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Subject: Jimmy Saville

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Oct 04 12

He always gave me the creeps but I was deeply shocked with the latest news. His colleagues knew but his endless charity work covered up his love of little girls. I hope that when the truth is out, his knighthood is posthumously stripped of him.

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supersal1 star
I can't say it came as a great surprise, but I do wonder why the women have come forward now. I always feel uneasy when people make accusations after someone has died.

I do wonder who the unnamed and still performing celebrity is though, and I think those allegations need investigating as a higher priority.

Reply #1. Oct 04 12, 2:45 PM
It's sad that all the good work he did, the charity work that got him his knighthood, is now tainted because he couldn't form (what we would call) "normal" adult relationships.

The girls may have been teenage groupies, dressed to the nines to attract a sleb: they may have had consensual sex then regretted it - out of guilt, or because he was allegedly not very good at it, and now is their chance to crawl out into the daylight and join the mob: they may be lying: or it may all have happened just as they describe.

I'd rather hear the results of an intelligent investigation, than Trial by Gutter Press.

I'm sure Stoke Mandeville Hospital will be happy to continue to reap the benefit of his efforts, and I don't suppose he'll be unduly perturbed by becoming Mr Savile again.

Reply #2. Oct 04 12, 3:37 PM
shipyardbernie star

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We will have to wait to see if it turns out to be true. If it is then lots of his colleagues at the BBC some of who now say they knew or heard rumours about him for years, should be ashamed of themselves. I heard rumours about him in the '70s and I have never been in show business.

Reply #3. Oct 05 12, 1:47 PM
supersal1 star
One of the girls was 14 years old and a pupil at a special needs school. If a girl like that had got herself glammed up to attract the attention of a middle aged man, I'd think it's an excellent illustration of why there's an age of consent - the onus is on the man to do the right thing, not the child.

That is of course assuming the allegations are true and it's going to be difficult to prove after all this time.

Reply #4. Oct 05 12, 3:59 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
If you watched the programme that was aired on Wednesday, the women who were talking were genuinely relieved to get their horrific abuse out in the open. They were not groupies, they were little girls who idolised who they thought was a nice man who gave them gifts but the gifts came with a price. I think that the BBC, who are so pompous and self opinionated at times, should be taken to task for turning a blind eye to what this horrible man was doing behind closed doors for 30 years in their dressing room.

Reply #5. Oct 06 12, 12:49 PM
Another name being thrown into the ring is Freddie Starr, who said:
"I’ve never touched any under-aged girl in my life. Paedophiles are a pet hate of mine, so I refute it completely." (Daily Mail online)

John Peel is quoted as having said that girls queued up outside his dressing room, and he didn't ask for ID.

Meanwhile, a child protection officer has been spending a year talking to these women. I don't suppose we'll have to wait too long for a summary.

Reply #6. Oct 06 12, 5:37 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
Now that the case has been handed over to the Metropolitan Police, I hope that everyone will take these allegations seriously. These people who have come forward have nothing to gain financially from relating what they went through at the hands of Jimmy Saville. It is like a purging of the soul and as upsetting and devastating as this must be, it will let them move on with their lives. It makes me wonder though, where these childrens' parents were when their sons and daughters were queuing to get autographs from this disgusting man.

Reply #7. Oct 07 12, 7:51 AM
The parents were probably at home, thinking how nice that their children admired such a Nice Man, not that naughty swivelling Elvis, or that naughty sneering Cliff. A lot of them weren't, though, as a lot of the girls were in homes.

If your child, or a child you were charged with looking after, returned from an inappropriate encounter, they might appear distressed, and you might notice. Then you might be expected to act on any suspicions you had. Did any adults or carers try and were hushed up?

Children accusing adults of sexual impropriety have traditionally been punished for lying. Why didn't any of these stories see the light of day till now? The children can't all have been dismissed as liars, can they?

Reply #8. Oct 07 12, 9:54 AM
TheRambler star

player avatar

These are some extracts from the Daily Mail. The reporter Dan Davies was given access to Jimmy Savile's world 8 years ago. He got to know him and what he got up to.

"What I’d discovered, meanwhile, was that he was not merely a tracksuited clown, but multi-faceted, surprising and extremely well connected, with contacts ranging from Ronnie Kray and Peter Sutcliffe to popes, prime ministers and princes. He was also Teflon-like in his ability to avoid dirt."

Tony Calder, who would go on to co-manage The Rolling Stones was 18 when he met Jimmy Savile and this is what he said about the girls.

"They’d do what they were told, they were followers. They were his little slaves.’
He confirmed that for Jimmy, ‘the rule was: the younger the better’, although he was ‘terrified of getting nicked with underage girls’."

Former police detective and child protection specialist Mark Williams-Thomas investigation for ITV said that he had interviewed many more girls and among them were some previously interviewed by Newsnight.

So far, more than 40 women have come forward to claim that they had been sexually assaulted by Jimmy Savile at the height of his fame. They were aged between 12 and 20 at the time. ‘The pattern is consistent with all of those women I spoke to,’ says Williams-Thomas. ‘I have no doubt there are many, many more victims. I know some of them and they are too scared to talk on the record.’

Reply #9. Oct 09 12, 7:54 AM
TheRambler star

player avatar
It makes me wonder if with all the goings on and the so called power of Saville and the rest of the people that shall be found out as of whether the so called Top Of The Pops were not managed to suit the friends of Saville, let's face it some of the records that got to number one were to say the least " Crap "and a few of the " chart toppers " have been found to be of the same ilk as Saville !! it is a thought, isn't it ?????
We shall see !!

Reply #10. Oct 09 12, 4:54 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
My husband sent that last reply by the way and didn't tell me he had!!!

Reply #11. Oct 10 12, 8:02 AM
Mr Rambler - quite possibly! But there are also suggestions that you need to sell your soul to the Illuminati, not disc jockeys, if you want to succeed in the music industry. If you don't, forget getting your ambitions. If you make it and want to opt out - see Britney Spears.

One thing I don't understand is why Jonathan King and Gary Glitter were named and convicted, but people were too frightened to accuse Jimmy Savile?

Reply #12. Oct 10 12, 9:15 AM
TheRambler star

player avatar
Because he was the governor and anything he said went. He hid behind all his charity work and everyone was loathe to say anything against him because he did so much for Great Ormond Street Hospital and such but he had a room where he stayed in the hospital, when he was doing his "charity work" and the young people were told by the nurses to pretend they were sleeping until he turned in for the night. God, what an evil, despicable man.

Reply #13. Oct 10 12, 1:17 PM
"If you make it and want to opt out - see Britney Spears."

...or Michael Jackson

Reply #14. Oct 10 12, 2:06 PM

player avatar
My wife trained as a nurse at LGI and has always said Saville gave her the creeps. Now I understand why.

Reply #15. Oct 10 12, 3:36 PM
Sounds like he's almost the equivalent of our Jerry Sandusky. He just got sentenced to 30-60 years (he's 68 now so bye-bye) for 45 counts of child molestation. Good riddance to old rubbish...or something like that.

Reply #16. Oct 10 12, 4:29 PM
"...or Michael Jackson..."
Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston?

Reply #17. Oct 10 12, 5:49 PM
Perhaps he would have given me the creeps too if we hadn't always had a television screen between us. I always thought he was being larger than life because that's what a television career required.

The friend I had dinner and a long conversation with this evening was wondering some of the same things I wondered - were these girls who were dressed up to the nines to attract a celebrity? Why didn't any of them protest, scream, fight, complain? Were they all frightened?

Plus one I didn't think of: now he's dead, could there be money in it for them?

And the unanswerable question - did the good we know he did outweigh the bad he is accused of doing? I guess the answer is yes if you're a hospital patient, no if you're one of his accusers.

Reply #18. Oct 10 12, 5:59 PM

player avatar
Guggly, you have to understand how Saville was regarded by the British people before these revelations.He was bordering on sainthood. He raised millions for charity and did voluntary work at Leeds hospital. Having said that there was a suspicion many years ago that there was something not quite right.

Reply #19. Oct 10 12, 7:26 PM
Bob, wasn't there a police investigation a few years ago, that ended by being closed with no or insufficient evidence and no charges?

Reply #20. Oct 10 12, 9:00 PM

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