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Subject: Bus Ride Renewal Challenge

Posted by: Terry
Date: Mar 16 10

While the replacement of low-ranked quizzes is a continuing goal, preparation of extra quizzes to introduce variety for the tourists is also important now that the Bus Ride is well-established. Some tourists have been around the world over ten times, and even nice quizzes get repetitive. The lowest-ranked quiz currently used for the tour has a ranking that is roughly in the top third of all quizzes, so replacement is not an urgent matter, but we would still like to have new quizzes of a suitable quality to use as replacements, to provide a bit of diversity for those players who have played every day since the beginning, and who have probably memorised the answers to the current quizzes.

If you create a new quiz on a Bus Ride country, get it placed online, and have it place within a reasonable ranking, it may be rotated in to provide a more diverse program. Should your quiz manage a higher ranking than the current entry, it could become the permanent fixture, waiting for a future challenger. As an added bonus, we have modified the ratings system to give all quizzes in our rotation a ratings bump.

Feel free to use this thread to also "claim" a country so that you don't duplicate someone else's effort, and make sure to follow along with our later posts and updates to make sure that everything is in order. We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

This link will show you what the ranking is for each of our current country quizzes.


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superfan123 star

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Geography is the usual one-- but there is General (Mixed Countries), History, Hobbies (International Cuisine), and I even remember doing an Animals quiz about Cuba once. If the quiz is just about the language, I assume no.

Reply #941. Jan 26 13, 6:45 PM
In the latest rotation, a folklore quiz has even been included--but there is a lot of information about national character therein.

Reply #942. Jan 26 13, 6:56 PM
superfan123 star

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I am considering doing a Fiji history quiz, but...

Reply #943. Jan 26 13, 6:56 PM
superfan123 star

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Fiji it is!

Reply #944. Jan 26 13, 7:49 PM
gracious1 star

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The General/Mixed Countries might do in a pinch. Are there any subcategories in World that would be appropriate for the Bus Ride?

Reply #945. Jan 26 13, 7:50 PM
superfan123 star

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Flags and Symbols.
I remember from this quiz:

World Sites. This may also work too.

Reply #946. Jan 26 13, 8:04 PM
gracious1 star

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I went with General/Mixed Other Countries. Quiz is submitted. :-) But it's good to know in the future what my options are!

Reply #947. Jan 26 13, 10:03 PM
gracious1 star

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Here's the quiz:

Reply #948. Feb 01 13, 4:51 PM

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And Sweden has a replacement, which will be part of the next rotation. Gracious1, if you need General Knowledge for the Pangalactic Challenge, this one now qualifies.

Reply #949. Feb 26 13, 12:12 PM
1nn1 star

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New to this part of the Fun Trivia Network. But can you tell me if I am on the right track? I am going to write a quiz on Estonia as I have a large interest in that part of the world. There are six Quizzes on Estonia at the moment with the highest rated in the 26000's. So if I write a quiz on Estonia whether it be in the Geography or the Mixed Countries (General) and it rates higher than 26 000, then it will be automatically included in the Bus Ride Challenge, next time Estonia comes up on rotation? Do I have to declare on submission that this quiz should be considered for the busride Project?

Reply #950. Mar 02 13, 1:45 AM
1nn1 star

player avatar
Does South Sudan not get a slot? Also there were 204 sovereign nations represented at the 2012 Olympic Games. Are there other countries not included? and if so for waht reason please?

Reply #951. Mar 02 13, 1:52 AM

player avatar
Quizzes get added at periodic intervals, so a new quiz may not appear the next time that country is visited, but a quiz on Estonia that ranks in the top 50,000 would be rotated in at the next changeover. And if it beats the current one in ranking, it may stay there for a long time.

You do not need to make any post, although you are welcome to do so. I watch all new quizzes to see if they will be useful for the Bus Ride, and add them to the rotation list if they qualify.

Terry is happy with the current setup - it would take quite a lot of adjusting to change the number of countries. 195 was an arbitrary number originally, based on what we had. It included all the UN members at the time, plus a couple of extras like Vatican City. South Sudan has a quiz that I wrote ready to use should he choose to expand the content, but he has said that it won't be in the foreseeable future. The Bus Ride does not use Olympic participating entities as its definition - United Kingdom is on the Bus Ride, not England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Reply #952. Mar 02 13, 2:28 AM
playmate1111 star

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I'll do Mozambique seeing it's right on our border.

Reply #953. Mar 02 13, 2:31 AM
flopsymopsy star

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*Cough* England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland aren't in the Olympics either, the team is called "Great Britain" though for the Olympics that term also includes N Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. It's all very confusing... and next year is the Commonwealth Games so all the teams will be split again. We do it to confuse people resident in Australia. ;)

Reply #954. Mar 02 13, 9:05 AM
nannywoo star

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Confuses us Americans, too, flopsymopsy, which is always a good thing.

Reply #955. Mar 02 13, 10:48 AM
gracious1 star

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I had no idea the British team included the Isle of Man. Well, I meant it's part of the British Isles, but that's not what "Great Britain" means.

It's actually very confusing to an American like me because on the one hand Scotland, Wales, and England are separate countries, and they seem especially keen on their separate identities and histories, but on the other hand they are all part of the same country, the United Kingdom. Can someone explain?

Seems like it was all much easier to understand when Victoria sat on the throne. Or Mad George III. :-P

Reply #956. Mar 03 13, 4:43 AM
alexis722 star

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Y, me too, confused colonist here. When is it proper to use England, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Britain, as opposed to the others. How does one know which to use? And what do Britons prefer to be called? Brits? Scotsmen? Welsh, Northern Irish, Irish, English? I suppose we're just as confusing over here in the colonies, what with the east and west coasts, the contiguous states, the midwest, southwest, middle-America, 'deep' south (usually referring not to geographically deep, but to attitudinally deep south), hillbillies, rednecks, crackers, mountaineers, cajuns and coona$$es, new englanders, cowboys, cheeseheads and all.

Reply #957. Mar 03 13, 5:27 AM
alexis722 star

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IF I can find a library book on Palau {rather than the internet}, I'd like to take it. I'll know fer shur by Monday when library opens. K?

Reply #958. Mar 03 13, 5:29 AM
alexis722 star

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And if Denmark is not taken, I'd like it as well, have enough books on DK at tome.

Reply #959. Mar 03 13, 5:35 AM
alexis722 star

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That's at home...I need a nap.

Reply #960. Mar 03 13, 5:36 AM

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