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Subject: Today's Story Word: handbell

Posted by: FTBot
Date: Oct 08 10

Welcome to the Story Chat Game for Oct 08 10

The word of the day is handbell. Participants may post a paragraph, taking the story from where the previous poster left off.

To get started, the first sentence of the story must contain the word handbell. The entire story, if it is possible, should relate back occasionally to handbell. Good luck!

A new word and story will start at midnight.

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
leelee63 star
Hey Schoonie! before you get enraged, let me just say that this FTBot thing is a )^%#$! and should &(%^! big time. We could start a ^*&% pool to see how long it will *&)%$# take to get the Bot turned off.

Reply #1. Oct 08 10, 12:46 AM
Ooh can anyone *&)%$# play?

Reply #2. Oct 08 10, 5:34 AM
dippo star

player avatar
A HANDBELL would be exremely useful to smash you monitor when another of these stupid FTBot messages appears!

Reply #3. Oct 08 10, 6:23 AM
A HANDBELL would be a good thing for the SpamBot to carry about with it, and ring from time to time, so that people know to give it a wide berth.

Ding ding! Unclean!

Reply #4. Oct 08 10, 6:36 AM
trev1 star

player avatar
... and as the handbell sounded at the end of round one the judges unanimously voted for the living.

Reply #5. Oct 08 10, 7:02 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Well, I tried before the handbell rang, signaling spambot time.

Once a month would not be so bad. I think I've done my part and don't need to say much else in regards to how I feel about that spambot.

Track down the IP and break out the torches and pitchforks? :)

Reply #6. Oct 08 10, 8:32 AM
Can I join you please? I have tar and I have feathers!

Reply #7. Oct 08 10, 8:52 AM
leelee63 star
Schoonie, I'd bet a handbell that there is someone around here that thinks it has something to do with your computer not being updated, or your internet connection being too slow. ;)

Reply #8. Oct 08 10, 10:34 PM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
If this is a revolution, can I join? Onward, comrades, smash the Spambot!

Reply #9. Oct 11 10, 12:06 PM
mjws1968 star

player avatar
Preferably with the largest handbell you can find lol.

Reply #10. Oct 13 10, 4:38 PM
tezza1551 star

player avatar
If I had a handbell, I'd ring it in the morning.. just to wake up the dreaded FTBot !
I'd ring it in the evening.. to stop him going to sleep
I'd ring out the danger(to the bot)
I'd ring out a warning (to the bot)
I'd ring about the love to my brothers and sisters (excluding bot)
All over this land.....

Reply #11. Oct 13 10, 7:09 PM
bananapeel39 star

player avatar
If I had a handbell, it would be swell.
If you don't agree, then go to H***.

Reply #12. Mar 08 12, 3:17 PM

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
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