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Subject: Scariest movie ever

Posted by: buffyUK
Date: Aug 11 09

30 Days of Nights really scared me, the vampires where terrifying :)

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The scariest film for me is The Exorcist, the reason why, because the effects for the film were done in front of the camera (for real action) and not with GCI like the way films made today.

Reply #1. Aug 11 09, 12:53 PM
I personally can't watch supernatural horror movies, but splatter-films are no problem. I actually couldn't sleep for a week after seeing the American version of The Ring, and I'm told it's a quite bad horror movie, so I won't even look at other horror movies :)

Reply #2. Aug 11 09, 12:53 PM
buffyUK star

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The Exorcist is pretty scary,i won't watch it again,i saw it when it first came out, i remember a lady in the cinema in front of me, having a panic attack then fainting.
But supernatral i love them :)

Reply #3. Aug 11 09, 1:03 PM
i usually love scary movies, there the only movies i really enjoy watching but once when i was little i saw Childs Play and it scared me to death. i dont know why but ive never watched it again. Ha I hate it when dolls in movies come alive!

Reply #4. Aug 11 09, 2:52 PM
The Incredible Shrinking Woman. Saw it when I was four, ran screaming out of the theater.

Reply #5. Aug 11 09, 3:44 PM
I know this is lame, but "Wait until dark!"

Reply #6. Aug 11 09, 4:37 PM
EmmaF2008 star

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Event Horizon scared the daylights out of me

Reply #7. Aug 11 09, 5:38 PM
The Hills Have Eyes 2 (the new one) was not even scary, more so funny. (Just thought I'd say that)

Reply #8. Aug 11 09, 7:27 PM
tezza1551 star

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"The Shining" was the scariest I have ever watched.. don't like visual horror - prefer mine on a printed page where I can control how scary I want to imagine it !

Reply #9. Aug 11 09, 9:01 PM
I remember when the first "Tremors" movie came out. When my sons and I watched it the first time, we were scared. But now, we can't watch it without laughing.

Reply #10. Aug 11 09, 9:14 PM
papasmurf13 star
Event Horizon is the only film that has ever scared me; well i suppose 'It' did too; damn clown!

Reply #11. Aug 12 09, 12:16 AM
sad-woman star
Where do I start? I do not like scary movies of any kind, but when I was a teenager in the late 70s these dominated the movie theatres and all my friends were going to watch them and like a fool I tagged along. I saw Poltergeist, Alien, all the Omen films, The Hills Have Eyes and Halloween all of which were watched with my hands over my eyes for at least part of the time. However, the one thing which has haunted me since I was a little girl was the sight of Christopher Lee as Dracula. Even now the thought sends shivers down my spine.

Reply #12. Aug 13 09, 8:46 AM
trans991 star

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"It" was pretty creepy.

When I was really young, my parents took us out to see B movies at an outdoor theater (couldn't beat the price, a whole car full for one ticket at a sit-down theater). Green Slime gave me nightmares for awhile--but as an adult, those movies just make me laugh.

Reply #13. Aug 13 09, 9:03 AM
mjws1968 star

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The Exorcist the first time I watched it, it loses impact on subsequent viewings, but the first time was a hide behind the sofa moment. Also, Hitchcock's Birds, we had the misfortune to visit Slimbridge Wildfowl Trust the following day, and everybody was wondering why I was flinching every time a bird came withing 20 feet of us, that was a fun day.

Reply #14. Aug 14 09, 5:18 AM
Sixth Sense. I watched it when I was about eight xP

Reply #15. Aug 16 09, 1:59 PM
hovenaut star
Bringing back up, with Halloween around the corner. The Exorcist (updated, 2000 version) and the Ring top my list. Waiting to see Paranormal Activity, word on that flick being just insane.

Reply #16. Oct 09 09, 11:44 AM
honeybee4 star
The scariest movie I remember seeing is an old one, "The Hithhiker". He had killed a family and another person. He kidnapped some hunters and was making them take him to Mexico. They couldn't escape because he had a defective eye that wouldn't close when he slept. The hunters couldn't escape because they could never tell if he was sleeping or not. He was caught at the border. This was a true story about Billy Cook of California. He was convicted of the murders and died in the gas chamber.

Reply #17. Oct 09 09, 1:21 PM
wayman71 star

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I can only think of a few movies scary enough to have made me jump out of my seat...

What Lies Beneath - saw it years ago when it first hit DVD, and will likely watch it tonight since I just borrowed it from the library yesterday.

The Descent - Just watched this one last week. Got air 3 or 4 times. My girlfriend could only watch from behind a blanket with one eye.

The Blair Witch Project - This movie gets such a bad rap but I loved it and I'm due to see it again soon.

Paranormal Activity - Brand new film said to be the scariest of the decade! I've seen trailers for it and it does look creepy. It's said to be like Blair Witch, only filmed in a bedroom. I read that at a recent premiere the audience was so freaked out that 35 people up and left, not because they were disappointed, but because they were too scared to watch anymore.

Reply #18. Oct 09 09, 2:06 PM
martin_cube star

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About the only one that freaks me out is the original Poltergeist movie. I can't put my finger on why, I guess it's a combination of things.

Reply #19. Oct 10 09, 5:58 AM

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Just saw 'Paranormal Activity'. Very well done. Not the scariest I've seen, but definitely an excellent film.

Reply #20. Oct 19 09, 2:06 AM

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