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Subject: Family Guy ?

Posted by: cmt101
Date: Aug 10 08

Hiya. What does everyone think of Family Guy?
Would you rate it as better than The Simpsons or South Park?
Is it crude or hilarious?

...Personally i loVE it!

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Cymruambyth star

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I find all the so-called adult cartoon shows quite boring. Half the time the characters on 'South Park' are absolutely incomprehensible - they may be saying funny things, but who can tell? 'Family Guy' is so fifth-grade in its humour (with exception of Stewie and Brian), and 'The Simpsons' hasn't been funny for years.

Maybe I'm just old and grouchy, but I don't think so.

Reply #41. May 06 09, 1:45 PM
Schoonie101 star

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I don't know. I don't think many 5th graders would be able to grasp the various allusions in either show. However, the Simpsons did get stale and they kind of ran out of ideas.

Now, some of the stuff may be a little banal at times but in comparison to what else is on TV. Please don't try to suggest that something like Friends or Mad About You is even remotely close to intelligent! :)

Reply #42. May 06 09, 8:19 PM
I do like Family Guy (and I agree that sometimes it is childish but there are some references that I don't get either) and did like the Simpsons but the show has gone on too long now.

Reply #43. Oct 27 10, 4:38 PM
nycdmc70 star

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Family Guy and South Park are two of my favorite shows. They are hilarious, not to say that every now and again there may be an episode that bombs, but even the bombs will usually have at least a few funny lines. They are just shows that may not be for everyone. I can very easily see how some people would not find it funny, but for those of us with wicked senses of humor, they're great.

Reply #44. Oct 30 10, 3:54 PM
"Family Guy" is pretty funny, but you have to be a certain age to get a lot of the jokes, know what I mean? For example, I've watched this show with my son & he didn't get some of the jokes that had to do with stuff that happened in the 70's & 80's because it was before his time! Anyway, I think it's a pretty good show & more original than "South Park". I despise that show! BLECH! I also cannot stand "The Simpsons". It's gotten repetitive & I has never been very funny. I can't believe it's been on the air for this long. Time to throw in the towel!

Reply #45. Nov 28 10, 3:18 PM
Family Guy is funny.
It is cruder than The Simpsons but not as crude as
South Park
and it is the least funny of the three.

Reply #46. Jan 07 11, 1:10 PM
I LOVE Family Guy. I have a twisted sense of humor and this cartoon hits the mark with me every time. On a side note, I have never seen any of the "Star Wars" franchise, yet I was able to pull all the questions right in a recent game of "Team Heroes" with only the info gleaned from episodes of Family Guy.

Reply #47. May 06 13, 12:50 PM
mountaingoat star

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Seth Macfarlane, the boss of Family Guy and the voice of Peter, Brian the dog and Stewie is going out with Charlize Theron. How can any of us compete with someone who can whisper sweet nothings into her ear in Stewies voice.

Reply #48. May 07 13, 3:55 AM

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