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Subject: Celebrity Deaths ...

Posted by: callie_ross
Date: Aug 06 07

Have you ever cried over the death of someone famous? I know I have, silly as it may sound. I'll never forget the day Kurt Cobain died. I heard it on the tv, and just froze and I felt stunned at first. I was shocked and then I cried like a big baby! I am a huge fan of Kurt's, and his music means alot to me, so naturally I was saddened by his death. Also, when George Harrison died, I was pretty torn up. I didn't even know he had been ill, and I loved him so! What celebrity deaths have you cried over? You can list more than one if you would like!

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in april 2002 when layne staley died i called off work for a week and layed in bed and cried i s=go to his tribute concert in seattle every august. its 7 years and i still cry. i will forever miss his haunting voice.

Reply #221. Sep 05 09, 3:36 PM
vickit10 star
I cried for days over the death of Keith Whitley, a country singer who first recorded the song Alison Crauss made number one, "You say it best when you say nothing at all." He was married to Lorrie Morgan, and his deep, pain-filled voice and his expert way of dropping to the deepest notes made him one of the best. I grew up relatively close and followed him when he sang bluegrass with Ricky Skaggs and J D Crowe. He was a great bluegrass singer also, but I loved his haunting ballads such as his version of "Long Black Limosine." I still listen to all of his CD's and even if you are not a country music fan, you should listen to his remarkable voice. Keith always lived in pain, and just like Tammy Wynette with that little cry in her voice, one can hear his pain right over the air waves.

Reply #222. Sep 10 09, 8:53 AM
spidersghost43 star

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I understand people feelig upset when a celebrity that has touched them in some way has died. But I cannot understand calling in sick for a week and laying in bed crying over some one you have never met.

Reply #223. Sep 10 09, 9:11 AM
Heleena star

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I was on my way to work when I heard the news of John Lennon's murder. I cried and cried most of that day along with several coworkers and we had to send someone down to buy more tissues. Such a senseless death and it was so sad to see someone who always spoke out for love and peace meet a violent ending.

Reply #224. Sep 10 09, 9:46 AM
I was just shocked when Heath Ledger had died. I still can't believe it. Same for Michael Jackson.

Reply #225. Sep 15 09, 3:28 PM
I was sad when Heath Ledger died I think mostly because he was a really likeable Australian that had done well for himself in America. I also cried when I watched Steve Irwin's funeral and Bindy gave her speech.

Reply #226. Nov 05 09, 5:13 PM
kels_76 star

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Princess Di was the big one that I cried, and then when Mother Theresa died a week later it was just as sad. I cried when I saw the images of Gianni Versacé's funeral with Princess Di and Elton John, who would have thought a few months later he would be singing at her funeral.

Also did you guys hear that Brittany Murphy (Clueless, 8 Mile) died today? A heart attack at 32 apparently.

Reply #227. Dec 20 09, 2:23 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Just heard about that. Kind of shocking. 32 and a heart attack? Kind of odd. Drug-related you think?

Reply #228. Dec 20 09, 2:59 PM
bionic4ever star
Or possibly anorexia...

Reply #229. Dec 20 09, 4:18 PM
honeybee4 star
From the story, I got the impression that she was happily married and devoted. When a person dies at home they usually will blame it on cardiac arrest unless something else is determined.

Reply #230. Dec 20 09, 4:31 PM
kels_76 star

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I was just reading another story now her mother is claiming that she had diabetes. They also showed a picture of her looking very thin, some are claiming now she had a drug habit (cocaine). Still sad, another young entertainer gone.

Reply #231. Dec 20 09, 6:30 PM
kels_76 star

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Oh and her husband is refusing authorities to do an autopsy.

Reply #232. Dec 20 09, 6:30 PM
Schoonie101 star

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kels, when I heard that she was found in the shower, that was my initial reaction. Too much yay and she unsuccessfully tried to cool down in the shower. With the Hollywood scene, that's always in the back of your mind. Then again, for all we know, could be some congenital heart defect. Too early to say for now but you're probably on to something, kels.

Regardless, it's definitely a shame she died so young. In the few movies I saw her in, she was a good actress with a great future.

Reply #233. Dec 20 09, 6:55 PM
honeybee4 star
I have always heard that when there is an unattended death an autopsy is always required. She does look very thin.

Reply #234. Dec 20 09, 7:08 PM
kels_76 star

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Schoonie, I'm just hoping these are horrible rumours. Unfortunately there are too many who are dying too young and a lot of the blame goes straight to drugs.

Reply #235. Dec 20 09, 8:57 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Same here, kels. However, most people 32 years old don't get full cardiac arrest in the shower. Yes, there are probably natural instances where that has happened but...

Reply #236. Dec 20 09, 9:03 PM
bionic4ever star
They are going to do an autopsy in spite of the husband's objection.

Reply #237. Dec 20 09, 10:07 PM
kels_76 star

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It will be the same as when Michael Jackson died Schoonie, there will be rumours for ages and then hopefully the truth will come out.

Reply #238. Dec 21 09, 1:54 PM

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