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Subject: Last movie seen at a theater.

Posted by: slew412
Date: Jan 30 08

I last saw Halloween (Rob Zombie) at the drive-in.

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jacquie38 star
Just been to see 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' - kids loved it and it made me jump!

Reply #41. Mar 27 08, 7:38 AM

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we wanted to see chipmunks - but not playing - so we saw enchanted

Reply #42. Mar 27 08, 8:44 AM
Went to Doomsday recently. Going to see Prom Night on April 11. That'll be a good flick.

Reply #43. Mar 27 08, 8:58 AM
RL2 star

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would have liked to see something else, out voted by my 10 year old who LOVED it!

Reply #44. Mar 27 08, 11:47 AM
veronikkamarrz star

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It's been a really long time...The last two were "Enough" and "Jeepers Creepers!"

I don't particularly enjoy a room, crowded with people I wouldn't invite to my house.

Reply #45. Mar 30 08, 12:55 AM
callie_ross star
I have seen several threads on the boards similar to this one. Oh well, I guess I'll post on this one, too! The last movie I saw in theaters was "AVP 2". It was an okay movie, but the ending wasn't so great.

Reply #46. Mar 30 08, 2:43 AM
The last movie I saw in the theater was National Treasure 2. It was great!

Reply #47. Mar 30 08, 2:53 PM
I saw Water Horse and I cried at the end. It was should see it! There is never a boring moment. Have you seen it?

Reply #48. Apr 03 08, 4:14 PM
I saw the game plan as my brother wanted to see it. Didn't think it would be that good but it turned out really funny!

Reply #49. Apr 05 08, 2:31 PM
opiefan78 star

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I saw Superhero Movie and would like to see Nim's Island.

Reply #50. Apr 07 08, 7:12 PM
I saw "Hitman" on Thansgiving. I thought it was really good.

Reply #51. Apr 14 08, 9:00 PM
I can't remember. Maybe it was "Juno" ? I think that sounds about right. Amazing movie. I could watch it 10 times in a row and not get bored.

Reply #52. Apr 15 08, 8:28 AM
Long time ago I went to see one of the Star Trek films..the one with the borg..First Contact I think

Reply #53. Apr 16 08, 6:46 AM
jacquie38 star
Went to see Ironman yesterday - Robert Downey Jr. was fantastic.

Reply #54. May 03 08, 6:43 AM
I just saw ironman and thuoght Robert downey Jnr was great but the movie was good, although nothing new. Kinda like batman, infact the sotries were really simillar.

Reply #55. May 04 08, 11:39 PM
"I Am Legend" was the last movie that I saw at a theater. I think the next one I go see at a theater will be "Sex and the City".

Reply #56. May 05 08, 12:12 AM
sherry75 star
Michael Clayton - brilliant film although you had to concentrate. Clooney was magnificent, as usual.

Reply #57. May 05 08, 12:51 AM
hovenaut star
Iron Man - great start for the summer movie season.

Reply #58. May 05 08, 10:33 AM
The last film I saw was Bekind Rewind as I go to the cinema with my 7 year old brother every few weeks and he picks the film. I think it was the worst film I've ever seen, even he didn't find it funny.

Reply #59. May 05 08, 11:11 AM
i just got to see the chimpmunks movie it was awesome!

Reply #60. May 05 08, 1:01 PM

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