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Subject: Favorite Muppet?

Posted by: rieker01
Date: Jun 09 11

By far mine is Fozzey bear.

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lorance79 star

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Grover, because his hobbies include saving the world; and Kermit because he's a poet and also because of the "Kermit the FORG t-shirt" skit, which still cracks me up 25 years later :)

Reply #41. Aug 26 12, 12:28 AM
Ceistenna star

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Animal. Have a thing for drummers

Reply #42. Dec 14 12, 8:09 AM

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Kermit because of how he tries so hard to hold the show together, yet somehow thrives on that very aspect of chaos that he's trying to prevent, and Gonzo for his sheer lunacy and bizarre worldview.

Reply #43. Feb 13 13, 2:43 PM

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