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Subject: Weirdest movie you have ever seen

Posted by: doozle36213
Date: Feb 04 10

Mine would probably be ' Yes Man' that was just a very weird movie :)

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THX 1138- who knew at the time that it was made by a film genius

Reply #21. Mar 02 10, 9:02 AM
7PinKy7 star
Kdog2993 it is a bad movie, but Killer Klown for Outerspace is one of the good bad movie. It is one of my favorite sci-fi movies. The weirdest movie I can think of right now would be Nothing But Trouble.

Reply #22. Mar 07 10, 1:15 PM
Schoonie101 star

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This would be filed more under disturbing (understatement of all time) than weird.

I've only seen a couple clips of it and I think that would be enough for my life.


Reply #23. Mar 07 10, 4:37 PM
It's not the weirdest movie but may have one of the weirdest scenes. Anyone see the movie "Magnolia"? How about that raining frogs part? I can hardly watch that part, kind of disturbing, sick and weird all rolled into one.

Reply #24. Mar 23 10, 2:31 AM
tearose90 star
definitely the weirdest and sickest movie I've ever seen is,Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Reply #25. Mar 30 10, 1:35 PM
irishrusty star

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I think it was called 'The Man Who Went Up The Hill And Came Down A Mountain' Hugh Grant was in it I think. Has anyone heard of it?

Reply #26. Mar 30 10, 1:55 PM
parrotman2006 star
I saw "The Man Who Went up a Hill." It's quirky, but not that weird. I mean, no weirder than Wales is usually.

"Highlander 2" ranks right up there among weirdest of all time. If you can figure out what's going on by the end, you're probably an immortal yourself.

"Casino Royale" (1967) with Woody Allen and David Niven, is one of the stranger films ever made. By the end, when Paula Prentiss is being abducted in a flying saucer, disbelief is not just out the window, but right over the cliff.

Reply #27. Apr 02 10, 10:49 PM
mjws1968 star

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"Head" by the Monkees, it made no sense, although if you turned the sound down you could stare at the pretty psychedelic pictures lol.

Reply #28. Apr 03 10, 4:09 AM

saw a movie decades ago (i think); i can't remember the exact title, and it's early morning so too lazy to google but this film was crazy, i think it was called:

the cook, a thief, the wife and lover (or something like this) an odd movie but interesting, gross scene in the meat truck, no good comes when you enter a meat truck.

Reply #29. Apr 03 10, 6:53 AM

was it a meat truck or refrigerator? sorry i've forgotten lol.

Reply #30. Apr 03 10, 6:59 AM
thewho13rd star
Anything by the Coen Brothers, that's for sure.

Reply #31. Apr 03 10, 7:05 AM
Another one, "Where the Wild Things Are".

Especially when one of the wild things pulls off one of the other Wild Thing's arms. Very weird, but good.

Reply #32. Apr 13 10, 2:00 AM
wdstk star
What's Up, Tiger Lily? Woody Allen took a Japanese spy film and overdubbed it with new dialogue. It had nothing to do with the plot of the original film. They were searching for the world's best egg salad recipe.

Reply #33. Apr 17 10, 1:16 PM
jolana star

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Anything by David Lynch, I canĀ“t stand these films but my husband loves them. Now he is watching Fringe, huh.

Reply #34. Apr 17 10, 8:16 PM
iCaramba star

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I have to go with Eraserhead. It was on cable tv the other day and I watched about half an hour... the baby just freaks me out. The sound of him squealing rang in my head all day!

Reply #35. Apr 20 10, 12:21 AM
the lost highway.......

Reply #36. May 13 10, 11:32 PM
Shiningstar7 star

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The Wall by Pink Floyd was pretty weird, wasn't it?

Reply #37. May 17 10, 10:16 PM
cydonia325 star
3-way tie:
"The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover" (yuck -don't see this on a full stomach)
"Million Dollar Hotel"

Reply #38. May 17 10, 11:45 PM
bionic4ever star
"Tommy" - no question. While the music (by The Who) is on my list of favorites, the movie was just too 'out there'.

Reply #39. May 18 10, 12:18 AM
π (also known as Pi) is a 1998 black-and-white American psychological thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky, who won the Directing Award at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival, the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay and the Gotham Open Palm Award. This film was Darren Aronofsky's directorial debut.

The title refers to the mathematical constant π (pi).[nb 1]

Reply #40. May 18 10, 3:55 PM

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