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Subject: Last movie seen at a theater.

Posted by: slew412
Date: Jan 30 08

I last saw Halloween (Rob Zombie) at the drive-in.

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guitargoddess star
Mammia Mia :)

Reply #101. Aug 04 08, 2:16 PM
Recently saw Indiana Jones film which was good.

Last film I saw was Wall.E which was ok as took my seven and threee year old brothers and they both really enjoyed although I think it could of been slightly improved.

Hopefully going to see Mamma Mia, Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging and maybe some other girly ones (I am a teenager LOL.)

Reply #102. Aug 04 08, 2:36 PM
slew412 star
I went and saw Dark Knight at the drive - in twice since it came out.. Love this movie.I could go see it again!

Reply #103. Aug 04 08, 3:18 PM
teacher47 star

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The last movie I saw at a theater was Mamma Mia, and I enjoyed it. Meryl Streep did an excellent job.

Reply #104. Aug 04 08, 3:46 PM
Matthewgeobee star
Kung Fu Panda.

Reply #105. Aug 04 08, 3:51 PM
RL2 star

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Get Smart ..............................

Reply #106. Aug 04 08, 5:20 PM
zdcdz123 was an ok movie.The special effects were awesome.

Reply #107. Aug 05 08, 4:14 PM
The last movie I saw was Enchanted in November 2007. As you can probably tell, I don't watch a lot of movies.

Reply #108. Aug 05 08, 4:31 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Would you believe 'The Passion of the Christ'? And that was only because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about - I loathed the movie! These days, movies are out on DVD within months of their theatre release, so rather than paying exorbitant ticket prices, I usually opt for renting the DVD and making my own popcorn (which tastes better than movie house popcorn anyway. What's that gunk they put on it, anyway - butter-flavoured deisel oil?) If I really like the movie and want to see it again, I may buy the DVD.

Reply #109. Aug 05 08, 5:06 PM
Mamma Mia. how could i resist it?

Reply #110. Aug 05 08, 5:11 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
I saw Dark Knight on its opening weekend. Excellent film.

Reply #111. Aug 05 08, 5:15 PM
The Dark Knight. (aka the best movie ever)

Reply #112. Aug 05 08, 5:15 PM
Wanted! ! ! !

Reply #113. Aug 05 08, 7:42 PM

player avatar
I haven't been to a movie theater since 1965 or '66. I think it was Dr. Zhivago that we saw but I'm not certain. The time period fits. OK, I'm a bit strange.

Reply #114. Aug 05 08, 10:09 PM
A while ago I saw Sweeney Todd then the next day I saw Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Would recommend those movies anyday!
They are both brillant!

Reply #115. Aug 07 08, 8:21 AM
I think it was Kit Kitteridge.

Reply #116. Aug 14 08, 2:51 PM
Ilona_Ritter star

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I went with my friend a week or so ago to see "Mamma Mia".

Reply #117. Aug 18 08, 9:56 AM
Saw mamma mia a fortnight ago followed by walle and the mamma mia again it is that good and finished off with the New Xfiles which was good,

Reply #118. Aug 18 08, 10:35 AM
The last movie I watched in the theater was "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Or was it Pirates of the Caribbean 3? There have been other movies since that I've wanted to see but never got around to going.
Usually if I go it's to a matinee so it's cheaper. And we have a couple of theaters that show "second run" movies for cheap (movies that have been out a while, but not yet out on DVD). Most movies I'm content to watch at home with a DVD, but some of them are just better on a big screen.

Reply #119. Aug 24 08, 12:44 PM
The most recent movie I saw in the theater was "The Dark Knight". I loved it. I plan on seeing "Hamlet 2" soon.

Reply #120. Aug 24 08, 12:57 PM

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