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Subject: Roller Coaster Chat!

Posted by: rightiam
Date: Sep 10 07

Your fav. coaster? Mine would be Xcelerator

55 replies. On page 1 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
I like the jackrabbit at Seabreeze, or rockin rollercoaster at Disney World.

Reply #1. Sep 10 07, 8:31 PM
leelee63 star
I don't know which is my favorite because I haven't ridden them all yet. I really like Millenium at Cedar Point. I'll be there on the 21st! Top thrill wicked twister mantis raptor magnum, etc. Hallowweekends!

Reply #2. Sep 10 07, 11:15 PM
I really liked Raging Bull at Six Flags Great America. Also loved Batman: The Ride at the same park.

Reply #3. Sep 11 07, 12:29 AM
my favorite ride is Big Thunder Mt Railroad at Dysney world in Orlando Florida. :)

Reply #4. Sep 13 07, 7:12 PM
notnaming star

player avatar
I still enjoy the Racer at Paramount Kings Island. It was the first one I ever rode and it is still one of my favorites!

Reply #5. Sep 19 07, 7:15 AM
Hydra: The Revenge.
It is in Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom.
The park is in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Reply #6. Oct 03 07, 10:21 AM
rocky2e star

player avatar
Mine is Raging Bull! Your scream gets lost in the air you are going so fast! <3

Reply #7. Oct 14 07, 2:17 PM
wwefan18 star
I don't like roller coasters, they freak me out. lol. I really get sick from them, but if I did like roller coasters, I would probably pick Steel Force at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania because everyone tries to tell me it isn't a bad roller coaster, but I don't listen to them.

Reply #8. Oct 30 07, 6:33 PM
leelee63 star
wwefan, steel force is an awesome coaster. If you like coasters. If you don't it's still awesome but you won't like it.

Reply #9. Oct 30 07, 11:32 PM
If you've ever been to Cedar Point, you'd know that Top Thrill Dragster is the best.

Reply #10. Nov 08 07, 2:42 PM
leelee63 star
Top thrill is the best when it works. Millenium is awesome too.

Reply #11. Nov 09 07, 7:40 PM
I like Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. I'm surprised no one said Six Flag's Superman Ride of Steel, I had to wait 2 hours to get on that at the Six Flags just outside of Washington D.C.

Reply #12. Nov 09 07, 7:52 PM
leelee63 star
Is that Superman one that you end up "flying"? I did one at Six Flags in Denver and didn't really care for it. It was like 110 degrees though that day. May have had a part in why i didn't care for that type of coaster.

Reply #13. Nov 10 07, 8:14 AM
I've been on the Superman in both Six Flags America (Washington D.C.) and Six Flags New Jersey and they were both the same ride. It basically started with a very high drop at a near 90 degree drop so it felt like you were falling. It had some loops afterwards but that drop is what everyone waits for, it waqs a pretty quick ride but it was so fast it was almost worth waiting 2 hours.

Reply #14. Nov 10 07, 9:18 AM
I tried to go on the Superman but it broke down before I had a chance to go on.

Reply #15. Nov 10 07, 12:59 PM
jordandog star
leelee knows MY thoughts on the BEST coaster park out there and heypeople seems to have visited also. It's Cedar Point, right here in my hometown of Sandusky,Ohio. I can even see the tops of the coasters from my front porch. Maybe I'm partial, but I've been to quite a few other parks around the country and I still say the Point's number 1. Hey, a little "hometown promotion" can't hurt, right? Sandy

Reply #16. Nov 10 07, 1:10 PM
leelee63 star
Cedarpoint has been voted best Roller Coaster park in the country like 5 times in a row. Check out there web site and do some virtual rides!

Reply #17. Nov 10 07, 6:39 PM
jordandog star
That commission I'm paying you to promote Cedar Point is worth it, huh? The virtual coasters are awesome! Sandy

Reply #18. Nov 10 07, 6:50 PM
I like Space Mountian at Disney World. My dad is giving me greif about the fact that 4 years ago when we went we just got right on without waiting, and now that I actually almost like roller coasters, when we go over spring break we are going to have to wait for ever to ride it once!

Reply #19. Nov 17 07, 9:07 AM
jordandog star
Maybe that long wait will turn out to be one of the best things you've ever waited for. Enjoy your trip and all the rides! Sandy

Reply #20. Nov 17 07, 9:42 AM

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