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Subject: Which Show Would You Bring Back?

Posted by: TNA189
Date: Aug 10 10

If you had the power to bring back a TV show, what would it be? For me, it would be Animaniacs.

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jabb5076 star

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Primeval or Terra Nova

Reply #161. May 25 15, 7:23 AM
Wellll... Its... Bugs bunny and tweety show.... I miss it so bad... I havent seen any in a year and im depressed.

Reply #162. May 25 15, 2:21 PM
Tori_2s star
The 4400
Stargate Universe

They get me hooked and then cancel them!

Reply #163. Jun 20 15, 9:26 PM
Shadowmyst2004 star

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Reply #164. Jun 30 15, 12:55 AM
mpkitty star

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The original series of Dark Shadows should be shown every day on a channel that most people get.
And boycott the Johnny Depp movie version.

The original series rocks - available on DVD (over 1200 episodes).

Reply #165. Jul 04 15, 6:45 PM

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Most things I'd like to see "more" of, I mostly just want to see wrapped up in a nice little package. Examples:

Caroline in the City (never resolved)
Pirates of Dark Water (five of the treasures of rule still to be found, and then what?)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pushing Daisies

Reply #166. Jul 19 15, 9:45 PM
terraorca star

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They could do "Rugrats" again, it was animated. I used to watch with my son when he was a little tyke, he's 24 and 6'6" now.

Reply #167. Jul 23 15, 8:37 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Dr Finlay's Casebook. I loved that so much. Unfortunately the BBC did not preserve the tapes. Some are still available and they played some on the radio in recent years. It still sounded good to me but a modern audience would probably find it very old fashioned.

Reply #168. Jul 25 15, 3:48 PM
Mixamatosis star

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This short section of Dr Finlay's casebook is all that's left on youtube now. I'm sure all the actors must be dead by now and they were not replaceable

Reply #169. Jul 25 15, 4:00 PM
jasa9092 star

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Monk, M*A*S*H -- Although that one probably isn't possible. It would take a lot of creativity to pull that off. Oh well, I can dream.

Reply #170. Jul 30 15, 12:25 PM
Mixamatosis star

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All Creatures Great and Small is also a great series. It's so good they still show old episodes on U.K T.V. Wonderful stories. Wonderful characters. Wonderful settings.

Reply #171. Aug 18 15, 11:36 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I've just noticed on youtube there is more than one programme called all creatures great and small. This is the one I mean

Reply #172. Aug 19 15, 10:03 AM
i would bring back wc field

Reply #173. Aug 24 15, 4:47 PM
Just give me some reruns of Are You Being Served? and I will be thrilled!

Reply #174. Oct 09 15, 11:48 PM
Blackdresss star

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I have no clue why they ended this series. They weren't cancelled, it was very popular, they promised us a movie to wrap things up, but that didn't happen. It just ended in the middle of everything and nothing.

Breaking Bad was also excellent, but it definitely ended. While I loved it, I wouldn't want it to continue.

And Dexter? What kind of "I've run out of ideas, so... the end!" ending was that? It was horrible! Worse than the ending to "True Blood," and that was ghastly!

Reply #175. Oct 10 15, 12:06 AM
The ending of Dexter was horrible! I loved that show, particularly the earlier seasons. But, the writers clearly ran out of steam. Such a shame!

Reply #176. Oct 10 15, 1:29 AM
It's funny reading back through some of the posts from 5 years ago, many wishes have come true (X-Files was one I loved in the 90's and hey presto, it's back)

Reply #177. Oct 11 15, 1:42 AM
Blackdresss star

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I forgot about LOST. I got hooked on that when I accidentally flipped into it, about 5 minutes into the first episode of the 2nd season, and had no idea what was going on. So, I watched all of that episode, and then raced to rent ALL of Season One on DVD. When episode two aired, I was SO ready. I had see far too much weirdness in that first episode not to want to know what it was all about. While the sharks were circling the blown-up raft, I saw the Dharma Initiative symbol on at least one of the sharks, and I had no idea what it meant. But I HAD to find out!

I watched it faithfully. I kept every single issue of Entertainment Weekly where anything about LOST was mentioned. I read Stephen King interview the writers, and he made them SWEAR they had an actual ending at the ready. No, "And then, they all woke up!" or "And then, it was just one person, lost in the void," or "And then, we ran out of ideas, so The End!" They swore to him before he would sign all their copies of... whatever book they brought for him to autograph. They're all huge Stephen King fans, and he was a guest editor at EW at the time, so they sent him to interview the Lost Boys. And they swore to him. And I just know it ended badly.

And then, in the last season, when it all went off the rails on a completely crazy train and they turned MY Sayid into a zombie and Claire had a dead raccoon on her head, I QUIT! I still have no idea how it ended, so don't tell me. Because one of these years, I'm going to care again, and then I'll watch the ending. Probably the entire series again, from first to last episodes.

I don't want LOST back. I just want LOST to end in a way that brought all that craziness together.

So what am I doing in the meantime? Watching "The Leftovers" of course. Talk about one wild crazy train ride. I quit last season after the 5th episode. It was too dark. And EW kept begging everyone to tune in again, yes it was horrible and dar, but it's GOOD again! Sorry! Not for me! And then I watched the first episode of this Season Two, and now I'm loading ALL of the first season and watching all of it. Sigh...

Reply #178. Oct 12 15, 2:53 AM
Blackdresss star

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Oh sure, someone just sort of casually mentions "The X-Files" and voila! It's almost BACK! I loved that show, and now I can love it all over again.

I wonder if that will work for "Deadwood" and "LOST"?

Reply #179. Nov 06 15, 1:43 AM
Blark14 star

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I would bring back family oriented shows. I loved to watch t.v. in the 70's and 80's.

Reply #180. Apr 12 16, 8:46 PM

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