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Subject: Your Most Favorite Commercial?

Posted by: dj168
Date: Sep 01 08

I saw the other commercial thread and I was looking through the past threads and couldn't find a topic.

Mines are those apple ones cause they have great music. And for a funny one, the super bowl ones are always funny.

I like the Carlos Mencia one with bud lite. Carlos is teaching a group of immigrants English and when he asks them, " What do you say when someone asks you for a bud lite?" They all say, " No speak English. "

Also I like the liberty mutual commercials where they show people helping other people.

110 replies. On page 3 of 6 pages. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Plodd star

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This is one of my favourites:

Reply #41. Jan 31 10, 2:30 PM
Kaye19 star

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"Compare the"

Reply #42. Jan 31 10, 10:57 PM
parrotman2006 star
I love the Dos Equis commercials with "The Most Interesting Man in the World."
"He speaks French... in Russian." I'm not even sure what that means, it just sounds really cool.
And "He can disarm you with his charm, or his hands, either way."

Reply #43. Feb 09 10, 3:06 AM
astir star

player avatar
Like the meercats too.

Reply #44. Feb 11 10, 6:07 PM
Robin8or star
E Trade Golf Baby - shankapotamus

Reply #45. Feb 12 10, 6:36 PM
This is one of my recent favorites from Office Depot. Yes, sometimes there is justice in the world.

Reply #46. Feb 12 10, 8:33 PM
Just saw this one tonight. Made me laugh out loud.

Reply #47. Mar 05 10, 1:43 AM
BRY2K I don't know how I missed your link the last time I visited this thread. I just saw it and my stomach muscles hurt from laughing so hard.

Reply #48. Mar 05 10, 2:07 AM
The Aussie Rules ad. Only Australians have probably seen it...

Reply #49. Mar 14 10, 12:24 AM
Here is another one:

Reply #50. Mar 14 10, 12:38 AM
jolana star

player avatar
This one is nice:

Reply #51. Mar 14 10, 8:21 PM
How nice!

Reply #52. Mar 14 10, 8:28 PM
BxBarracuda star
With a bit of embarrassment, I have to say this commercial makes me laugh. I like it more because they found a way to make something so inane have somewhat of a use.

Reply #53. Mar 14 10, 8:49 PM
7PinKy7 star
I do like the new PS3 commercials. I do like some of the ESPN Sport Center commercials. My favorites are Bob Uecker old commercials. Here is on of my favorites.

Reply #54. Mar 21 10, 10:13 PM
7PinKy7 star
BxBarracuda I did somewhat enjoy that commercial. I think guy with the phone was Lee, the superfan from Tenacious D.

Reply #55. Mar 21 10, 10:16 PM
tearose90 star
I like the geico commercial where the geico guy is doing the narrarating and,he says Whers my coat it was suede with the fringe.

Reply #56. Mar 30 10, 5:12 AM
tearose90 star
I forgot to add he got mad and said unbelieveable

Reply #57. Mar 30 10, 5:13 AM
I like the Dorito's one where the dog claim revenge on the man.

Reply #58. Apr 02 10, 9:01 AM
blindcat78 star

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I like the commercial from Foldgers where the dad & daughter are talking. The reason I like this commercial is that I could see my dad & I doing this if he was still alive.

Reply #59. Apr 20 10, 9:09 AM
Schoonie101 star

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Is it just me or have those Geico commercials completely jumped the shark? I feel the same way about them as I did about the Taco Bell Chihuahua and the Budweiser lizards - it's played out, let it GO.

Reply #60. May 03 10, 12:22 PM

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