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Subject: funny Youtube video

Posted by: srpolb3
Date: Jul 22 08

what is a funny youtube video you have seen? one of mine is Everyday by DuneScribe ok so it might not be really funny but it was still good and well the guy in the video is really funny even though her wears girls pants and is wearing a ski hat in summer We love him anyway

58 replies. On page 3 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Glad you enjoyed it! That primal scream is something else. Not to mention the line, "Is this going to be forever?"

Reply #41. Feb 11 09, 5:47 PM
Charlie the Unicorn! Both videos!

Reply #42. Feb 24 09, 9:26 PM
Oh, and the one where that chubby guy is doing the choreography from Beyonce's "Single Ladies" song. He's good!

Reply #43. Feb 24 09, 9:28 PM
Fred is pretty hilarious!

Reply #44. Feb 25 09, 12:59 PM
7PinKy7 star
I like dramatic gopher and Chad Vader after the dentist.

Reply #45. May 10 09, 6:37 PM
jacquie38 star
This is my sons favourite clip of the moment;

Star Wars retold by someone who hasn't seen it

Reply #46. May 11 09, 12:53 AM
Here is another good one,

Lucky she didn't jump.

Reply #47. May 11 09, 10:59 AM
that star wars video was funny. that girl needs to watch star wars

Reply #48. Jun 04 09, 2:32 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
A good one from Up In Smoke.

Poor Stedenko has to put up with a lot.

Reply #49. Oct 07 10, 12:39 AM
This one just came out recently. I like Taylor Swift, but this is hilarious.

Reply #50. Feb 25 13, 10:34 AM
Oh yeah, and this one too.

Reply #51. Feb 25 13, 9:27 PM
You should see every one of Bart Bakers videos! he does parodies and makes fun of celebs like nikki manaj, jb, 1d, katy perry,and others

Reply #52. Mar 24 13, 2:20 AM
Some of my favorite funny videos are the earlier videos of Lunchtime With Smosh on the ianh channel. I also still laugh at their "Roadtrip Antics" video.

Reply #53. Jun 09 13, 8:25 PM
One video I saw on youtube that cracked me up was nikki sixx flipping out on somebody in the audience, because he had hit some woman in the crowd with for a drumstick.

Reply #54. Nov 25 13, 9:13 AM
All of the duck songs! (except the third one)

Reply #55. Jun 24 14, 10:44 AM

Being a Aussie, I enjoy watching AFL footy. This video is one of my favourites. It features four AFL mascots (unfortunately, my team's mascot isn't included) dancing to Gangnam Style. I think it's rather funny.

Reply #56. Apr 07 16, 7:35 PM
Mixamatosis star

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This video makes me laugh. I wonder if this humour is universal or whether it just appeals to British people. The premise of this show is that panel members tell a story and the other panel has to decide whether it's a lie or the truth.

Reply #57. Nov 03 17, 9:38 AM

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