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Subject: Bus Ride Renewal Challenge

Posted by: Terry
Date: Mar 16 10

While the replacement of low-ranked quizzes is a continuing goal, preparation of extra quizzes to introduce variety for the tourists is also important now that the Bus Ride is well-established. Some tourists have been around the world over ten times, and even nice quizzes get repetitive. The lowest-ranked quiz currently used for the tour has a ranking that is roughly in the top third of all quizzes, so replacement is not an urgent matter, but we would still like to have new quizzes of a suitable quality to use as replacements, to provide a bit of diversity for those players who have played every day since the beginning, and who have probably memorised the answers to the current quizzes.

If you create a new quiz on a Bus Ride country, get it placed online, and have it place within a reasonable ranking, it may be rotated in to provide a more diverse program. Should your quiz manage a higher ranking than the current entry, it could become the permanent fixture, waiting for a future challenger. As an added bonus, we have modified the ratings system to give all quizzes in our rotation a ratings bump.

Feel free to use this thread to also "claim" a country so that you don't duplicate someone else's effort, and make sure to follow along with our later posts and updates to make sure that everything is in order. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

This link will show you what the ranking is for each of our current country quizzes.


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player avatar
I always 'cheat' on my own quizzes by opening the Word template and checking. :O

Reply #801. Feb 14 12, 11:56 AM
Is anyone by chance doing a Mali quiz right now? Because I'm thinking about writing a quiz on it, since it sort of has to do with a portion of my AP World course....

Reply #802. Feb 14 12, 4:28 PM

player avatar
Somebody volunteered over a year ago, but I suspect that they have been distracted from the task in hand. Mali has a single viable quiz, and a former quiz that has been taken offline, so isn't available.

Reply #803. Feb 15 12, 1:26 AM
coachpauly star
Is there a reason why Hong Kong doesn't appear on the country list? It is a Special Administrative Area of China but is still recognized as a country in its own right by the International Olympic Committee and all other International sporting bodies....Just curious :)

Reply #804. Feb 22 12, 10:44 PM

player avatar
The original list was set up rather arbitrarily (and not by me) - when I was checking to see what country had been left off the first circuit of the Bus Ride (it was Comoros) I started with a list of UN member countries, and discovered there are more countries than that included in the tour, including at least one whose sovereignty is disputed by some. I have no idea why they made the grade, other than the fact that there were wuizzes on them in the Geography category. Nor do I know why some other places with an equally good claim were not included. For the time being, the 195 will be the ones we visit. It is possible that at some future time the countries included will be reviewed, but not in the near future.

Reply #805. Feb 22 12, 11:38 PM
playmate1111 star

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Malawi will be coming up in a day or so. Sorry to have taken so long.

Reply #806. Mar 07 12, 7:30 AM
ThurstAsh star
I'm three questions away from finishing my Mali quiz, school has gotten in the way during the past few days.

Reply #807. Mar 07 12, 9:47 PM

player avatar
Bumping this to keep it on the fron page, and remind authors that it is challenge! You could consider using it for your pangalactic sunnies title in Geography, World or General (Mixed country themed), and not have to worry about a player author challenge title that fits.

A quiz rotation will probably be happening in the near future, and my current stock of 40 quizzes to offer for use will be depleted. All of the countries listed at the top of this challenge need another quiz so that it is possible to rotate for variety; writing a sunnies quiz on one of them would therefore qualify for pangalactic. You can also write for any other country of your choice, but it won't meet the pangalactic criterion unless it ranks well enough to displace a quiz that is currently there. If that were to happen, I would notify WesleyCrusher that the quiz will be joining the Bus Ride, and I imagine it would qualify.

In case you were wondering, Bhutan currently has 5 quizzes vying for 2 spots, so it is probably not a good choice in terms of competition.

Reply #808. Mar 16 12, 5:07 PM
dcpddc478 star

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Thanks toons...I have been looking for something I could use on my chase for pangalactic sunnies title...I will start to work on Turkmenistan:)

Reply #809. Mar 16 12, 6:08 PM
dcpddc478 star

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oooops tunes:)...time for more coffee!...I can't even spell today.

Reply #810. Mar 16 12, 6:09 PM
If no one has taken Lebanon, I'll take it. I need a topic for another quiz challenge.

Reply #811. Mar 16 12, 8:21 PM
dcpddc478 star

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Got Turkmenistan submitted...what a facinating country!

Reply #812. Mar 17 12, 2:47 PM

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What really got me hooked on writing Bus Ride quizzes is finding out how much there is of interest to discover in places you've barely heard of. It's a great way to share the bits and pieces with a wider audience.

Reply #813. Mar 17 12, 3:30 PM

player avatar
Forty new quizzes have just been rotated into the Bus Ride. The list at the link now actually reflects what is there, except for not showing a few quizzes written but not yet ranked, for Slovakia among others. It's a school holiday now, and I will be checking all the latest rankings so that the list of countries still in need of more quizzes can be updated. Cameroon, the lowest-ranked country on the current tour, has two quizzes both ranked around 30,000. The ones in the header for this thread do not have a second quiz in the top 50,000.

Reply #814. Apr 03 12, 1:51 PM
AlonsoKing star

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I wonder if Mali doesn't need an additional quiz. It's not on the list above but I can find only the one from KatieK54 (unless there's one without 'Mali' in its name).

I'm currently working on quiz about Timbuktu. I could turn it around a bit so it would qualify for a Mali quiz.

If there's no need for a second Mali quiz, or if somebody else has already claimed it, I'll stick with my original idea.

Reply #815. Apr 04 12, 8:55 AM

player avatar
Country list updated!

Reply #816. Apr 04 12, 10:17 AM
AlonsoKing star

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Thanks Kyle! I'll do Mali then.

Reply #817. Apr 04 12, 11:45 AM

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By the way, my list of countries with two or more quizzes includes quizzes from non-Geography categories, especially World and General (Country Specific), also some History and Hobbies (Food). When you only see one Georgaphy quiz, that doesn't mean there isn't a second one. That is why I have organized to have kyle post the list at the top of this thread.

Mali wasn't listed for a while, because it had been claimed by someone, but their quiz hasn't yet appeared, so I put it back up. This time I have included even countries for which there has been a claim made. They will only come off when the quiz actually appears and gets ranked suitably to be added to the rotation. Most of the newly-added countries are due to quizzes near the lower end of the acceptable range sliding down too far. As long as people keep writing great quizzes for Lounge activities, this downward slide is likely to continue. The good news is that they can now be replaced with better ones!

Reply #818. Apr 04 12, 5:58 PM
dcpddc478 star

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Starting on the Czech Republic:)

Reply #819. Apr 08 12, 4:43 AM

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I have submitted Madagascar.

Reply #820. Apr 08 12, 5:08 AM

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