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Subject: Best Movie Quotes that made you laugh

Posted by: Tori_2s
Date: Jun 24 11

1. The Movie Airplane:

Ted Striker - "Surely, you can't be serious."

Dr Rumack - "I am serious, and don't call me

2. Crocodile Dundee:

Crocodile Dundee is held up at knife point. He looks at the bad guy and grabs a knife from his boot area and says," Thatâ??s not a knifeâ?¦ THATâ??S a knife. His is about 10 times larger.


Brody has just seen the shark for the first time, moves away from the edge of the boat and says to Quint, "You're going to need a bigger boat." (Yes, that actually made me laugh out loud)

Okay now what quotes can you think of?

11 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Saints2668 star
Airplane... "Excuse me stewardess, I speak Jive."

Reply #1. Jun 26 11, 2:24 PM
turbotude star

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The only ones I seem to remember are those that are quoted over and over again by people who can't come up with their OWN witty phrases.

Some of the best quotes I've heard were not in movies, but in television sitcoms such as Will & Grace, Frasier, 2 1/2 Men, etc. Wish I could remember some of them!

Reply #2. Jun 27 11, 5:44 PM
postal315 star

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Lots of good quotes in the movie "The Edge"

"What one man can do, another can do."

Reply #3. Jun 29 11, 11:08 AM
From Ghostbusters II; Bill Murray's character, Peter Venkman's response to client Dana Barret's uneasiness around an old (soon found out to be possessed) painting:
"You're probably feeling what Vigo's feeling: 'Carpathian Kitten Loss'. He's missed his kitten! We'll just put one in here by the castle."

Reply #4. Jun 29 11, 8:38 PM
From the movie Super 8, "I'm so stoned" " Drugs are so bad!"

Reply #5. Mar 26 12, 7:07 PM
sestovall star

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Ok, one or two of these are cheesy as hell
Bloody Murer
"Oh sure, send me out alone in the woods, with a killer on the loose, named Jason no less, why don't you just pin a sign to my back that says "Please kill next"

When Harry Met Sally
"When I buy a book I always read the last page first, that way, if I die before I finish it, i know how it ends"

Running With Scissors

"According to Hope, Freud died of kitty Leukemia. According to me, Freud died of being trapped in a laundry basket for four days without food or water. "

Reply #6. May 16 12, 8:50 PM
prana star

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"We're gonna need a bigger boat" "Jaws"

Reply #7. May 16 12, 9:15 PM
prana star

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Oops, sorry, my mistake. Missed that.

Reply #8. May 16 12, 9:19 PM
"I am the walrus"

--Big Lebowski, when Donny thinks Walter and the Dude are talking about John Lennon instead of Vlad Lenin.

Reply #9. May 30 12, 1:08 AM
nitram67 star

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There was a really bad campy 'blacksploitation' movie from 1972 starring Ray Milland & Rosey Grier. It was called the 'The Thing With Two Heads'. A rich dying bigot (Milland) wanted to live longer so he paid to have his head transplanted onto a death row killer(Grier). Well Grier's character comes home to his wife & after a few confused looks & questions, she looks at him suggestively and says 'Do you have two of anything else?' I absolutely lost it! Probably the most embarassing movie role for a well-respected actor(Milland) ever.

Reply #10. May 30 12, 7:26 AM
Funniest quote from 'Dinosaurs The Movie'

"I know you Rockies don't have tail-brains like Saurs, but I always thought you had at least ONE brain."

Reply #11. Jul 02 12, 10:04 PM

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