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Subject: Overrated Classic Movies

Posted by: daver852
Date: Feb 18 11

I'm a big fan of classic movies, which I define as the beginning of the silent era through the 1950s. Back then the movies had a plot, the actors could act, and the actresses could make you think impure thoughts about them without taking off all their clothes. Some of my favorite films of this era are "Wings," "Double Indemnity," and "Laura." But I think a lot of old movies are overrated. What movies do you think get more credit than they deserve? I'd nominate "The Grapes of Wrath," "Metropolis," and "The Gold Rush."

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eyhung star

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Bringing Up Baby. Supposedly a great screwball comedy but I just didn't find it very entertaining.

Reply #41. Apr 05 12, 7:44 PM
Mommakat star

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I think it all comes down to personal choice. Just because you or I don't like a certain film or actor does not necessarily mean it or they are no good. Who are we to judge? When we get up there and do the same thing then and only then are we qualified to give an opinion.

Reply #42. Apr 05 12, 9:18 PM
george48 star

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This is their profession, they chose to act for a living to entertain us, the audience. I have no compunction about judging their acting. If they have such thin skins,they should have chosen some other way to make a living.
Speaking of bad acting,i wish Will Ferrell would just go away,he is not funny.

Reply #43. Apr 05 12, 11:42 PM
Mommakat star

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Actually I quite like Will, so it is lucky for him that we are not all of the same mind. Someone must like him else he would not be employed to do what he is doing. And as for "thin skins" I don't think that applies here as it is "us" who are levelling the criticisms not them.

Reply #44. Apr 06 12, 1:27 AM
"Citizen Kane" for me. Decent movie? Sure. Great movie? Nah. I didn't see what all the fuss was about.

Reply #45. Apr 09 12, 2:53 PM
Does “Blade Runner” count as a classic movie? I just saw that for the first time and was really disappointed. I didn’t like it very much at all.

Reply #46. Apr 11 12, 9:43 AM

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