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Subject: Hair Styles

Posted by: ozfei
Date: Apr 18 09

Posted by: Livstar

Subject: Hair Styles MOVE
Date: Apr 18 09

What is your favourite hair style?What hair style do you use the most?

31 replies. On page 1 of 2 pages. 1 2
ozfei star

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posted by bubbafudd

back when it would grow on my head, i liked the mullet

Reply #1. Apr 18 09, 3:35 PM Delete - Edit

Reply #1. Apr 18 09, 6:09 PM
ozfei star

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posted by vanillamilk

I usually like to keep it fairly short, and spike it up in the front.
I think the mullet is cool, but I could never pull it off.

Reply #2. Apr 18 09, 3:55 PM Delete - Edit

Reply #2. Apr 18 09, 6:09 PM
ozfei star

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posted by purcy

Tend to keep mine on the short side, when it grows my hair becomes uncontrollable.

Reply #4. Apr 18 09, 5:20 PM Delete - Edit

Reply #3. Apr 18 09, 6:10 PM
How come it is that my replies never get moved??????

Mine is curly, so I keep it in a normal haircut. I'm trying to grow it out long.

Reply #4. Apr 18 09, 6:27 PM
kels_76 star

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I'm trying to grow mine long at the moment. I'm getting married in September and want to have a great style for the wedding, but I think I will get it chopped off after that!

Reply #5. Apr 20 09, 3:40 PM
Cymruambyth star

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I wear my hair short. It has a natural curl so I just wash it, towel it dry, slap on a bit if styling gel and I'm good to go. When one has arthritis one can't mess with long hair and its upkeep.

Reply #6. Apr 30 09, 10:08 PM
goobas star
Short in back and on the sides. a little more on the top.

Reply #7. May 03 09, 7:11 AM
honeybee4 star
I have short, natural curly hair. It used to be really curly but not so much now.

Reply #8. May 03 09, 9:40 AM
7PinKy7 star
I just shave my own head bald let it grow for 3-4 months then shave it again. I hate paying so much money for hair cuts. If your going for a style paying wouldn't be bad. But if your going with a plain buzz why pay $15 plus.

Reply #9. May 07 09, 11:28 PM
maryjdonohoe57 star

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I change every couple of years out of need for a change. My hair at the moment is medium length, so I can wear it up in ths summer and down in the winter, for a bit of variety.

Reply #10. Aug 16 09, 11:59 PM
My hair is really long and no matter how many people want me to cut it, it's not going any where. Although a fringe would be nice and it needs trimming to avoid any slipping in to the toilet x]

Reply #11. Sep 04 09, 10:27 AM
short, with it spiked up in the front with gel if I'm not feeling lazy :/

Reply #12. Sep 07 09, 10:29 AM
trans991 star

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Shoulder length. I'm pretty fortunate to have natural wave, so I don't need much product--just have to keep up the cut so it doesn't look too messy.

Reply #13. Sep 07 09, 10:34 AM
blindcat78 star

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I have had my hair cut short, but I prefer it long. I have had it permmed, once had highlights put in, however, most of my life the hair style I had was the mullet.

Reply #14. Oct 04 09, 2:56 PM
dsimpy star

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I'm keeping mine short. Trying to slip surreptitiously into the 'thinning on top going on bald' thing without people noticing!

Reply #15. Oct 06 09, 2:32 PM
Flat spikes. LOL

Reply #16. Oct 16 09, 9:25 PM
Calpurnia09 star

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You should go straight to the shaved head, dsimpy. a couple of my cousins have and they looks very cool.

I have nearly always had a bob. At the moment it is just above my shoulders which, as someone said above, is good for both summer and winter as you can put it up. No fringe at the moment but I'm always changing my mind about that.

Reply #17. Nov 14 09, 9:08 PM
airjer28 star

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go mullets!

i wish i had one

Reply #18. Dec 11 09, 7:38 AM
Shiningstar7 star

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Long and straight, air dried, easy and low maintenance!

Reply #19. May 25 10, 6:16 PM
On me--Long and straight or in a ponytail

On others--I like the Macgyver-type mullet :-)

Reply #20. May 25 10, 8:34 PM

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