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Subject: Bus Ride Renewal Challenge

Posted by: Terry
Date: Mar 16 10

While the replacement of low-ranked quizzes is a continuing goal, preparation of extra quizzes to introduce variety for the tourists is also important now that the Bus Ride is well-established. Some tourists have been around the world over ten times, and even nice quizzes get repetitive. The lowest-ranked quiz currently used for the tour has a ranking that is roughly in the top third of all quizzes, so replacement is not an urgent matter, but we would still like to have new quizzes of a suitable quality to use as replacements, to provide a bit of diversity for those players who have played every day since the beginning, and who have probably memorised the answers to the current quizzes.

If you create a new quiz on a Bus Ride country, get it placed online, and have it place within a reasonable ranking, it may be rotated in to provide a more diverse program. Should your quiz manage a higher ranking than the current entry, it could become the permanent fixture, waiting for a future challenger. As an added bonus, we have modified the ratings system to give all quizzes in our rotation a ratings bump.

Feel free to use this thread to also "claim" a country so that you don't duplicate someone else's effort, and make sure to follow along with our later posts and updates to make sure that everything is in order. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

This link will show you what the ranking is for each of our current country quizzes.


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Joepetz star

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I intend to write some more quizzes for the older nations when the history month ends. Maybe not in Geography though. And definitely not photo quizzes since all my photos quizzes that made the Bus Ride fell way down in the rankings and lost their sunnies after one round.

Reply #1241. Aug 27 17, 2:08 PM

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Since the link that lets you see what countries are ranked where is still broken, I thought it would be a good idea to post a summary here, where everyone can see it. Those who are interested in providing replacement quizzes will find it easier if they know which countries are most suitable.

Countries whose quiz is not in the top 25,000, and sporting sunglasses:
Argentina (71609) - this was a recent rotation that did not prove popular, and can be replaced by a quiz currently ranked 2018
Brazil (38624) - another recent rotation that did not prove popular when visited, and can be replaced by one ranked 2795
Guinea-Bisseau (34232)
Oman (30645)
Liechtenstein (26847)

There are also a number of old quizzes, which Terry has flagged as potentially being replaced because they in 2010 or earlier , but they still seem popular enough with the tourists, so a replacement would have to get a good reception to displace them. They include:

(ranked between 10,000 and 25,000) Bosnia, Central African Republic, Albania, Philippines, Grenada, Kuwait, Bahamas, Finland, Singapore, Burundi, Eritrea, Jamaica, Sudan, Hungary, Mongolia, Nepal, Bulgaria, Ghana, Liberia, Angola;

(ranked between 5,000 and 10,000) Cambodia, Egypt, Bahrain, Malaysia, Swaziland, Bolivia, El Salvador, Monaco, Dominican Republic, North Korea, Austria, United States, Afghanistan, Mozambique;

(ranked higher than 5,000 - these will be tough to move!) Botswana, Cape Verde, Kenya, Turkmenistan, India, Jordan, Britain, Belgium, Romania, Kosovo, Honduras, Iraq, Andorra, Namibia, Congo, Gabon, Haiti, Palau, Zimbabwe, Kyrgyzstan, Antigua and Barbuda, Turkey, Sao Tome & Principe, Vanuatu, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Benin, Ethiopia, Canada, Panama, Solomon Islands, Malawi, Niger, Macedonia, Tonga, Uganda, Belize, Guinea, Iran Congo (the other one), Tuvalu, Trinidad and Tobago, Lesotho, Tanzania, Portugal, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Greece, Rwanda, Peru, Italy, Chile.

The online list is dynamic, which is why I hope the link so you can see it gets re-established soon. Not only do rankings change (the ones above are as of today), but as time goes past more and more get marked as old. A number of those I have listed here as old were specifically written as part of the Bus Ride Renewal program - it has been going that long!

Reply #1242. Sep 18 17, 1:18 AM
angikar star

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The buslist.cfm page is showing access denied.

Reply #1243. Mar 07 18, 4:07 AM

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Terry has been notified about that - it's not a high priority for him right now. That's why I have posted a couple of updates for those who cannot use the link. It works fine for me! And it hasn't changed significantly since the last update, just a few posts back.

Reply #1244. Mar 07 18, 1:15 PM

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Reply #1245. Jul 12 18, 10:12 PM

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I saw (nice quiz!), and will check its ranking - they sometimes take longer than three weeks to get up to 20 ratings, but I will be checking from then.

Reply #1246. Jul 12 18, 11:36 PM

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After today's update, there are only two countries whose Bus Ride quiz is not sporting sunnies: Guinea-Bisseau and Bosnia, whose current respective ranks are 32988 and 25248.

The following countries still have older quizzes, which could stand with an update. The higher they are in the list, the easier you may find it to dislodge the resident quiz. (I will certainly consider rotating any quiz if the replacement is within a reasonable ranking distance of the current one, and see how it fares when it gets visited; you don't need to actually get a higher ranking, just a similar one.) Most of them aren't actually all that old - the red flag is set for five years. Quite a few of them were specifically written to be Bus Ride Replacements!

Ranking greater than 20,000
Nauru, Central African Republic

Ranking 15,000 to 20,000
Philippines, Granada, Kuwait, Suriname, Bahamas, Finland

Ranking 10,000 to 15,000
Eritrea, Singapore, Somalia, Burundi, Albania, Sudan, Jamaica, Mongolia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Liberia, Nepal, Ghana, Angola

Ranking 5,000 to 10,000
Chad, Cambodia, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, Malaysia, El Salvador, Swaziland, Monaco, Bolivia, The Dominican Republic, Austria, United States, North Korea, Iceland

Ranking in the top 5,000
Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Cape Verde, Botswana, Mozambique, Vatican City, Cuba, Kenya, Britain, Turkmenistan, India, Guatemala, Jordan, Romania, Belgium, Iraq, Kosovo, Honduras, Congo, Namibia, Andorra, Seychelles, Gabon, Uruguay, Haiti, Turkey, Krygyzstan, Palau, Zimbabwe, Antigua and Barbuda, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Vanuatu, Senegal, Saint Lucia, Canada, Benin, Panama, South Korea, Macedonia, Solomon Islands, Malawi, Niger, Azerbaijan, Tonga, Uganda, Belize, Guinea, Iran, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Croatia, Tuvalu, Lesotho, Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica, Portugal, The Netherlands, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Thailand, Spain, Kiribati, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Morocco, Rwanda, Mexico, Peru, Syria, Italy, Chile

Reply #1247. Aug 11 18, 8:14 PM

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If it may be time to replace some of the older quizzes to add some new questions to the pool - here's an Egypt quiz that I wrote for that:

Reply #1248. Mar 09 20, 7:57 AM

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A few new quizzes have been rotated in today, and more are being watched hopefully to see how they rank. The Virtual Events challenge is producing some interesting material! (I don't suppose anyone's been to Guinea-Bissau recently?)

Reply #1249. Apr 13 20, 8:45 PM

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What countries are we looking at as present priority?

Reply #1250. Apr 13 20, 9:46 PM

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The current batch of quizzes are really quite decent, but some rotation to provide variety is always good. Some of the quizzes I added today are actually ranked lower than the one that was there, but dedicated tourists must be getting sick of seeing the same old quizzes, however much they may have enjoyed them the first time. There are some countries which have never been replaced, as there is only one viable quiz. I would immediately replace one of these if the new quiz was at least top 50,000 (although sunnies would be nice), even if it is not ranked as high as the current one. Some do have alternatives, just not ranked that highly. Variety is nice, but not if it means using a quiz that players have already indicated they weren't crazy about.

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Republic of the Congo
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Solomon Islands
South Korea
The Bahamas
Trinidad and Tobago

If you don't feel inspired to write about one of these countries, perhaps you'd like to explore FunTrivia quizzes to see if I have overlooked a suitable quiz, and post a link. Remember, it needs to be ranked at least in the top 50,000, and also not impossibly difficult. Potential quizzes can be found in Geography, World, General (the countries subcategories), History, and possibly Hobbies (food). Or maybe somewhere else I haven't looked. :)

Reply #1251. Apr 14 20, 12:41 AM
LadyNym star

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Here's the one I wrote about Portugal, which went online just a few hours ago:

Reply #1252. Apr 25 20, 5:33 AM

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I'll do one on Croatia as I've been there several times.

Reply #1253. Apr 26 20, 4:28 AM
Matthew_07 star

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Thanks to the TRIC Z challenge, I have written a quiz on Panama. Currently working on the quiz on Swaziland/Eswatini.

Reply #1254. Apr 26 20, 10:19 AM
Matthew_07 star

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My Panama and Eswatini/Swaziland quizzes are now online, in addition to the Samoa quiz that I wrote earlier.

It takes two to Congo. :) I will take the Congo twins next.

Reply #1255. Apr 28 20, 3:05 AM
Matthew_07 star

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The Congo twins are here. :)

Interestingly, there is also another DR Congo quiz that has been put online recently.

I will take Palau and Dominican Republic next.

Reply #1256. Apr 30 20, 10:11 PM
Matthew_07 star

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Here are my Palau and DR quizzes.

Taking Haiti next. :)

Reply #1257. May 15 20, 9:00 PM
Matthew_07 star

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Haiti is online.

Reply #1258. May 28 20, 11:43 PM
AcrylicInk star

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I'm attempting a quiz on Suriname for Adventures in Authoring. It's a photo quiz so it may take a while to finish.

Reply #1259. Jun 05 20, 6:20 AM
AcrylicInk star

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It's online now.

Reply #1260. Jun 14 20, 12:01 PM

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