelPooch star

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Henry VIII of England was a man of many talents, quite aside from his famous marital dramas. He was an avid sportsman and also an accomplished musician. Henry’s composition “Pastime with Good Company” was extremely popular in his time; in it, Henry celebrates “all goodly sport” and suggests that partying is less dangerous than idleness.

It is not, however, true that Henry composed the song “Greensleeves.” While it’s tempting to try to fit the lyrics with the story of Anne Boleyn, “Greensleeves” uses an Italian musical style that did not reach England until well after Henry’s death in 1547.

Reply #21072. Apr 28 19, 9:10 PM
Alison4 star

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I have a funny story to share!

I work in commercial property management and one of our tenants is a company called Melaleuca, and they're a health/wellness company.

I just received a call from a fairly aggressive woman who said she was acting on behalf of Melaleuca and had been trying for over a month to get access to their roof. Now Melaleuca are on the ground floor, so I was quite confused as to why she needed roof access.

Being very polite I asked more questions, and she got quite frustrated before saying that 'all I know is that I've been trying to get roof access at Melaleuca Prison for over a month and no one has been forthcoming'.

Did you say Melaleuca PRISON??

Yep, it turns out she was after a jail in New South Wales rather than a little wellness company in Melbourne!

This was definitely my laugh for the day!

Reply #21073. Apr 28 19, 10:10 PM
frosty123 star

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My cousin as of a couple of hours ago, succumbed to her brain cancer... She just turned 29 years old in January.

Reply #21074. Apr 28 19, 10:43 PM
kysus star

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My rose collection is blooming Grand. one China, two Damask, and an Austrian Copper have first blooms. Since they were planted two years ago. And very nice they are. The Damasks are scented to the maximum a rose can be. It is enjoyable to sit outside and enjoy the scent.

Reply #21075. Apr 28 19, 10:44 PM
xchasbox star

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Really, 38 degrees? It is supposed to be springtime! Chas

Reply #21076. Apr 29 19, 4:28 AM
dirtyharry2489 star

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We got our first bird feeder a few days ago, and we love it already. My 2-year old is learning that if he tries to run toward the birds, they fly away. First visitors have been Song Sparrow, House Finches, and a Grackle.

Reply #21077. Apr 29 19, 6:56 AM
Barbarini star

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On my walk through our park the other day, I saw a piece of cloth sticking out of the ground. Thought I'd better grab it and put it in the garbage. I started pulling - it got longer and longer and longer....lo and behold, it was a blanket and when I gave it the final yank to get it out of the hole, the carcass of a dead animal flew out. Someone had buried their beloved pet (quite some time ago it seems) - the coyotes must have had a scent of it and started digging to get at it. Now to get it to the garbage can without touching it. Thankfully (for the only time ever), there was a plastic shopping bag stuck in the bushes next to it. I'm still getting the heebie-jeebies...

Reply #21078. Apr 29 19, 6:59 AM
debray2001 star

Reply #21079. Apr 29 19, 7:52 AM
bradez star

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Went for my first run in a while today. It felt good but now I am very tired!

Reply #21080. Apr 29 19, 12:05 PM

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