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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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dee1304 star

player avatar
We will have temperatures in the 90’s today, but that is better than the terrible rain and wind storms we had earlier this month. Our city is still cleaning up after many massive trees were uprooted, which were obstructing streets, taking down power lines, damaging houses and businesses.

Reply #36581. Jun 24 24, 8:50 AM
Hi postcardstogo,

I am glad u remember me, how have u been?

Reply #36582. Jun 24 24, 9:33 AM
LadyNym star

player avatar
The awful heat of the past couple of days has somewhat abated, but it's hard to tell because of the humidity. I'd really love to be north of the Arctic Circle now.

Reply #36583. Jun 24 24, 10:01 AM
rainbowriver star

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It is extremely warm in Central England.

Reply #36584. Jun 24 24, 11:51 AM
Dorsetmaid star

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Looking forward to a good crop of tomatoes this year.

Reply #36585. Jun 24 24, 10:10 PM
quizzer74 star

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A warm summer morning and a busy day ahead.

Reply #36586. Jun 25 24, 12:14 AM

player avatar
Why does work always take much longer than you expect?

Reply #36587. Jun 25 24, 1:20 AM
twlmy star
The fires near Ruidoso, NM have burned over 25,000 acres and destroyed over 1400 structures as of early this morning 6/25/2024.

Reply #36588. Jun 25 24, 2:08 AM
C30 star

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"Looking forward to a good crop of tomatoes this year." - Dorsetmaid, you are lucky to live in fertile area, up here, the soil makes the Arkansas "Dust Bowl" seem downright fertile in comparison. It is not for nothing people from here are nicknamed "Sandgrounders"!!

Reply #36589. Jun 25 24, 2:13 AM
Today is a rainny day in nigeria

Reply #36590. Jun 25 24, 2:18 AM
stephedm star

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Up at the cottage. Nice here but supposed to rain later!

Reply #36591. Jun 25 24, 3:32 AM
wellenbrecher star
Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Reply #36592. Jun 25 24, 5:43 AM
LancYorkYank star

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Masters Regional Championship Track Meet this weekend. Hope to once again get this 63 year old body to throw the Javelin an All-American distance!

Reply #36593. Jun 25 24, 7:13 AM
BarbaraMcI star

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So I said a month ago, my mother-in-law had a hip replacement? On Thursday she broke her ankle.

Reply #36594. Jun 25 24, 7:43 AM
A new funeral home was recently built across the street from a retirement home. My father told me that the new rage was to put in underground pneumatic tubes to send bodies from the retirement home directly into the basement of the funeral home. I was horrified to think that someone’s loved one was being sent -similar to the tube I use at the bank- so cavalierly to this funeral home. I imagined tubes getting backed up and causing a horrific odor, not to mention grieving families being unable to bury their loved ones. But, it turns out that I worried unnecessarily - my father made the entire thing up.

Reply #36595. Jun 25 24, 9:12 AM
dippo star

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It's a bit warm in London.

Reply #36596. Jun 25 24, 9:38 AM
Liz5050 star

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It's a bit warm in Arizona. I'm not surprised.

Reply #36597. Jun 25 24, 10:20 AM
yeats1 star
I live in Queensland Australia, presently I’m visiting family in Dublin. I love the long stretch in the evenings, it’s light until at least 10:30, unlike Queensland where it is dark by 6

Reply #36598. Jun 25 24, 12:21 PM
reedy star

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Last day of school!

Reply #36599. Jun 25 24, 2:03 PM
james1947 star

player avatar
HOTTTTT here today in Iowa.
Humid with the Heat.
A/c is Great.
No complaining here. Just facts.
It could be worse. NO BIG water problems at this time.
Surf;s UP

Reply #36600. Jun 25 24, 6:36 PM

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