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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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psnz star

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I notice that a number of people who come here to complete a daily challenge, like to report on the weather in their part of the world. In that spirit, I'll let you know that here in the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand's northernmost city), it is cold and decidedly damp.

We in the North are currently being asked to conserve electricity after a power pylon collapsed yesterday and cut off the energy supply to the Northland region. Fortunately for me, the power was restored after a two-hour blackout, though we're told that things are not good as the transmission company tries to install a temporary fix. There are some communities that have been without power for long periods of time.

Having gone past the shortest day, we can only hope for a brighter future: figuratively and literally.

Reply #36541. Jun 20 24, 6:09 PM
sw11 star

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It's nice to have a cool day in Singapore. Weather has been hot for many months.

Reply #36542. Jun 20 24, 8:05 PM
shorthumbz star

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Keeping with the weather theme: here we are on June 20 in the State of Ohio, USA; western hemisphere, latitude 40 deg - 21' - 55" N -- experiencing the first authentic heat wave of the year. It's been over 90 degrees F and humid for the last four days, and the heat is forecast to continue into next week. Rollicking thunderstorms in the evenings complete this pattern, which is very typical of our summers, can happen multiple times in a given season, but which has not occurred this year until now. I'm waiting for fall, which is my favorite season (on average) in these parts.

Reply #36543. Jun 20 24, 8:32 PM
rainbowriver star

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I only have 1 Daily Challenges switch out left for this week so I'm not going to waste it swapping out the "Share a Story" challenge!

Reply #36544. Jun 21 24, 12:25 AM
Got the 'Share a Story' challenge again today.

Reply #36545. Jun 21 24, 1:24 AM
redwaldo star

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It will be interesting to see who gets to the final of the T20 World cup of cricket in the USA/Carribean .
My guess would be India and England!

Reply #36546. Jun 21 24, 4:58 AM
twlmy star
My inlaws just got home from Ruidoso, NM where they were witness to
the most damaging wildfires in the history of New Mexico. I'm relieved
that they were able to make it home safely.

Reply #36547. Jun 21 24, 5:15 AM
xxFruitcakexx star

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Not a lot on the TV at the moment if you dont like watching football (The Euros).

Reply #36548. Jun 21 24, 5:16 AM

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I've just noticed ('cos I'm a bit slow)... that the UK's General Election is on 4th July, which I think the US is celebrating for some reason - and the US's Presidential Election is on 5th November, which the UK will be celebrating for some other reason. So which bright sparks on both sides of the Atlantic thought of picking those dates, eh?

Reply #36549. Jun 21 24, 7:26 AM
misstified star

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When you say 'thought'

Reply #36550. Jun 21 24, 10:43 AM
Readesmom star

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It's 90 degrees here down the Jersey Shore. Our grandchildren came here to swim in the Atlantic. Of course, they brought their dogs. So the kids are cooling off in the ocean while grandma and grandpa are walking their dogs in the sweltering heat. What's wrong with this picture?

Reply #36551. Jun 21 24, 11:31 AM

player avatar
With reference to flopsy's self-perceived slowness...

My mama told me never to question the speed of a bunny with a pointy stick (at least, not in public).

Reply #36552. Jun 21 24, 11:36 AM
Someone wrote a quiz about the Vincent Black motorcycle and all I can think about is 'He was a cop and good at his job. . .' IYKYK

Reply #36553. Jun 21 24, 1:38 PM
spidersfull star

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Will be difficult for England to progress in the T20 cricket as S Africa beat them today . Should win the next game on Sunday against USA but may not be enough .

Reply #36554. Jun 21 24, 3:29 PM
posted on the wrong thread. Here goes again. My 6 year old granddaughter tricked me. She drew a dragon and a shark. She asked which will win. I said shark. She said hold on. She drew another picture showing the dragon biting the shark and said you lose. The dragon won.

Reply #36555. Jun 21 24, 7:45 PM
ArlingtonVA star

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D.C. is a blast furnace right now. This weekend is supposed to feel like 105 F. I guess to celebrate summer officially being here ...

Reply #36556. Jun 21 24, 9:52 PM
90+ 5 days in a row in June. Hot, hot, hot. I feel bad for the folks in the south who do this 5 months in a row.

Reply #36557. Jun 21 24, 9:53 PM
PootyPootwell star

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We have a window seat for one of our cats; it stays up with suction cups. No matter what model we have, once in a blue moon, it will fall. Yet the cat always returns! He must really like it up there.

Reply #36558. Jun 22 24, 12:37 AM
Once upon a time, I was in a labyrinth but
where's the exit?

Reply #36559. Jun 22 24, 2:02 AM
KayceeKool star

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I've got a bad case of the winter blues at the moment. So much sadness everywhere you look.

Reply #36560. Jun 22 24, 4:42 AM

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