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Subject: Roller Coaster Chat!

Posted by: rightiam
Date: Sep 10 07

Your fav. coaster? Mine would be Xcelerator

55 replies. On page 3 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
Mine would be The Viper at Six Flags in Valencia CA. Oh and the coaster at the New York New York casino in Vegas.

Reply #41. May 02 08, 10:56 AM
The Vortex at Kings Island.

Reply #42. Jun 18 08, 6:24 PM
rlm1626 star
Millenium Force is the best that i've been on. Top Thrill Dragster was broken down when i was at Cedar Point.

Reply #43. Jun 18 08, 6:46 PM
wdstk star
I adored Shock Wave at Six Flags Great America and they took it down for Superman which I hate. So I guess it's Batman and Raging Bull for me.

Reply #44. Jun 20 08, 6:56 PM
Mine would be the roller coaster at New York, New York in Las Vegas. Eiether that or Superman in Gurnee Illinois. I went there on vacation once.

Reply #45. Jul 24 08, 4:46 PM
JMs81 star

player avatar
I have very limited roller coaster experience having only been on big ones at Six Flags Great America. I love Batman and Superman and Deja Vu. Oh heck except for The American Eagle I love them all.

Reply #46. Jul 27 08, 9:56 AM
MY favorite is the thunderhead at dollywood

Reply #47. Jul 27 08, 8:07 PM
shazy95 star

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I love Stormrunner from Hershey Park.

Reply #48. Aug 05 08, 12:09 PM
I just went to Six Flags Great Adventure, and the Nitro is awesome!

Reply #49. Aug 07 08, 11:04 AM
Superman at Six Flags New England.

Reply #50. Aug 07 08, 1:14 PM
My favorite coaster is a three-way tie between Mean Streak [Cedar Point], Great Bear [Hershey Park] and Millenium Force [Cedar Point].

Reply #51. Aug 30 08, 10:04 PM
RedSoxLuver star
Maverick or Mean streak, both at Cedar Point.
Mean Streak is really fun, but only is you sit in the 2nd to back seat. Because if you sit in the very back seat, you will leave the ride with a concussion.
Maverick has a really long line, but it's...well...nearly worth the wait.

Reply #52. Oct 04 08, 9:03 AM
I like Millenium Force at Cedar Point, the Great Bear at Hershey Park, and Mean Streak at Cedar Point.

Reply #53. Nov 30 08, 10:53 AM
Dee30 star

player avatar
Coasters are for the young or young at heart. I am past
that stage of needing the thrills and screams to excite

Reply #54. Dec 09 08, 1:51 AM
I like Goliath, Dare Devil Dive, Mind Bender, Ninja, and Batman: The Ride at Six Flags Over Georgia

Reply #55. Jun 28 14, 6:57 AM

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