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Subject: Funniest youtube person

Posted by: golden0000
Date: Apr 23 09

Who do you think is the funniest on youtube?

Personally I have to go with Tatsudoshi. He and his friends are called multipurpose spam and they are just hilarious.

41 replies. On page 1 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
I enjoy Brandon Hardesty - he does weird faces and dances, which are very funny, but I have to admit that his best stuff doesn't necessarily fall under this category. I am most addicted to his movie scene re-enactments. Spellbinding. Have a look if you get the chance....

Reply #1. Apr 23 09, 9:33 AM
Fred is funny in a very annoying way.

Reply #2. Apr 23 09, 9:40 AM
Bo Burham no contest. Not only is he funny but his jokes are clever and witty. You have to think when you listen to him and I like that. It's nice to see someone as intelligent as him getting as big as he his. Fred is NOT funny. Anybody can make a Fred video. What Bo Burnham does takes some talent and intelligence.

Reply #3. Apr 27 09, 11:12 AM
Anton star
Angry Video Game Nerd

Reply #4. Apr 27 09, 11:57 AM
Fred, by a long shot.

Reply #5. Apr 27 09, 7:55 PM
Kevjumba, Nigahiga or KingAki's maplestory videos...

Reply #6. Apr 27 09, 9:00 PM
goobas star
I like the guy who does the dance video where dances change over the years.

Reply #7. May 03 09, 7:34 AM
David, after the Dentist!

Reply #8. May 03 09, 11:55 AM
Jon Lajoie, Canadian pride!

Reply #9. May 03 09, 12:16 PM
7PinKy7 star
I don't watch much youtube videos. The funniest that I've seen so far was. A parody of David after the dentist. It was Chad Vader after the dentist. I thought it was funny. My dad showed my David and I was wondering why. Then he showed me Chad Vader and we both were laughing. It is hard to make the two of us laugh out loud.

Reply #10. May 07 09, 11:36 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Just watch the uncensored Burger King Freakout (do a search on youtube - you'll find it) video and the Subway video to go with it. Love it!

That and the Ronnie Johns show nod to Chopper Read on how to slay a job interview and how to pass airport security.

Veronikkamarz, that David video is hilarious. That poor kid is TRIPPING! :)

Reply #11. May 08 09, 12:12 AM
Crazy Dog Man...I want the T-Shirt! LOL

Reply #12. Apr 15 10, 7:01 PM
Have you heard of Hethrin? He does Redwall parodies. He is funny!

Reply #13. Apr 15 10, 7:51 PM
reeshy star
I've been watching Ray William Johnson's videos, and he's pretty good :P
David after the dentist is HILARIOUS :L
Also, not technically YouTube people, but some episodes of Japanese show Gaki No tsukai are on there, and those are just amazing

Reply #14. Apr 16 10, 6:02 AM
hovenaut star
When I need a laugh I turn to Jonathan, the zombie kid who happens to like turtles.

Reply #15. Apr 20 10, 10:57 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Here's one that is exploding across youtube - can't believe how fast either. I'm just thankful it wasn't me - I was wearing shoes... hahaha...

Infamy achieved at Coachella this weekend. Hey, those sandals can be tricky!

Reply #16. Apr 22 10, 10:36 PM
OMGoodnes! That was SOOOOOO funny.

The good Samaritan who nudged the jandal (about 26/27 seconds in) and then when the guy stands up ? ! I roared laughing :-)

Reply #17. Apr 23 10, 9:45 PM
Are yes, Mr dog man... Lol, that is so funny!

Reply #18. Apr 23 10, 10:07 PM
Shiningstar7 star

player avatar
The guy who is pleading to stop harrassing Britney Spears, that's hilarious! He needs to chill out!

Reply #19. May 18 10, 10:25 PM
Seems like moat of the best ones have quit posting, sold out, or just faded away into oblivion. There used to be some real talent and imagination on that site, but it is harder and harder to find now as it is overwhelmed by the sheer volume of mainstream media claptrap, stuff aimed at 13 year olds and the oft mentioned "lowest common denominator". The people get what the people want, I guess.

This is an old fave of mine. This video was meant to be a secret "easter egg". Very few actually found it until long after the series had ended.

Reply #20. May 24 10, 3:29 AM

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