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Subject: Whale Wars

Posted by: steelman86
Date: May 30 11

I just saw a commercial for the new season of "Whale Wars". I started watching it last season and was amazed to see how the Sea Shepards would bungle just about everything they do trying to stop the Japanese from whaling.

8 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Alright! Its good to hear that there will be a new season.
I got really in to the show the last couple of seasons as well. My step-dad watched it and I was surprised how interesting the show turned out to be. Its strangely addictive. I was surprised when the Ady Gill was hit but glad everyone was alright. I had a bit of a crush on Pete (the captain) -giggles-.

Reply #1. May 31 11, 10:28 PM

player avatar
There is a term used for those who, "attack mariners that are going about their lawful occasions"......called Piracy!

Good for the whalers!

Reply #2. Jun 01 11, 12:32 AM
Well, according to the show anyways, the Japanese claim they are studying the whales for research which they believe to be a cover for banned commercial whaling. They also point out the cruel methods of killing the whales and the fact that blue whales are critically endangered.
Maybe their way of going about trying to stop this is wrong but it doesnt make what the whalers are doing right. At any rate the show is pretty well done I think.

Reply #3. Jun 01 11, 12:50 AM

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kufan........Unless an activity is nationally, or internationally illegal, what gives self appointed "do gooders" the "right" to attack those they happen to disagree with? Even if it IS illegal, the United Nations exist to enforce those laws......not unilateral activists making their own laws.

As good as the programme may be, I found it incensed me. There is plenty in the world that I disagree with..........doesn't give me the self-appointed right to attack others though.

I applaud the sentiments, but deplore the methods.......laws banning anything should be made by national or international consent, and then enforced by naval forces if necessary......not by a load of activists.

Reply #4. Jun 01 11, 1:31 AM
turbotude star

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For me, the program, 'Whaling Wars' is a joke! I'd like to see the endangered whales protected by an international treaty of some sort, but the activist group featured in this program is laughable. They might be somewhat successful if they were operating within the confines of the law, and had a clue as to how to go about it. Save the whales....and the idiots, too!

Reply #5. Jun 01 11, 5:45 PM
rayven80 star

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I understand the captain of one of those ships was kicked out of Greenpeace. These people take way too many liberties and someone is going to die if they don't stop. Let the whalers go about their business.

Reply #6. Jun 04 11, 9:20 AM
My wife and I have been watching this show for several years now. We agree with the premis of what they are fighting for but constantly laugh at how inept they are.

Reply #7. Jun 13 12, 7:01 AM
boxjaw star

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rayven. . . Rayven. "Let the whalers go about their business"?

Is that what H. L. Mencken would say?

Reply #8. Jun 21 12, 9:44 AM

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