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Subject: Favorite vs least favorite wrestler

Posted by: rieker01
Date: Jun 30 11

I am going to go "old school" on this one, my favorite is Barry Windham. I used to love to watch him push Ric Flair or any of his opponents to the limit. He had the best drop kick I have ever seen. When he turned heel and became a "Horseman" I loved it more. My least favorite has and will always be Hulk Hogan. Sure he has great personality I woun't deny that, but he lacks in ring skill. Come on you knew how the match would end before it started. All that hype for a hack. What about you?

3 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
I agree with Hulk Hogan. He is my least favorite as well. He always annoyed me for some reason. My favorite has pretty much always been the Undertaker. Ive always liked his image and his entrance and the way he dominates his oppenents. Especially in his first year when he was undefeated. And I like his finisher the best. And I of course loved when the Undertaker beat Hulk Hogan for the WWF title (:

Reply #1. Apr 28 12, 6:20 PM
When I was younger I was a big "Dick The Bruiser" fan. Never liked Ernie Ladd, Bobby Heenan, or the Sheik. Somehow the refs never could catch them cheating.

Reply #2. Jan 17 13, 8:57 AM
Waldmaus star
I can't stand Hulk Hogan, never could. He just seems like slimy character, to me. Don't watch wrestling much anymore, but I liked The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Edge.

Reply #3. Jan 17 13, 10:37 AM

3 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
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