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Subject: Shutter Island

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Aug 08 10

Watched this movie last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. So many twists and turns. Leonardo DiCaprio is such a good actor in whatever he turns his hand to. It was very atmospheric and the setting was dark and creepy. The ending was mind blowing and I can't wait to watch it again. Anyone else seen it?

31 replies. On page 1 of 2 pages. 1 2
Deunan star
Good movie. I enjoyed it.

I also reserved the book from the library.

Reply #1. Aug 08 10, 9:22 AM
supersal1 star
It's on my "to see" list.

Reply #2. Aug 08 10, 9:24 AM
Deunan star
I even have the "Shutter Island" computer game.

Reply #3. Aug 08 10, 9:44 AM
Yes, I saw it, and thought it was very good. The outcome was surprising.

Reply #4. Aug 09 10, 7:19 AM
irishrusty star

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Yes I watched it and I liked it a lot!

Reply #5. Aug 09 10, 4:20 PM
I wanna see it even though people at school ruined the ending for me.

Reply #6. Aug 09 10, 11:02 PM
No & don't plan on it! I heard all about it from someone I know who has seen it & the person said it's a bad movie. I also don't like Leo at all. BLECH!

[Edited content. - McG]

Reply #7. Sep 08 10, 11:10 AM
Deunan star
Well, if you wish to avoid a movie based upon the word of someone else, it's up to you.

The movie does require you to pay attention.

Reply #8. Sep 08 10, 11:37 AM
Nah, I usually don't go by what other people say about movies because I like to form my own opinion. However, I have heard this from more than 1 person & I saw a trailer for the movie & it doesn't appeal to me. Like I said, I do not like Leo so I avoid his movies!

Reply #9. Sep 09 10, 12:32 AM
I thought the movie tried too hard to keep people engaged. Being John Malkovich was good, this movie was just confusing. Not one of Leonardo's good movies. Inception is a lot better.

Reply #10. Sep 09 10, 1:44 AM
johnnycat777 star

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I saw Shutter Island recently and I thought it was a good picture. Not truly great but good and worth watching. I found that the trailers were billing it like a horror movie. I didn't think for a minute it was scary, although when the thing unravels at the end, some may find it disturbing. I was surprised to see Max Von Sydow. I thought he was dead.

Reply #11. Sep 11 10, 9:07 PM
Surpisingly I enjoyed this movie as I am not a big Decaprio fan. Great ending and twists and turns through out.

Reply #12. Dec 15 14, 1:50 PM
nmerr star
I loved this movie so much I bought it. I have watched it 3 times so far. It's just as good each time.

Reply #13. Dec 16 14, 11:01 PM
I recently got the chance to see this movie for free so I decided to watch it. My initial reactions were correct & I should have heeded my own advice from 2010! One of the worst movies I have ever seen & 2 hours of my life wasted & I will not get back! I am so glad that I didn't actually pay money to see this awful movie!

Reply #14. Dec 19 14, 9:19 PM
paulmallon star

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Shutter Island was a superb novel (Dennis Lehane), and a lousy movie

Reply #15. Dec 20 14, 10:53 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Paul, I agree. The book kept my attention while the movie didn't.

Reply #16. Dec 20 14, 12:28 PM
rockinsteve star

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I've never seen this movie, I'm not a big Leonardo fan. I think I will check this one out, however. The premise seems intriguing.

Reply #17. Dec 22 14, 4:17 PM
rockinsteve star

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I purchased the movie for 4.99 last night during my almost at the last minute finishing up of my Christmas shopping. It's a gift for myself. I'll probably watch it in the next week or so. I'll give you my review after I do!

Reply #18. Dec 23 14, 1:25 AM
TheRambler star

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You'll enjoy it rockinsteve. Don't listen to all the people who don't like Leonardo and concentrate on the story.

Reply #19. Dec 25 14, 7:15 AM
That wasn't really the reason I didn't care for this movie, because of who was in it. Even though I don't really like Leonardo, I decided to watch it, anyway. I like to judge movies for myself. I didn't like it because I don't care for movies with all of those flashbacks & I didn't really like the plot for the whole film. Leonardo did a good job with what he was given. RockinSteve should see this movie if he chooses to, don't listen to what other people say about it! Everyone has their own likes & dislikes & people should judge for themselves if they like a film or not. He may end up liking it. I have read reviews on different movies in the past & movies that people said were horrible, I saw those same movies & ended up loving them! Vice versa, too. This is why I like to form my own opinion on movies. Happy viewing, RockinSteve! :)

Reply #20. Dec 25 14, 1:48 PM

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