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Subject: Your Most Favorite Commercial?

Posted by: dj168
Date: Sep 01 08

I saw the other commercial thread and I was looking through the past threads and couldn't find a topic.

Mines are those apple ones cause they have great music. And for a funny one, the super bowl ones are always funny.

I like the Carlos Mencia one with bud lite. Carlos is teaching a group of immigrants English and when he asks them, " What do you say when someone asks you for a bud lite?" They all say, " No speak English. "

Also I like the liberty mutual commercials where they show people helping other people.

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"Berries and cream, berries and cream, I'm a little gnome that loves berries and cream."

Reply #21. Feb 24 09, 8:00 PM
My favorites are the Budweiser Clydesdale horse commercials - especially the Rocky themed one. The Super Bowl one with the horse seeking out his lady friend at the circus was cute. I just saw one the other day with the horse thanking his father.

Reply #22. Mar 02 09, 9:53 PM
And yes, those E-Trade baby commercials are great, too!

Reply #23. Mar 02 09, 9:54 PM
7PinKy7 star
The shortest one. Don't like commercials.

Reply #24. Apr 06 09, 10:23 PM
romeomikegolf star
This one:
and the follow up:

Reply #25. Apr 06 09, 11:08 PM
cydonia325 star
Posted by: ryan222

Subject: What is your favoraite advert?
Date: Jun 19 09
What is your favoraite ever advert.
Mine is compare the market advert with Alexander the meerkat.

(edit) (delete)

Here in Western Australia it would have to be the Telstra Ad regarding the fact that the Great Wall of China was built to keep the rabbits out - very funny - and proof you should watch what you say to children.....Mommakat
Reply #1. Jun 19 09, 10:32 PM Delete - Edit


I know that you're looking for a TV commercial, but my current favourite is a billboard for Muskol (a potent and super-effective mosquito repellent) that showx a can of the product with one line of text that reads "repilsive since 1951". I think it's brilliant.
Reply #2. Jun 25 09, 12:20 AM Delete - Edit


Gronk! That should be "Repulsive since 1951". I'm going to bed now!
Reply #3. Jun 25 09, 12:21 AM Delete - Edit

I like the Iams adverts, with the talking cat, it makes me laugh every time.
Reply #4. Jul 06 09, 7:24 AM Delete - Edit


Reply #26. Jan 09 10, 2:23 PM
daver852 star

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I like the one with the talking pothole. But the fact that I can't remember what company it's for must be proof that it's not a very effective commercial!

Reply #27. Jan 09 10, 2:37 PM
Anton star
ESPN has way too many to name.

Reply #28. Jan 09 10, 3:17 PM
honeybee4 star
I can relate to the one that sings, "When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Old Lady. I can't even remember what it sells but it is a catchy tune.

Reply #29. Jan 09 10, 4:09 PM
honeybee4 star
I think that was supposed to say "When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Old Woman". I'm already an old lady.

Reply #30. Jan 09 10, 4:45 PM
any relation to "When I am an Old Woman I shall wear purple"?

Reply #31. Jan 14 10, 11:27 AM
As far as I know,my favorite ad only aired once-at the beginning of the 1997 baseball season.It was a hommage to Jackie Robinson-with black players from the past and present thanking him for breaking the color barrier in 1947.Classy stuff.

Reply #32. Jan 14 10, 2:05 PM
I generally hate commercials, but these are worth watching:

Reply #33. Jan 17 10, 1:42 PM
blindcat78 star

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I like the commerical at Christmas time when the Hershey kisses are acting like bells.

Reply #34. Jan 18 10, 7:55 PM
bubbatom1 star

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The old King Gee commercials. For those of you who don't know King Gee is clothes made for work. The greatest one was the ad where the man on a building site lit a cigarette and the chain of events that followed.

Reply #35. Jan 24 10, 7:09 AM
bubbatom1 star

player avatar
Sorry, that should read are made for work.

Reply #36. Jan 24 10, 7:10 AM
Found it!

Reply #37. Jan 24 10, 9:41 AM
tezza1551 star

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Fortunately, ABC does not show commercials. Wouldn't watch TV at all if it did.

Reply #38. Jan 24 10, 10:23 AM
I like the commercials.

Reply #39. Jan 26 10, 9:52 PM
BRY2K star
This one:

I think this is why people are afraid of clowns! My favorite.

Reply #40. Jan 31 10, 8:28 AM

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