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Subject: Favorite Amusement Park

Posted by: Dashiell_Parr
Date: Apr 21 08

What is your favorite amazement park? Mine is Cedar Point.

53 replies. On page 1 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
jordandog star
Of course Cedar Point is the best! Thanks for the plug for my hometown, Sandusky, too. Ya'll come see us now!

Reply #1. Apr 21 08, 1:13 PM
Oh, yes, you guys are on the right track. Cedar Point is the greatest amusement park.

Reply #2. Apr 21 08, 1:51 PM
Has to be Disneyland. Love taking the kids there.

Reply #3. May 02 08, 10:57 AM
Busch Gardens for sure

Reply #4. May 02 08, 2:05 PM
Rust ... Germany

Reply #5. May 02 08, 2:37 PM
DotSnoopyFan star
Mine is Disneyland. I like other amusement parks, but I love the themed areas of DL.

Reply #6. May 04 08, 11:01 PM
Alton Towers is fantastic! x

Reply #7. Jun 12 08, 9:30 AM

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If anyone else can remember it mine was the Battersea funfair, one of two permanent ones in London, although the tiny one that was open all year at Hampstead was a small fraction of the holiday version so didn't count.
I think if I'd lived closer to Battersea I could have lost all my money a lot faster than I did only wasting it on the bank holidays.

Reply #8. Jun 12 08, 7:05 PM
I love Holiday World. I also like Disney World.

Reply #9. Jun 26 08, 3:16 PM
Six Flags New England.

Reply #10. Aug 10 08, 6:14 PM
Disneyland , six flags

Reply #11. Nov 10 08, 12:29 AM
Disney world is better. I love when i take my kids and go on the roller coasters.

Reply #12. Nov 16 08, 2:06 PM
rwbidin star

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Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.

Reply #13. Dec 12 08, 6:31 PM
cag1970 star

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I'm partial to Disney World because it has so many different things to do, and to Carowinds because it's literally in my back yard.

Reply #14. Dec 20 08, 11:30 AM
DISNEYLAND! i went there for my birthday on Nov. 21 and its the only birthday i've ever had that had sun and snow on the same day. doesn't get much more magical than that!

Reply #15. Dec 26 08, 12:35 AM
eunice2 star

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Walt Disneyworld for great theming, but Cedar Point has the best rollercoasters.

Reply #16. Jan 04 09, 4:26 PM
My favorite amusement park has got to be Disneyland.

Reply #17. Feb 26 09, 7:29 PM
Six Flags over Texas

Reply #18. Apr 12 09, 9:44 PM
blindcat78 star

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I went to an amusement park in Houston, Texas, every summer growing up. It was called Astorworld by Six Flags. Of course I would love to visit either Disenyland or Disenyworld.

Reply #19. Nov 01 09, 7:14 PM
Hersy Park, Penn. Good roller coasters there

Reply #20. Nov 11 09, 2:30 PM

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