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Subject: Hats!

Posted by: veronikkamarrz
Date: Aug 17 10

Hats really are making a come back. Do you wear a hat? Are the rules for removing said hat, the same for women as for men?

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Deunan star
I wish I could wear hats. There are so many. I just get too hot when I do.

VM - do you wear hats?

I believe the rules are different for women. I don't think we are supposed to take off our hats when men enter the room, etc.

I remember eating at a restaurant one day and "The Red Hat Society" were having their get together. What fun. Their hats were so interesting and many were hand made/decorated.

I like this hat....

and this one....

Reply #1. Aug 17 10, 8:10 PM
I absolutely love hats, but I'm not sure I'm a 'hat person.'
I always follow the Red Hat Society. If I were to pick from your two...It'd have to be the cowgirl model!
My eldest daughter wears hats. Her birthday is coming up...She wants fully padded bike shorts. (sigh) ;)

Reply #2. Aug 17 10, 8:28 PM
I don't like wearing them, although I have tried.

Once upon a time, too long ago to remember, hats became briefly fashionable because Princess Anne had been wearing them. I bought a simple asymmetric hat in my favourite red, and wore it to work, and everyone in the office burst out laughing.

I was very young and innocent, and had never heard the expression "red hat; no knickers." I don't know where it came from and how it started.

A few years later I bought another one for a wedding. It was a similar shape to the red one, but it was cream and decorated with a couple of feathers. I wore it to my aunt's funeral and now I have no idea where it is. Scrunched up somewhere at the back of the wardrobe, probably.

There have always been rules for hats - and jackets and ties and gloves - but fewer and fewer people give a hoot about them. I don't wear white gloves when I go to the shops, and I imagine that restaurants everywhere are full of men who shock horror take their jackets off to eat.

Reply #3. Aug 17 10, 8:36 PM
Oops! :|

Reply #4. Aug 17 10, 8:38 PM
The fashion coverage said: "Never hide your eyes from strangers." Sort of implied that hats with a brim, must be taken off indoors, by both men and women...

I always worry more about the people who turn their heads, and say nothing. If they're laughing out loud--Great!

Reply #5. Aug 17 10, 8:44 PM
Creedy star

player avatar
I'm not a hat person, except for the battered old thing I wear outside in the sun. You have to in this country in summer or suffer the consequences.

At boarding school they made us wear panama hats to church every Sunday. I hated the dopey things and kicked the stuffing out of mine until it looked as droopy as I did sitting up in church each week - with a nun on either side to make sure I behaved.

Later on when we were allowed to wear berets, I kept mine in my locker beside a cage of two white mice I had that we weren't allowed to have - and they chewed a big hole in it, so it could only ever be worn at the one angle after that.

Reply #6. Aug 17 10, 9:23 PM

player avatar
I'm a Guy who likes and wears hats,
hats seem to suit me,at least that's
i've told.
My favorite is the Anzac Hat,sort
of like the Crocodile Dundee hat,
but with the right side buttoned up.

Reply #7. Aug 17 10, 9:24 PM
blindcat78 star

player avatar
I have some hats that I like to wear. When I was in school, the rule was that you couldn't wear them in the building except on hat day.

Reply #8. Aug 23 10, 11:03 PM
The only hats I look good in are cowboy hats, but those aren't really practical here in the city :/

Reply #9. Aug 25 10, 7:23 AM
honeybee4 star
I haven't worn a hat since the 60's.

Reply #10. Aug 25 10, 8:40 AM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
Apart from the kind of hats one wears to avoid the onset of sunstroke, I hadn't worn a hat for years. Then last year a dear friend who was dying of cancer was was telling me what she had planned for her funeral service. Suddenly, with a smile as wide as the mouth of the St. Lawrence, she said, "And you, my dear, will wear a hat!" Accordingly, to honour my friend's wishes, I bought The Hat. It is a black straw, with a large, face-framing brim that tapers to nothing at he nape of the neck. It is glamorous and when I wear it I feel like a million bucks. Because I am at the age when I attend at least one funeral a month, the hat has had a lot of wear since that first outing, and I get more compliments on it than anything I've ever worn!

Reply #11. Sep 21 10, 10:18 PM
What a nice story, Cym! I'm glad you keep wearing 'the hat' even though the circumstances may not be happy...and we move along.:)

Reply #12. Sep 26 10, 11:04 AM
I'll wear a hat occasionally, but only at the beach or in extreme heat. I admire people who can pull 'em off, though.

Reply #13. Sep 29 10, 6:29 AM
Yes, I wear a hat when I go to a ladies tea or have to be in the sun for very long to shade my face.

I also think a man should remove his hat when he goes indoors, that used to be common courtesy years ago, but with cowboys hats and baseball caps these days, I don't think it applies anymore, too bad, I miss the old days.

Reply #14. Oct 19 10, 1:44 AM
tezza1551 star

player avatar
I have a couple of Akubras... one only fit for the stockyards, and the other gets worn once or twice a year to the local show, or a clearing sale.
Other than that... don't own any hats.

Reply #15. Oct 19 10, 3:56 AM
I'm almost always wearing a hat.

God Bless, Jimmy

Reply #16. Oct 21 10, 8:30 PM
blindcat78 star

player avatar
I have a favorite hat that I decorated in the year of 1998 at summer camp. It has googley eyes on it & horseshoes & stars all over it. I'm planning on decorating a couple of hats for my nieces for Christmas, if I can afford it.

Reply #17. Oct 28 10, 7:48 AM
steelman86 star

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Wear a hat most of the time.

Reply #18. May 29 11, 11:04 PM
bananapeel39 star

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I usually wear a baseball cap when I am out in the Arizona sunshine for any length of time to keep the sun off my face. I stick my hair through the hole in the back. I also wear sunglasses, and sometimes a headset if I want to listen to some tunes.

Reply #19. Mar 15 12, 5:41 AM
I have over 50 baseball hats. My wife doesn't understand since I "have only one head."

Reply #20. Mar 18 12, 5:03 PM

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