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Subject: The Last Movie You've Watched!

Posted by: spamster101
Date: Mar 02 09

Mine would be Moulin Rouge! and Buffy for a tv show!

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gillimalta star
I watched 'The Prestige' recently and thought it was a great film. I had to watch it twice though as it is a little complicated.

Reply #141. Aug 07 10, 2:37 AM
honeybee4 star
I just hooked my VCR back up and watched "Space Cowboys. It was an excellent movie with a great cast. I love Tommy Lee Jones. It also starred Clint Eastwood, Donald Southerland, James Garner, Marcia Gay Hardin, and William Devane.

Reply #142. Aug 09 10, 4:02 PM
I just finished Edward Scissorhands which I love.

Reply #143. Aug 09 10, 11:03 PM
Falling Down, with Michael Douglas.

Reply #144. Aug 11 10, 11:05 AM
Clash of the Titans - a load of rubbish! Preferred the original.

Reply #145. Aug 11 10, 11:10 AM
Deunan star
Fred Claus - it was better than I expected.

TV - Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef

Reply #146. Aug 11 10, 11:24 AM
Inglourious Basterds --- excellent film!

Reply #147. Aug 12 10, 7:15 AM
guitargoddess star
Watched Hot Tub Time Machine last night... was stupid of course, but had funny moments.

Reply #148. Aug 14 10, 11:53 AM
boxjaw star

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Just watched a gem. "Let the Right One In". A film out of Sweden. Awesome. It totally blows the "Twilight" Crap out of the water.

Reply #149. Aug 16 10, 12:04 AM
Jeepers Creepers. Silly horror film.

Reply #150. Aug 16 10, 7:30 AM
Deunan star
"Let the Right One In" was a good movie.

"Jeepers Creepers 2" isn't much better than the first movie.

We watched "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". It was amazing. Luckily, the dvd had it in English as well as Swedish. Not for the faint-hearted as some scenes are rather graphic.

Reply #151. Aug 16 10, 8:40 AM
George95 star

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Night At The Museum 2. Very funny movie. I love the little Einstein bobbleheads.

Reply #152. Aug 16 10, 11:51 AM
7PinKy7 star
The last movie I remember watching was Predators. I'm a huge Predator fan. Nothing will be as good as the first, but it was the best one since.

Reply #153. Aug 16 10, 6:36 PM
supersal1 star
I watched "An Education" on DVD tonight. That's the second film in a week that I didn't think I'd enjoy*, but did. Best film I've seen in a long while.

*The other was Piranha 3D. I have varied tastes.

Reply #154. Sep 02 10, 2:43 PM
Snow Cake, from 2003, with Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver. Interesting film.

Reply #155. Sep 03 10, 7:32 AM
Deunan star
"The Bank Job" was the latest movie we watched.

Good movie.

Reply #156. Sep 03 10, 8:33 AM

-two thumbs up-

Reply #157. Sep 04 10, 9:13 PM
I went and saw "The Switch" last night. It was a pretty good movie, lighthearted, funny but certainly not Oscar material.

Reply #158. Sep 05 10, 6:08 AM
Burn after Reading - excellent

Reply #159. Sep 05 10, 7:15 AM
Deunan star
"The Corpse Bride" was the latest.

Reply #160. Sep 05 10, 8:53 AM

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