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Subject: Bus Ride Renewal Challenge

Posted by: Terry
Date: Mar 16 10

While the replacement of low-ranked quizzes is a continuing goal, preparation of extra quizzes to introduce variety for the tourists is also important now that the Bus Ride is well-established. Some tourists have been around the world over ten times, and even nice quizzes get repetitive. The lowest-ranked quiz currently used for the tour has a ranking that is roughly in the top third of all quizzes, so replacement is not an urgent matter, but we would still like to have new quizzes of a suitable quality to use as replacements, to provide a bit of diversity for those players who have played every day since the beginning, and who have probably memorised the answers to the current quizzes.

If you create a new quiz on a Bus Ride country, get it placed online, and have it place within a reasonable ranking, it may be rotated in to provide a more diverse program. Should your quiz manage a higher ranking than the current entry, it could become the permanent fixture, waiting for a future challenger. As an added bonus, we have modified the ratings system to give all quizzes in our rotation a ratings bump.

Feel free to use this thread to also "claim" a country so that you don't duplicate someone else's effort, and make sure to follow along with our later posts and updates to make sure that everything is in order. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

This link will show you what the ranking is for each of our current country quizzes.


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You certainly can use a challenge title for a Bus Ride quiz. And everything's available, if you can write a quiz that ranks higher than the current ones. The list at the top of this thread shows countries where a reasonable ranking guarantees inclusion, sooner or later. because there is only one quiz with a ranking in the top 50,000 for that country. My master plan is to have two quizzes for each country, so that a good number of them change for each tour. There are tourists out who have visited over 1000 countries, meaning they are on their sixth circuit, and it's nice if they can get some variety. If you write a Germany quiz, I will note it, and check its ranking against what is currently listed.

Reply #901. Nov 12 12, 2:36 AM
superfan123 star

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Actually, my challenge title has been taken, so I think I will write a second quiz on another country which I can use another title for, although I will not say yet because I am unsure whether or not it will stay free.

Also, have you updated the Bus List recently? There seem to be some things that are currently inaccurate.

Reply #902. Nov 12 12, 11:27 PM
superfan123 star

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Are 9 for 10 quizzes permitted for Bus Ride quizzes?

Reply #903. Nov 12 12, 11:45 PM
zorba_scank star
I'm sure they are. For Argentina I remember playing Minch's 9 for 10 quiz.

Reply #904. Nov 12 12, 11:55 PM

player avatar
"Also, have you updated the Bus List recently? There seem to be some things that are currently inaccurate."

What seems inaccurate? The link to current quizzes is definitely accurate. The list of countries without an appropriate second quiz at the top of the page is also accurate as of about two weeks ago, and I don't think much has changed. Kyle has too much to do to adjust it every time a country gets a new quiz ranked - I usually let him know when there are a couple to remove.

I am fussy about the fare we offer our tourists, so you may see more quizzes on some countries, but if they do not have a good enough ranking I pretend they aren't there, as they are not going to go onto the Bus Ride.

Reply #905. Nov 13 12, 12:09 AM
superfan123 star

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Ah, that makes more sense. Is the required rating 25000?

Reply #906. Nov 13 12, 6:01 AM

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It's not set in concrete - there are some lower-ranked quizzes that seem to me particularly suitable anyway - but I would like to see them all in the top 35,000 or so. We put so much effort into replacing the original unsatisfactory quizzes that were enough to get the idea happening that it would be a shame to have to use those quizzes again to introdfuce variety.

The current quizzes are actually all pretty satisfactory as far as ranking goes, with the exception of a few that do have replacements ready when Terry is ready to do the next rotation of content. Now we are striving towards variety as well as excellence!

Reply #907. Nov 13 12, 5:32 PM
gracious1 star

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I would like to write about Sweden. Has that been taken?

Reply #908. Nov 19 12, 2:41 PM
gracious1 star

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If so, then I'll do Finland instead.

Reply #909. Nov 19 12, 2:42 PM

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Neither of those countries is listed at the top of this thread as being one of those in most need of an extra quiz (which means that your quiz is guaranteed to be included as long as it ranks reasonably well). For all other countries, submissions are considered, but only added to the rotation if they rank more highly than one of the two currently-listed quizzes for that country.

Reply #910. Nov 19 12, 3:48 PM
gracious1 star

player avatar
Oh, I beg your pardon. I was going by another listing that had Sweden and Finland in red, meaning that they were in need of replacement. Is that document not accurate, then?

(I would post a link to the one I mean, but now I can't find it. I promise I am not making this up, however.)

Reply #911. Nov 19 12, 4:30 PM
gracious1 star

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Oh, the document I referred to is linked in the original post of the thread. So I looked through it and saw those countries in red.

Reply #912. Nov 19 12, 4:31 PM

player avatar
The coding Terry set up for that list makes anything ranked under 25,000 red - there aren't many there. he also made anything over a few years old red. However, the old ones that remain are mostly pretty good, as you can tell by their ranking. The list goes from lowest rank at the top to highest rank at the bottom.

That list also only shows what is online for the tour at the moment. It doers not reflect what I know is available for rotation purposes. Some of the quizzes at the top already have replacements ready to rotate in when he is ready for another change (which haoppens no more than once every 6 months or so, as there are a lot of other more pressing issues on the site). Ihave that list at hime, not with me at work. All the listed quizzes in the header for the thread do NOT have suitable replacements; other countries do.

As I said, feel free towrite for any country at all, since it is great to have even better quizzes. The ones listed are just a suggestion to make it more likely your quiz gets in. (Give me another ten years, and I'll probably fill most of the gaps myself, since I am addicted to writing Bus Ride quizzes. But I'm sure tourists don't just want to take my quizzes all year long, so the more the merrier.)

Reply #913. Nov 19 12, 6:23 PM
KatieK54 star

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I plan to start working on a quiz about Senegal.
: )

Reply #914. Nov 21 12, 5:20 PM
KatieK54 star

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It looks like Senegal is a pretty good quiz already. I will still complete it and submit it as an alternative for the future, but I think I will instead tackle either
Czech Republic or another country...

Reply #915. Nov 27 12, 7:16 PM

player avatar
Most countries have one quiz that is pretty good already. But we do want to have a second one, so that it is possible to rotate them for variety. So don't be discouraged if the current one looks good - if it's listed as not having a reserve for rotation, you can write one!

Reply #916. Nov 28 12, 3:57 AM
dcpddc478 star

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I have another geography quiz might work for the busride as another stop on the quiz route

Reply #917. Dec 10 12, 9:00 AM
Daaanieeel star
I might start a quiz on Mauritius, I feel like writing another one of these.

Reply #918. Dec 21 12, 4:06 AM

player avatar
Anna's 'From Russia With Love' is listed for the next rotation, as is 'What the French ... Toast' from beergirllaura. Before you ask, no, I don't know when it will happen. There are currently 25 quizzes ready to rotate, and it has been nine months since the last rotation, so I will probably ask Terry about it in the near future. It all depends on how busy he is with everything else!

Reply #919. Dec 31 12, 5:35 PM
rossian star

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Here's a non geography one on Barbados, which may be a possibility for your list, L_T:

Reply #920. Jan 04 13, 1:30 PM

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