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Subject: Last movie seen at a theater.

Posted by: slew412
Date: Jan 30 08

I last saw Halloween (Rob Zombie) at the drive-in.

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rayven80 star

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I saw "Beowulf". It did okay put parts of it were like watching "Shrek".

Reply #1. Jan 31 08, 3:20 PM
teacher47 star

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I saw "The Bucket List" and really enjoyed it. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman were great.

Reply #2. Jan 31 08, 4:00 PM
honeybee4 star
You may not believe me but it was "The Misfits" in 1961, starring Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable. Great movie.

Reply #3. Jan 31 08, 5:38 PM
rayven80 star

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Dang, and they tell me I need to get out more :)

Reply #4. Jan 31 08, 5:42 PM
jacquie38 star
Just saw 'Cloverfield' - I am a quivering mess at the moment - need a cup of tea and a sit down.

Reply #5. Feb 01 08, 7:21 AM
deadlydalton star
Moulan Rouge years ago.

Midnight showing, walked out, absolute rubbish, went to the pub.


Reply #6. Feb 01 08, 7:40 AM
I saw "First Sunday".

Reply #7. Feb 01 08, 6:01 PM
Yesterday saw "Cloverfield" was really good but didn't get the ending a bit dissapointing lol!

Reply #8. Feb 03 08, 2:10 PM
gandalfthegrey star
It's sad, but with my wife and I having a little baby and everything, it was Superbad about 5 months ago. Great stuff, though!

Reply #9. Feb 05 08, 4:55 PM
nealio302 star
I just saw Strange Wilderness a few nights ago. Hilarious movie. Recommended if you want to pee your pants laughing.

Reply #10. Feb 06 08, 9:11 PM
Silver_Knight star

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"Mad Money" - Queen Latifah, Katie Holmes (Cruise?), and Diane Keaton.

Reply #11. Feb 09 08, 9:59 AM
I saw Sweeney Todd. I wasn't interested in the movie. Just Johnny Depp. It was good if you ask me.

Reply #12. Feb 10 08, 4:15 PM
Yesterday I saw National Treasure 2, and it was brilliant, if a little corny in places.

Reply #13. Feb 11 08, 3:30 AM
Meet The Spartans.

Two weeks agoo

Reply #14. Feb 15 08, 4:59 AM
I saw Golden Compass a few months ago. It was good.

Reply #15. Feb 15 08, 5:36 AM
Last one i saw was Wild Hogs. Hardly ever go to the cinema anymore, partly because it's too expensive now a days. £20 for two of us to go and see Wild Hogs and i would have preffered to just have waited till it came on DVD or on TV.

Reply #16. Feb 15 08, 9:57 AM
highfells star
When we were staying in London a few years back I took my children to see "Finding Nemo" when it was first released in the UK.

I've been too busy catching up on DVDs of old classic films since then, although the children went to see "The Simpsons" last summer.

Reply #17. Feb 15 08, 4:38 PM
Ardicrocks star

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My last film i saw was water horse it was realy good.

Reply #18. Feb 16 08, 10:41 AM
The last movie I saw in theaters was "I am Legend". It was GREAT!

Reply #19. Feb 16 08, 3:31 PM
Binky-Jess star

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the last film I saw was water horse it was realy good!

Reply #20. Feb 16 08, 3:52 PM

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