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Subject: The King's Speech

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Dec 16 10

I'm not a regular visitor to the cinema, but after reading the reviews for 'The King's Speech', I'm going to see it on the big screen. It sounds fascinating and every review I've read raves about the whole movie and cast - especially Colin Firth as George VI and Geoffrey Rush as the speech therapist who helped the king to overcome his debilitating stammer.

George VI is one of my heroes, so I'm looking forward to the movie.

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I've been thinking about seeing that one, too. It's not likely to come to our small town with just the one theatre, though, so I'll have to wait.

Reply #1. Dec 16 10, 4:41 PM

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My daughter received movie tickets as a Christmas gift so she decided to treat her parents to the movies the day afte Boxing Day. The only movie we all wanted to see was "The King's Speech" - and we loved it!

Every review I have read about it has been good and it has a wonderful cast - Colin Firth (yum), Helena Bonham Carter, Geoffrey Rush, Jennifer Ehle, Derek Jacobi and Michael Gambon, to name just a few. Everyone I know who has seen this movie has loved it.

I don't think you'll be disappointed. The only thing I wonder about is the historical accuracy. It seems pretty accurate (but I don't claim to be a history expert) and I've been told that Queen Elizabeth approved it (but I don't know if that's true or not).

Reply #2. Jan 02 11, 9:59 PM
redwaldo star

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Yeah they are raving about it in Australia Cym.

A respected film critic even said it MUST win the Best Film Oscar.

Will go and see it soon!

Reply #3. Jan 02 11, 10:10 PM
Dragonfrog star
I saw it last weekend and agree it was fantastic! No weak performances that I could see, very worthy of Oscar nominations and wins!

Reply #4. Jan 07 11, 7:14 PM
Eastenders01 star

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I don't go to movies very often maybe once in two years but I would love to see that. I love both those actors.
Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice and Helena Bonham Carter in Room with a View. It has just come to Ontario but only in certain theatres.

Reply #5. Jan 07 11, 7:19 PM
Very rarely does a movie come along where my wife and I both say "let's get a babysitter and go see that." But we did just that last night, and loved this movie. The theatre was packed, and everyone applauded at the end of the movie. The final speech at the end was brilliantly shot, and the whole movie is about as beautifully filmed as any movie I've seen. My wife has a major crush on Colin Firth (who she still calls Mr. Darcy), and this is probably the best role he's ever had. I hope they sweep the Oscars. If not, well...I wouldn't be surprised, because the Oscars stopped representing the best films a long time ago.

Reply #6. Jan 08 11, 2:16 PM
reeshy star
I'm interested in seeing it, but I tend to wait for movies to come out on DVD, so I can keep watching it for not much more than the price it costs to see it in the cinema! I know the cinema's a different experience, but I keep it for just certain films that I can't wait to see. The cast is amazing for this movie, and it seems very interesting. :)

Reply #7. Jan 11 11, 8:47 AM
Cymruambyth star

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I actually ventured out to the cinema tonight to see 'The King's Speech' and for a change the audience didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the film. I've never sat in a cinema with an audience so attentive. At the end, everyone applauded - and that doesn't usually happen, does it?

From the opening scene to the closing scene (kudos to cinematographer Danny Cohen), the film grips the viewer and holds interest. The cast is amazing, and if Colin Firth doesn't win the Oscar for his superb portrayal of King George VI then the Academy Awards will be a travesty!
Firth and Geoffrey Rush play off each other beautifully and it comes as no surprise to learn that the King and Logue remained close friends for the rest of their lives.

Whoever did the voice and movement coaching were brilliant. They got the actors to reproduce the speech patterns of the principals and that gave the production an authenticity it might have lacked because the casting director didn't go for look-alikes, so it was speech and body movement that brought the people to life.

Firth is at the top of his game as a man overshadowed by his dashing, Golden Boy older brother, mercilessly teased by his brothers because of his crippling stammer and ruthlessly browbeaten by his martinet of a father. Guy Pearce as the Prince of Wales is also brilliant, revealing Edward VIII's shallowness and selfishness. (I've always been glad that the Golden Boy abdicated his responsibilities and left his younger brother to carry the bag containing the throne and the Empire. We got a much better king in George VI than we would have had in Edward VIII.) Derek Jacobi as Cosmo Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury is a treat, as is Helena Bonham Carter as Queen Elizabeth and Jennifer Ehle as Myrtle Logue (you won't recognize her as the actor who played Elizabeth Bennet in 'Pride and Prejudice' opposite Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy!)

The screenplay by David Seidler is top notch and Alexandre Desplat's beautiful original music underscores (no pun intended) the action and sets the mood precisely.

It's been a long time since I saw a film this perfect. I'll buy it when it comes out on DVD and give myself the treat of watching it again and again.

Reply #8. Jan 29 11, 12:45 AM
Excellent film and a silent appreciative audience... Guy Pierce was excellent as Edward VIII. Will win the BAFTAs and hopefully the Oscars, but ya never know.

HBC as Liz and Timothy Spall as Churchill were classic performances. It bent history a little, but a thoroughly good film.

Reply #9. Jan 29 11, 4:54 AM
I agree, this sounds like a very good movie & I'm looking forward to seeing it. I know a few people who have seen it & they told me it's worth seeing. I can also identify with the main character in this movie so I would love to see the outcome!

Reply #10. Jan 29 11, 1:49 PM
wdstk star
See it before the Oscars. They are going to edit it so it can get a PG rating. What a shame.

Reply #11. Jan 29 11, 4:42 PM
Dragonfrog star
At least they wouldn't be changing much, just language as I remember and not too much of that. Not so Black Swan,they would lose a good chunk of that movie to get a better rating.

Reply #12. Jan 29 11, 4:59 PM
Good news:

"The King's Speech ruled at the Baftas, winning seven awards including best film and best actor for Colin Firth.

"It also won outstanding British film, best original screenplay, supporting acting honours for Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush, and best score."

Unbelievably bad news:

"The film's producers said it could not have been made without the UK Film Council, which is soon to be abolished."

Who's going to abolish it? Bean-counting Philistines!

Reply #13. Feb 14 11, 10:53 AM
boxjaw star

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I know the post is about "The King's Speech", which is a good movie. Has anyone watched "True Grit"? Personally I found it to be the best film this season. All of the acting was spot on. The dialogue is unique to say the least.

Reply #14. Feb 14 11, 11:18 PM

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It would be best to start a separate thread for "True Grit" if you want to discuss that movie. Other people reading the Movies Board won't think to look for it in this thread.

Reply #15. Feb 15 11, 12:30 PM
Absolutely. Please do not discuss a different film in a thread dedicated to a particular one.

Reply #16. Feb 15 11, 1:24 PM
wdstk star
If they took out the swearing they would rip the heart out of many scenes.

Reply #17. Feb 24 11, 3:04 PM
As I remember, there wasn't any swearing in the film apart from a few minutes in a speech therapy scene. Very brief but a huge contribution to the story - as well as having the audience in stitches. Anyone who removed that bit would have no soul and would ruin the film. IMHO!

Reply #18. Feb 25 11, 6:23 AM
wdstk star
It was also mouthed to eachother in the speach. If you took it out you wouldn't understand that scene.

Reply #19. Feb 25 11, 7:14 AM
Ooh I'd forgotten about that! (Thank you.) :D
Perhaps that means I need to go and see it again.

Reply #20. Feb 25 11, 9:04 AM

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