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Subject: Weirdest movie you have ever seen

Posted by: doozle36213
Date: Feb 04 10

Mine would probably be ' Yes Man' that was just a very weird movie :)

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Liquid Sky or Blue Velvet...

Reply #1. Feb 04 10, 6:37 PM
cazza2902 star

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Black Sheep - a NZ movie about genetically modified sheep that turn into people eaters - too weird!

Reply #2. Feb 04 10, 6:41 PM
george48 star

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Dr Strangelove,-some people
might consider this a classic,
but i thought it was weird, incoherent
and ultimately a waste of my time.

Reply #3. Feb 04 10, 6:58 PM
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Wiene, 1920)
Brain-freezingly weird. Critics rave about this film, and I don't even know what it was about. Left me bemused for weeks.

Belle de Jour (Buñuel, 1967)
Mildly weird - but perfectly straightforward by comparison with Caligari.

Reply #4. Feb 04 10, 7:17 PM
Clifford starring Martin Short & Drop Dead Fred.

Reply #5. Feb 04 10, 7:54 PM
redwaldo star

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Like others I find David Lynch's films weird but intriguing.

My favorite would be Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me.

I remember watching All the TV series on video with a friend over a weekend a couple of decades ago-it was a wacky weekend!

Reply #6. Feb 04 10, 8:23 PM
illiniman14 star

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By far "Primer" was the most confusing and strangest movie I've ever seen. Time travel movies usually try to make some kind of sense, but not this one.

Reply #7. Feb 04 10, 8:37 PM
hovenaut star
'Freaks' - Tod Browning (1932)

Reply #8. Feb 04 10, 8:54 PM
Without a doubt it is Eraserhead.

Reply #9. Feb 04 10, 10:10 PM
Freaks was weird and kinda creepy too but the weirdest of all movies that I have seen has got to be "The Naked Lunch". It is pretty old and had Peter Weller in it. I don't think you can get any weirder than this movie.

Reply #10. Feb 04 10, 10:46 PM
"Fantastic Mr. Fox" -2009.

Just a very odd movie!

Reply #11. Feb 05 10, 2:55 AM
Eraserhead fo me too.I remember an article many years ago.
The reporter asked David Lynch what Eraserhead was about.
His reply was "I don't know".That's how weird it is.

Reply #12. Feb 05 10, 7:40 AM
haha I'm glad I havent seen most of those. Especially EraserHead :)

Reply #13. Feb 05 10, 6:25 PM
daver852 star

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"Memento." The most oiginal film in decades. "Zardoz" was another very weird movie; unlike "Memento," it wasn't very good.

Reply #14. Feb 07 10, 11:14 PM
Kdog2993 star
killer clowns from outer space was a total waste of time! it was awfull!

Reply #15. Feb 11 10, 11:51 PM
"Dr. Caligari" (1989)

Reply #16. Feb 12 10, 12:43 AM
a very old film staring sam niell in the mouth of madness,has the wierdest ending ive ever saw no one could predict it coming

Reply #17. Feb 14 10, 10:14 AM
johnnycat777 star

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I'm going to have to say Mulholland Drive. Never had a clue from start to finish.

Reply #18. Feb 18 10, 5:48 PM
"Twelve monkeys" thought it was just weird

Reply #19. Feb 23 10, 10:26 AM
gpm97457 star
I don't know why but "Brazil" comes to mind.

Reply #20. Feb 28 10, 2:51 AM

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