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Subject: Last movie seen at a theater.

Posted by: slew412
Date: Jan 30 08

I last saw Halloween (Rob Zombie) at the drive-in.

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Matthew_07 star

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Mr. Popper Penguins. Quite hilarious and such a heart-warming comedy.

Looking forward to watching HP7 Part 2 this coming weekend, yay!

Reply #301. Jul 09 11, 2:36 AM
reedy star

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Bad Teacher. Better than I expected to be, but not as good as I'd hoped.

Reply #302. Jul 09 11, 7:06 AM
rieker01 star
I watched Green Lantern last night with my dad and my nephew. It was alright not as good as I expected. I usually like Ryan Reynolds, but it seems like he was just along for the ride on this one. Hope his new movie with Jason Bateman is better.

Today I saw Horrible Bosses with my nephew, it was kind of crude some of the jokes were pretty good. Overall Jennifer Aniston and the little guy made the movie for me. I give both movies a high C MAYBE B-.

Reply #303. Jul 10 11, 2:19 PM
wwe84 star

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Mr Popper Penguins it was funny the best Jim Carrey film have seen in years

Reply #304. Jul 13 11, 10:35 PM
klinski_1987 star
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1. Pt 2 will probably be the next.

Reply #305. Jul 14 11, 12:00 AM
I'm glad to hear that they made "Mr. Popper's Penguins" into a movie! It was one of my daughter's favorite books as a child. We used to read it together quite often. She got it through a book club at her school & really loved that book! :)

Reply #306. Jul 14 11, 12:41 AM
wildwohl star
Cars 2, was great, they played the National Anthem at the beginning of the movie.

Reply #307. Aug 01 11, 7:32 AM
surdoux star

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I'm ashamed to say that the last film I saw at the cinema was in 1969, 'The Batle of Britain'. Probably before most of you lot were born!

Reply #308. Aug 01 11, 7:59 AM
daymare star

I'm right there with you. I haven't been to the theater in so long, I can't remember the last movie or even when I went.

As far as 1969...I was present and accounted

Reply #309. Aug 01 11, 8:41 AM
Rachel xx
The last one I've seen was Harry Potter 7 pt 2.. actually the first I've seen all year!

Reply #310. Aug 02 11, 3:31 PM
Another one for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2'.

Reply #311. Aug 03 11, 2:40 AM
supersal1 star
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Wonderful acting/directing/production but totally bewildering and far too slow. My friend and I turned to each other at the end and went 'Huh? How did they get to that point?'. I never saw the original TV version so I'm not sure if that was the same.

Reply #312. Oct 10 11, 12:06 PM
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows part 2

Reply #313. Sep 05 12, 1:14 AM
Just saw "The Hobbit" recently. Very good movie! :)

Reply #314. Jan 02 13, 7:14 PM
eyhung star

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Yes, I saw the Hobbit as well. It's a good movie to go see in the theater, at least, to see the new 48 FPS format.

Reply #315. Jan 02 13, 7:41 PM
Les Miserables. :)

Reply #316. Feb 05 13, 12:26 AM
mpkitty star

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I am a BIG fan of the original TV series, "Dark Shadows" so
I went to the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton movie. It was HORRIBLE,
they ruined it and I hope no one else will pay good money to see it or get the video. My reccommendation is to buy
the original dvds and enjoy!

Reply #317. Feb 05 13, 5:47 PM

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Hugo. I saw it twice in 2011. It was my first, and so far only, 3-D movie, and I thought they did the 3-D really well.

The last movie I saw in theatres before that was Benjamin Button in 2008. While I watch a lot of movies, I rarely go to the theatre, mostly because of money, distance, and lack of interest.

Reply #318. Feb 09 13, 9:15 AM
susieq595 star

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Les Miserables and loved it.

Reply #319. Feb 09 13, 10:52 AM

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The Hobbit
I was a little disappointed

Reply #320. Feb 09 13, 9:38 PM

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