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Subject: Bus Ride Renewal Challenge

Posted by: Terry
Date: Mar 16 10

While the replacement of low-ranked quizzes is a continuing goal, preparation of extra quizzes to introduce variety for the tourists is also important now that the Bus Ride is well-established. Some tourists have been around the world over ten times, and even nice quizzes get repetitive. The lowest-ranked quiz currently used for the tour has a ranking that is roughly in the top third of all quizzes, so replacement is not an urgent matter, but we would still like to have new quizzes of a suitable quality to use as replacements, to provide a bit of diversity for those players who have played every day since the beginning, and who have probably memorised the answers to the current quizzes.

If you create a new quiz on a Bus Ride country, get it placed online, and have it place within a reasonable ranking, it may be rotated in to provide a more diverse program. Should your quiz manage a higher ranking than the current entry, it could become the permanent fixture, waiting for a future challenger. As an added bonus, we have modified the ratings system to give all quizzes in our rotation a ratings bump.

Feel free to use this thread to also "claim" a country so that you don't duplicate someone else's effort, and make sure to follow along with our later posts and updates to make sure that everything is in order. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

This link will show you what the ranking is for each of our current country quizzes.


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glendathecat star
As it's next door to Mauritania, I don't mind having a go at it. Should be ready by about February if the last one is anything to go by. ;)

Reply #721. Sep 21 11, 4:48 PM

player avatar
Re: Kyle: "Mali, Mali, Oxen-Free"

Nope, "Mali & Me". Assuming, of course, that I'm pronouncing Mali correctly (I don't know why I shouldn't be - I just have this hideous feeling I've been saying it wrong all these years).

Reply #722. Sep 21 11, 5:02 PM

player avatar
I think you're right.

Reply #723. Sep 21 11, 5:12 PM
According to wikipedia (and wikipedia knows all!) you're right in pronouncing it that way.

Reply #724. Sep 21 11, 5:49 PM
glendathecat star
Here's Mauritania

Reply #725. Sep 22 11, 4:21 PM

player avatar

Salami's is up!

Reply #726. Oct 04 11, 10:26 PM
so, Yemen still needs a quiz? If so, I'll have a crack at it.

Reply #727. Oct 04 11, 10:48 PM

player avatar
Yemen has a quiz, but no backup for possible future rotations. If you write one and it achieves a reasonable ranking, it can go on the list.

Reply #728. Oct 05 11, 11:54 AM
glendathecat star
If anyone fancies a trip to Mauritania, my quiz still needs two more ratings to make it 'official'.

Reply #729. Oct 12 11, 5:45 PM

player avatar
Been there, done that - where's everyone else?

Reply #730. Oct 13 11, 1:11 AM

player avatar
That should be 20 now.

Reply #731. Oct 13 11, 2:15 AM
glendathecat star

Reply #732. Oct 13 11, 5:22 PM
tazman6619 star

player avatar
It would appear from the list attached that Laos needs a new quiz, is this correct? If so I will claim it.

Reply #733. Dec 21 11, 10:39 PM

player avatar
That is correct! :)

Reply #734. Dec 21 11, 10:41 PM
tazman6619 star

player avatar
Okay I'll get to work on it.

Reply #735. Dec 21 11, 10:52 PM
salami_swami star
Tajikistan is mine. :-D

Reply #736. Dec 22 11, 10:16 AM

Reply #737. Dec 23 11, 10:01 PM
Sorry about that (once again I'll have to blame it on my iPod), what I meant to say was here's a possible replacement for Uzbekistan:

Reply #738. Dec 23 11, 10:11 PM
tazman6619 star

player avatar
I'll be taking a crack at Ukraine next.

Reply #739. Dec 24 11, 10:28 PM

player avatar
The current Ukraine quiz is not very well ranked, but there is a replacement with a ranking around 300 all ready to go for the next rotation. If you want to see a quiz included on the circuit, you would be better off choosing another country - it will be a couple of circuits, which meant well over a year, after the next rotation (whenever that happens) before I would be suggesting another change for Ukraine. But if that's the country that takes your fancy, and you don't mind waiting quite a while to see it being used, go for it!

Reply #740. Dec 24 11, 10:55 PM

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