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Subject: The worst haircut you ever had

Posted by: phoenixking
Date: May 17 09

I had a almost bald head it looked so bad i wanted to stay home from school

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weissmarc star

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Edward Scissorhands was alive and well in 1980, he was cutting the hair of recruits at Fort Jackson,SC. Nothing beats your first military haircut- just enough stubble to leave you looking like Brad Pitt in "12 Monkeys"..............

Reply #21. Dec 21 10, 2:10 AM
Eastenders01 star

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I grew up in the fifties and sixties and when you were a child the bowl haircut was in fashion. It looked like someone put a cereal bowl on your head and cut what was hanging down off. Next to that it had to be the Toni perm.

Reply #22. Jan 08 11, 6:29 PM
A girl I used to be friends with said she knew how to cut hair pretty well & like a fool I believed her. Not only did the haircut turn out all uneven & terrible looking but she ended up cutting one of my ears with the scissors. OUCH! My instinct was to punch her in the throat but I'm too nice of a person to do that so I cussed her out instead! Believe me, she got what she deserved! LOL!

Reply #23. Jan 08 11, 6:57 PM
pruittgolf star

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One of my daughters decided to take the scissors to her sister's hair. Oh my goodness it was really bad!

Reply #24. Jan 08 11, 7:37 PM
rayven80 star

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My sister and I took scissors to each others' hair while my family was painting the house about 22 years ago. They still talk about it on occasion. I thought I did a pretty good job on hers but my bangs were cut to a 40 degree angle. But I think the worst would be when I decided to cut my hair short. I was called a boy and sir for months until it grew out.

Reply #25. Jan 20 11, 10:09 AM
I've never had my hair cut. It gets trimmed every once in a while, but just to keep off the split ends.

Reply #26. Jan 23 11, 2:09 PM
A really bad mullet hair cut in the 80s, I got my money back!

Reply #27. Jan 24 11, 10:50 PM
turbotude star

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I recently had my hip-length hair cut in a stylish short "do". The first cut was stunning, but when I went back to the same stylist 6 weeks later for a trim, she gave me a hack job. I gave her 1 more chance to get it right, but alas, I'm just as unhappy with the 3rd attempt. So...I'm going to find a stylist who can shape my hair while I let it grow to shoulder length. It's a good thing my hair grows as fast as Florida weeds!

Reply #28. Feb 18 11, 8:43 AM
For years I was going to a local hairdresser and every time I would say that I wanted to keep the length and that I liked it scrunched dried with plenty of volume. Each time I came out, she had cut my hair far too short and the style was as old fashioned as tea. She talked so much when she was cutting that I think she went on to auto pilot. So I decided to find a different hairdresser but I wanted her to know why, so I wrote her a poem, it said/

Her hair was to her shoulders, she only went in for a trim.
The hairdresser nodded, the scissors came out and it started to look grim.
The fact that every time she goes, she wants her hair kept long.
Makes it more frustrating and so totally wrong.
She now has short hair which she didn't want, there was nothing she could do.
The hairdresser kept on talking, she would have to wait until it grew.
When the hairdresser began to dry it, she knew it was too late.
It looked like a seventy year old's style, which she positively hates.
Suffice to say, she's had enough, cos' it happens every time.
The fact that the hairdresser was not listening, is definitely a crime.

Reply #29. Mar 05 11, 7:58 AM
When I was a kid, my grandma would take us to her hairdresser (it was very Steel Magnolias, if you know what I mean). Anyway, the woman who cut our hair was good with old lady bobs, beehives, stuff like that. She's given me a mullet more than once. When I got older (I stopped having my hair cut there after this) she gave me a mullet again and I had to have my hair cut really short to get rid of it.

Reply #30. Jun 14 11, 9:13 PM
steelman86 star

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My Dad used to say, "The only difference between a good haircut and a bad one is three days, after that you get used to it".

Reply #31. Jun 15 11, 9:29 AM
When I was around nine years old, my mother kept telling to get my bangs out of my eyes, well a sharp pair of scissors did the trick! Didn't grown out for months, but no more nagging from mom!

Reply #32. Jun 15 11, 12:08 PM
The wors one I ever had who came from my mother in law the hair dresser from hell. I used to have beautiful hair she talked me into a perm when I first was married(22 yrs ago). Well half of my hair fell out in clumps the other half was fried. Mind you she is supposed to be a professionsl. So I had her cut it short and I looked like a guy. Took over a yr for it to grow out. And still to this day my hair doesnt have the same texture or thickness after that fiasco 22 yrs ago.

Reply #33. Jun 15 11, 12:54 PM
I went to a new stylist at an upscale salon. She had a young girl cut my hair. When the young girl had finished, she took the scissors from her and proceeded to chop away at the back of my hair. I noticed she stunk of booze. Turns out she was plastered! The young girl looked on in horror.
The next day, I called the salon and told the owner that she had a problem and needed to get some help with her alcoholism. She didn't appreciate the advice as much as I didn't appreciate my haircut. Go figure!

Reply #34. Jun 15 11, 2:18 PM

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Back in the late 70s, "geometric" cuts were fashionable and I hated them. I went to a salon and asked the hairdresser to cut my hair and I was most emphatic - do NOT give me a geometric haircut. He reassured me - leave it to me, I know what I am doing, I'll give you the best haircut you've ever had, etc. etc. Guess who walked out with a geometric cut? Being very young, I didn't have enough courage to stand up for myself and demand a re-cut, or my money back, or whatever. But it was the last time I let a man cut my hair. I hid under a scarf for months until I could afford another haircut (I was an impoverished uni student).

Reply #35. Jun 18 11, 7:07 PM
When I was three years old my dad tried to cut my hair because he wanted to save the cost of the haircut. It was so bad that he ended up shaving all of my hair off. He then felt so bad that he went and bought a hat for me to wear to cover up the baldness. So much for saving money. :)

Reply #36. Mar 05 12, 3:54 PM

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