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Subject: pro wrestling

Posted by: sportsfanmas
Date: Sep 16 10

So how many professional wrestling fans do we have on funtrivia? I myself am a huge TNA fan. WWE is ok, but it has really went downhill since Vince McMahon bought out WCW and ECW.

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wwe84 star

player avatar
i'm a wwe fanatic since i was 4 now i'm 25 i collect anything from t-shirts,dvds,old videos,magazines etc

Reply #1. Sep 16 10, 2:38 PM
sportsfanmas star
WWE has been much better as of late, but I still miss the Monday Night Wars. In my opinion, that is when pro wrestling was at its prime, in the late 1990's. I'm a mark for collecting old wrestling videos and DVD's. I have 2 whole racks full in my house and would love to ad dmore.

Reply #2. Sep 16 10, 2:47 PM
7PinKy7 star
I really don't watch anymore. I watched it every night back in the mid to late 90s. Since ECW and WCW went it hasn't been as good. I did really like TNA for a couple years, but I think that went down to. My to favorite wrestlers Jeff Hardy and Sabu are back in TNA so I should start watching agian to see them.

Reply #3. Sep 16 10, 9:31 PM
sportsfanmas star
I'm not sure how much longer the old ECW guys will be in TNA. After what happened on Impact last night, I hate to say it, but Tommy Dreamer and his group may be about done with TNA.

Reply #4. Sep 17 10, 9:23 AM
WWE was brilliant during the Monday Night Wars, but now, they're using celebrity guest hosts to pull higher ratings. As for TNA, I prefer it simply because it lets you see things you wouldn't see in WWE today. Although, because of Hogan and Bischoff, it's turning into a new version of WCW.

Reply #5. Sep 19 10, 8:25 AM
sportsfanmas star
Got to agree with you about TNA. AT first I was on board with Hogan and Bischoff. Now I'm not so sure. Have to admit I'm very curious to see where they go with this possible Dixie Carter vs. Hogan and Bischoff angle. And I would still rather watch TNA at its worst than the crap WWE puts out now.

Reply #6. Sep 20 10, 11:43 AM
spidersghost43 star

player avatar
Isn't Dixie Carter dead?

Reply #7. Sep 20 10, 12:17 PM
Anton star
^^^ Nevermind the troll.

"And I would still rather watch TNA at its worst than the crap WWE puts out now."

So, you'd rather watch storylines that that go nowhere or don't get finished, wrestlers that are 10-15 years past their prime, and what is essentially a rehash of everything WCW did wrong in its final days than what WWE does by trying to establish new stars and build for the future? I understand.

Reply #8. Sep 20 10, 12:43 PM
spidersghost43 star

player avatar
I hope im not the troll you are referring to Anton. If I am can you explain?

Reply #9. Sep 21 10, 9:55 AM
Anton star
You know full well that the Dixie Carter you are thinking of had nothing to do with pro wrestling. Before you say that didn't, keep in mind that you are the same person who mentioned George Jetson and Astro as a great acting team in another thread.

Reply #10. Sep 21 10, 10:56 AM
spidersghost43 star

player avatar
Anton I was being sincere as the only dixie carter I ever heard of was the actress who passed away. As for the jetson/astro comment if you recall I posted a lot of cartoon teams. I was just having a good natured laugh. Try a Xanax and lighten up.

Reply #11. Sep 21 10, 12:17 PM
sportsfanmas star
Anton, absolutely. There are some good young stars in TNA as well,and let's not forget that WWE has oldies like the Undertaker, Kane, and I'm sure there are others. I'm so sick of John Cena that I throw up in my mouth every time I see him. Talk about overrated and no talent. Calling TNA a rehashed version of WCW is just fine with me because I loved WCW.

Reply #12. Sep 21 10, 12:39 PM
Anton star
What will you do when TNA goes belly up the way WCW did? The way it is going now, that is exactly what will happen. What they need to do is dump Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett, Sting, Nash, and Russo. Keep Dixie off tv. You say that Cena makes you puke? Dixie's "doe in headlights" look every time she is on camera makes me gag. Flair can stay because he is finally making a good heel out of AJ. It only took how long? Several months? The ECW guys, including RVD, need to get off the tv. You are right about one thing though. TNA does have some good young stars, although I wouldn't call them young anymore. They have been there for years now. They need to push them and Pope and Anderson and not focus so much on Kane and Mankind's love child.

Reply #13. Sep 22 10, 11:02 AM
Are you saying that giving Anderson a TNA World Heavyweight Title shot and getting Pope to team with Nash & Sting at BFG isn't giving them a push?

Reply #14. Oct 06 10, 3:37 PM
Anton star
My post was two weeks ago. At that time, Pope was not with Nash and Sting. Stay current here, ok?

And no, that isn't what I said. I didn't post in code. What I posted is very simple to understand. What I posted was what they NEED to do. Looks like they are finally getting their act together, but looks can be deceiving. Rumor has it that Hogan and Jarrett will be forming some sort of new NWO type faction. WCW, got to love it.... 15 years ago.

Reply #15. Oct 06 10, 4:52 PM
Anton star
The one thing I can count on with TNA is them not disappointing me. They give the title to Jeff Hardy. The same Jeff Hardy who could wind up in prison soon. The same Jeff hardy who couldn't cut a promo if his life depended on it. The same Jeff Hardy, who like his buddies Hogan and Jarrett, have seen their best days already. Good job TNA. I knew you could do it.

Reply #16. Oct 11 10, 3:00 PM
When was the last time you saw Jeff turn heel? If that doesn't make you want to watch TNA, nothing will.

Reply #17. Oct 13 10, 10:59 AM
Anton star
Obviously, you are new to TNA. lol

Reply #18. Oct 13 10, 11:09 AM
Anton star
Hardy? Sorry, I just woke up. Yeah, his heel turn is new, but he is boring on the mic. He is not heel material.

Reply #19. Oct 13 10, 11:09 AM
19012 star
I casually follow wrestling. I liked the old ECW and the attitude WWF but now when I watch WWE you know what will happen be it the all to common 6 person tag or the constant DQs and a couple of wrestlers that just leave. You can still be a heel by staying in the ring and entertaining.

Reply #20. Nov 14 15, 8:11 AM

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