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Subject: Weirdest movie you have ever seen

Posted by: doozle36213
Date: Feb 04 10

Mine would probably be ' Yes Man' that was just a very weird movie :)

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turbotude star

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I figure the writers were probably on some serious drugs.

Reply #41. May 22 10, 12:16 PM
boxjaw star

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I think the strangest movie ever is a film from 1991, titled: "Begotten". Very, very bizarre.

Reply #42. Jun 29 10, 1:23 PM
Evil Sorcerer
Mulholland Drive. And this doesn't mean "weird" in any good way.

Reply #43. Jun 30 10, 9:07 AM
honeybee4 star

Reply #44. Jun 30 10, 10:00 AM
cydonia325 star
I thought of another one, and it just happens to be the subject of kyle's 1,000th quiz - "The Room".

This film is so bad, it is now a cult classic. "The Room" is utterly nonsensical - just a very, very strange movie.

(kyle is quite knowledgeable about some REALLY bad flicks! I mean that in the nicest possible way.)

Reply #45. Jun 30 10, 10:20 AM
navaho56 star

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I have not seen this one yet but I'm always on the look out for it (it's only a short) but with a title like "I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, and Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney" it's surely worth a watch.

Reply #46. Jun 30 10, 12:35 PM
the Royal Tenenbaums

Reply #47. Jul 29 10, 1:05 PM
skyrunner84 star
"The Village". It seems like one thing but it completly has a great plot twist in the end.

Reply #48. Jul 31 10, 6:58 PM
The Village was pretty weird!

Reply #49. Aug 01 10, 1:45 PM
klavierstueck star
"Killer Klowns from Outer Space"

Reply #50. Aug 23 10, 2:30 PM
Emma058 star

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The royal Tenenbaums

Reply #51. Aug 23 10, 2:42 PM
Definitely Eraserhead. It was weird and I didn't like it. There are some movies that I would consider weird, that I like so weird isn't necessarily a bad thing in my book!

Reply #52. Aug 23 10, 3:27 PM
Mummy Maniac
Chasing Sleep

Reply #53. Sep 04 10, 9:06 PM
reeshy star
I saw The Village in the cinema, haha, I'm thinking I'll have to see that again. :)

I still think Donnie Darko is pretty weird; took me so long to work out, although I think maybe I've got it :P

Shivers is one I don't recommend. That movie scarred me for life!

I recently watched Constantine and V For Vendetta - they weren't as weird as the others I've mentioned, but were quite different from how I expected.

Reply #54. Sep 14 10, 4:03 PM
The third Matrix movie. It was overcomplicated and too long.

Reply #55. Sep 14 10, 5:09 PM
supersal1 star
District 9 - there was so much that wasn't explained or simply skipped over (how did the aliens and humans understand each other for starters) but it didn't really matter, the rest of the film was so enthralling and the ending so unsettling that such quibbles faded into the background.

Reply #56. Jul 01 11, 1:24 PM
The knowing, I was freaked out at the end. Both wierd and scary at the same time.

Reply #57. Jul 01 11, 4:44 PM
Tori_2s star

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The Human Centipede

The only movie that has ever left me nauseated and an upset tummy.

Reply #58. Jul 01 11, 6:29 PM
I would have to say the movie "Crybaby". It's not only the weirdest movie I have seen but it's also the worst! Horrible acting (Johnny Depp couldn't even save this movie!) & a horrible storyline. XD

Reply #59. Jul 01 11, 7:05 PM
honeybee4 star
I watched Mojave Moon with Angelina Jolie a few nights ago on TV. It was kind of weird.

Reply #60. Jul 01 11, 9:32 PM

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