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Subject: Funniest youtube person

Posted by: golden0000
Date: Apr 23 09

Who do you think is the funniest on youtube?

Personally I have to go with Tatsudoshi. He and his friends are called multipurpose spam and they are just hilarious.

41 replies. On page 2 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
jolana star

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I donĀ“t know which one is better, they are both hilarious.

Reply #21. May 26 10, 2:11 PM
Smosh is the funniest. Ian and Anthony ftw. Their second channel IanH is even funnier. I love and laugh so hard at every Lunchtime with Smosh episode. They're amazing.

Reply #22. Dec 08 10, 5:42 PM
Angry Video Game Nerd or Brentalfloss. I can't pick...

Reply #23. Dec 11 10, 3:04 PM
turbotude star

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My vote is for the dog!

Reply #24. May 23 11, 7:32 PM
Oh gosh! Don't even get me started on Youtube celebs...

Reply #25. Jul 01 11, 10:27 AM
honeybee4 star
Katy Perry, Last Friday Night.

Reply #26. Jul 01 11, 4:13 PM
Saints2668 star
Shirley Q. Liquor

Reply #27. Jul 02 11, 2:06 PM
That guy is hilarious. He is one of the funnest people I've ever seen. He'll make you laugh out loud until you can barely breathe.

Reply #28. Jul 13 11, 10:34 PM
HannahConnor: He is pretty funny. I like his Mumbles videos! "Bartledoo!" LOL! :)

Reply #29. Jul 14 11, 12:59 AM
Oidioid32123 star

Reply #30. Jul 17 11, 7:23 PM
The literal music videos!!!

Reply #31. Aug 06 11, 3:56 AM
bananapeel39 star

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"Tiptoe Through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim on Rowan and Martin TV show. Look for a young Goldie Hawn.

Reply #32. Mar 14 12, 11:01 AM
nycdmc70 star

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The Karate Baby kills me every time I see it:

Reply #33. Mar 14 12, 12:05 PM

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Ask a Ninja. He always does unexpected hilarious things. I loved how his Pirates of the Caribbean 3 review started with him saying that, since it was the same movie as Pirates of the Caribbean 2, he was just going to show that review again. And the review still made sense!

It's also funny in retrospect because he hoped the series was "at franchise end." Ha ha.

Reply #34. Feb 12 13, 8:24 AM
Daaanieeel star
Simon's Cat always gets a chuckle from me.

Reply #35. Feb 12 13, 9:00 AM
TemptressToo star

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Jenna Marbles...although perhaps NSFW. :)

Reply #36. Dec 02 13, 8:55 AM

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Amazing. None of this crap is funny.

I won't link it since it does have adult language on the page, but look up Honest Trailers - The Matrix on YouTube for something genuinely funny. Yes, you do need to have watched The Matrix (1, 2 & 3) to get most of the references. Or Billy Connolly if you want a specific person. He is VERY vulgar; you have been warned. Neither qualifies as "funniest youtube person" since Honest Trailers is a group effort and Billy Connolly is an actual stand-up comedian, not just a YouTube wannabe, but at least they are actually funny.

Reply #37. Jan 23 14, 3:26 PM
kevalex34 star

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TheRadBrad. He does "Let's Plays" for video games, but his commentary is always hilarious.

Reply #38. Feb 24 14, 2:02 PM
imphic star

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I haven't been following him for awhile, but I was a big fan of Little Kuriboh/ CardGamesFTW and the abridging form of parody he codified.

Reply #39. Feb 24 14, 5:45 PM
"look up Honest Trailers - The Matrix on YouTube for something genuinely funny."

Well, are you going to reveal which one of the recommended videos you are trying to get us to watch? I really don't have time to watch a dozen videos right now.

Reply #40. Feb 24 14, 7:45 PM

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