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Subject: Bus Ride Renewal Challenge

Posted by: Terry
Date: Mar 16 10

While the replacement of low-ranked quizzes is a continuing goal, preparation of extra quizzes to introduce variety for the tourists is also important now that the Bus Ride is well-established. Some tourists have been around the world over ten times, and even nice quizzes get repetitive. The lowest-ranked quiz currently used for the tour has a ranking that is roughly in the top third of all quizzes, so replacement is not an urgent matter, but we would still like to have new quizzes of a suitable quality to use as replacements, to provide a bit of diversity for those players who have played every day since the beginning, and who have probably memorised the answers to the current quizzes.

If you create a new quiz on a Bus Ride country, get it placed online, and have it place within a reasonable ranking, it may be rotated in to provide a more diverse program. Should your quiz manage a higher ranking than the current entry, it could become the permanent fixture, waiting for a future challenger. As an added bonus, we have modified the ratings system to give all quizzes in our rotation a ratings bump.

Feel free to use this thread to also "claim" a country so that you don't duplicate someone else's effort, and make sure to follow along with our later posts and updates to make sure that everything is in order. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

This link will show you what the ranking is for each of our current country quizzes.


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Mali is here.

Reply #841. Apr 27 12, 11:34 AM
tazman6619 star

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Another candidate:

Reply #842. Apr 28 12, 6:19 PM
AlonsoKing star

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I changed my mind back again and did make a Mali quiz. It took me a while but it's submitted now.

Reply #843. May 20 12, 6:54 AM
AlonsoKing star

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And it's online now:

Reply #844. May 22 12, 12:40 AM

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Lebanon is now the proud owner of two quizzes rated in the top quarter of quizzes on the site, and is no longer in desperate need of another quiz. But, as always, anyone who wants to try and write a competing quiz is welcome to do so. Kyle, can you please remove Lebanon from the list?

We also have two contenders for the Mali spot - when they get ranked, we will see if they meet the requirements. Meanwhile, there are plenty of other countries with only a single quiz that could use some loving attention. Remember, Pangalacticians, that you don't have to make them Geography quizzes - quizzes in World (cultures) work very well, as can General Knowledge (Mixed country specific) or History. There are even a couple from Hobbies (food) and People.

Reply #845. May 22 12, 12:41 AM
Is Mauritius in need of a quiz? I'll have a crack at that if it's needed.

Reply #846. May 22 12, 2:38 AM

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Mauritius is not listed, which means that it has two quizzes. One of them, however, only ranks around 47,000 - you could try to replace it if you want.

Reply #847. May 22 12, 4:08 AM
I might. Which countries are in the most need of a new quiz?

Reply #848. May 22 12, 7:43 AM
salami_swami star
The mother post of this thread has a good list (though I believe it is need of a bit of updating). Try starting there. :)

Reply #849. May 22 12, 8:13 AM
Hi can I claim the Bahamas please. Will report back when done.

Reply #850. May 22 12, 11:57 AM
Sorry! have just looked properly and I see a quiz on the Czech Republic needs replacing so I'd like to have a go at that instead of the above.

Reply #851. May 22 12, 12:02 PM

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Or do both. :D

Reply #852. May 22 12, 5:26 PM
I'll have a shot at a Comoros quiz, I think.

Reply #853. May 22 12, 8:45 PM
I've just submitted the Czech Republic so it's down to waiting now!

Reply #854. May 23 12, 6:23 PM
dcpddc478 star

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I have started a new one on is one of those places that are in my bucket list:)

Reply #855. May 25 12, 9:52 PM
rossian star

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My quiz on Montenegro needs just one more ranking to get listed (hint).

Reply #856. May 26 12, 3:57 PM
reedy star

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I'll take on Dominica.

Reply #857. May 26 12, 5:52 PM
dcpddc478 star

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Lithuania has been pot has overheated and so I must go to bed;)

Reply #858. May 26 12, 10:51 PM
rossian star

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Thanks, folks. Today's Bus Ride quiz is one of mine - I had to double check a couple of them myself. It would have been embarrassing to get any of them wrong.

Reply #859. May 27 12, 3:54 AM

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With the release of this week's rankings, the following quizzes have been added to list for the next rotation. Wes, they should qualify for Pangalactic if claimed, even though the rotation won't happen for quite a while, since we just did one recently.

Cameroon from stuthehistoryguy (wasn't listed above, because it had two quizzes, but both ranked much lower than this one)

Montenegro from Rossian

Both Mali quizzes need some more ratings before they will be ranked and considered.

Reply #860. May 28 12, 1:06 PM

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